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Everything posted by jgbtl292

  1. jgbtl292

    Fix the animations - bring the game to life

    what for a programm is need for animations ? can i made animations for A3 with blender ?
  2. jgbtl292

    Breaking BIS autor wrights???

    maybe we understand us - at gives more then 20 user addons in ARMA II - islands to ! with ported models from other games !
  3. yes and no, not all buildings have a no ruin model counterpart and other buildings have no texture counterpart for a new nice look example the buildings from the fuel stations - the slums ,wrecks, and the trash you can not delete. the weed from the vegetation clutters in towns and fields to. and no interesting things in the towns - shops stores or simple things butchers bakery etc. for a not economic disaster look. or a little shopping mile in kavala or the main town. little souvenir stores etc.
  4. jgbtl292

    Fix the animations - bring the game to life

    climbing coupled with the equipment weight - that is a feature for an infantry based game ;) nice ^^ this are all things for the vanilla version then only can use all this in MP
  5. jgbtl292

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    i have the problem - terrain builder will not start- i see only the box for the directorys ... can nothing do more :/
  6. jgbtl292

    Fix the animations - bring the game to life

    and different animations for different load ;) vests, belt, protected ,heavy or light or nothing ;) mg or rifle ^^ and differend animation for mg or rifle on careless. carless it the mg on on the long arm. for this are the carry handle . and then the animation style coupled with the equipment on the torso ;)
  7. yes 1 the splash size or spreading or whatever its called in english. actual you have the feeling from a M3 not from a gatling gun ^^ and you have no chance to give fire suppression from a ghosthawk. the splash side from the 164 its a joke. and the gatlings on pawnee and hellcat are better fliying rifles :rolleyes: i mean the game has over one year gold stat ..... come one this are basics .....
  8. jgbtl292

    Arma 3: concerns with latent issues

    yes that's is it
  9. yes true - the point is - the look from the textures is complete different outside to the things around ^^ car wrecks and house ruins, weed , unkempt look on all corners a big economic destruction slums and then in the middle a brand new shiny drinks automate who says "hey I'm brand new fresh from the factory" the look needs more wear. so it looks like a foreign body. with this new shiny look better snack weagon's for the editor :D
  10. jgbtl292

    Arma 3: concerns with latent issues

    the game looks like a big construction site, see no basis :( everywhere a little nothing is done ... new features and gamemodes - but no old fundamental things where you can say " it's finished now, now we make and add new things " and about one year after gold status .... bugs in the DEV come into stable. nobody cares ... good new things " no AT shell can kill a house was removed ..... bad new things replaced good old things - new thigns not final - old things come back - new bugs was removed and so soon .... one messed up. one gets the impression, everyone does and is working on what he wants - without ever getting ready. that's is very sad for this really good game that it might be. that's my impression after 14 years
  11. that the old thing with the BIS dudes - not one new realaise model is 100% testet and fixed ^^ all time the same ofp arma arma 1 and 2 and now in 3 . i think they don't realise how much more they work to do with it. and what it poses for a bad picture on their work .....and the more time and more money what it costs. I do not understand what's so hard about to bring a model out , which is completely checked. - textures looks the same to the other camos and colours ? check ! - models all on the right position turret ? check - moving in all directions good ? check ! - animations and weapons work ? check ! - sounds all work ? check - explosions and particle effects work ? check - damage model work ? check ! - crew in the correct position? check ! ok its final we bring it to the DEV version and look for bugs ^^ never you will see this :) äh lool this is bi from czech ^^ and they have a other mentality to quality ;) small examples : remember you the BTR in Arma two - unplayable in the first person , driver has milk class ^^ after two jears or longer they have need to make chance the nice interior to a black hole sight ^^ this was a game breaker for first person dudes - the mhq driving with milk class ... BAF addon - merlin - they have no crew on the copilot seat bug .... and the merlin is the ground model for the Mohawk. and after years you see the same bug in this copter he was never fixed ( now yes after a year :D ) - in army 2 not ^^ and we have many many things in the bug traker, very simple things which looks while playing any ! and there was never fixed ;) after years. in many models from arma 2 and OA you have seen in lower lods the textures from OFP ^^ example the t-72 has in far lods the texture from the t-72 ofp resistance tank ^^ and all that you can save when you test the goodies! and play self with it ;)
  12. jgbtl292

    Locking Targets With Jets

    yes ^^ you can look ground targets with a copter on a longer range to ;) have testet it, you have the 1/3 - 1/2 more range with a copter
  13. jgbtl292

    Fix the animations - bring the game to life

    @ Gattobuono and in your footpatrol video you can see it ;) arma has the problem, then he haves only the animation for soldiers with protected fully loaded vests for all figures ;) that is why look civilians or light loaded people, csat with his light belt ,looks like monkeys
  14. jgbtl292

    Breaking BIS autor wrights???

    looks nice and you can feel the weight of the vehicle :) nice details, already like the tires interact with the underground. sure ? i think no . its mod not a commercial ! look the many ports in arma from other games, aircraft's for example ;)
  15. jgbtl292

    A-164 Wipeout and waypoints

    its the same with the noephon ^^
  16. jgbtl292

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    i hope for an uniform and helmed replacement ^^ for csat and the alien wars combat uniform only for specialists
  17. jgbtl292

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    i have no problem with the alien wars looking CSAT soldiers if they form a small special group in the game. and when the normal soldiers looking a bit more with a normal uniform, clowes, vest and not a pilot helmet ^^ look the freaky helmet from the early french FELIN program - to expensive, to heavy, to impractical and is not in the program more ^^
  18. jgbtl292

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    for dummis like me , i hope we will see little step by steb video toturials on you-tube from the cracks here :cool:
  19. -nord west airport is to short for take off , need a longer runway -currently not usable airfield is west of the center of the island - or maybe a new runway near kavela ( in the south coast valley or in the nord east ). many big missions need a airport in the west ^^ -roll out possibility for wheeled copters. from hangars to the runway or others -runway selection in action bar for AI landings - actual AI land only on the main airport - not good in many missions when the enemy hold this airport ^^ - for the immersion , copter starts only with a copter helmet and pilot suit / jet start only with a jet helmet ad a jet suit ;) same for tanks - no crew outfit no jump in a tank and drive or shot with a good aim ^^ -weapons inventory for chance the load for the mission -use as player inside the vehicle inventory's ( yours and the vehicle inventory ) is bad to go outside for chace items when fly or in a abc you stand under riffle fire ^^ or you will pick up a parachute ^^ -gives the player his luggage at the jump - makes the backpack under the feet in the flight phase. no paratrooper jumps without luggage ^ ^ -for pilots and standard paratroopers - normal parachutes around not controllable. no i make this not in the suggestion tread - is only on tread with over 1000 posts ^^ not one will see it over 2 hours :eek: better make a suggestion forum open ;)
  20. -nord west airport is to short for take off need a longer runway -currently not usable airfield is west of the center of the island ! or maybe a new runway near kavela ( in the south coast valley or in the nord east ). many big missions need a airport in the west ^^ -roll out possibility for wheeled copters. from hangars to the runway or others -runway selection in action bar for AI landings - actual AI land only on the main airport - not good in many missions when the enemy hold this airport ^^ - for the immersion , copter starts only with a copter helmet and pilot suit / jet start only with a jet helmet ad a jet suit ;) same for tanks - no crew outfit no jump in a tank and drive or shot with a good aim ^^ -weapons inventory for chance the load for the mission -use as player inside the vehicle inventory's ( yours and the vehicle inventory ) is bad to go outside for chace items when fly or in a abc you stand under riffle fire ^^ or you will pick up a parachute ^^ -gives the player his luggage at the jump - makes the backpack under the feet in the flight phase. no paratrooper jumps without luggage ^ ^ -for pilots and standard paratroopers - normal parachutes around not controllable. OPS double post please delete one i cant made self no i make this not in the suggestion tread - is only on tread with over 1000 posts ^^ not one will see it over 2 hours :eek: better make a suggestion forum open ;)
  21. jgbtl292

    trees and bushes for zeus

    trees and bushes for zeus - i hope we become the trees and bushes to in zeeus for build good dence woods for missions ;) and a save and time stop option when we using it in the preview at th e editor as an 3d editor ^^ ;)
  22. jgbtl292

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    ?? its a joke or ? ?
  23. -place player in editor -set zeus game master modul -connect the modul with your player go on preview and build on the map ........... all what we need is : a save option after build and a time stop in the preview than we have a 3d editor in the 2d editor ;)
  24. jgbtl292

    AMD Mantle Support possible?

    ops :D FIXED :D :D
  25. jgbtl292

    Zeus Discussion (dev branch)

    in the zeus showcase you can read - greate waypoint with LMB left mouse button - no you can only create waypoints with the RMB right mouse button ^^ ok my soldiers do now - next is put the soldiers in the tank .... and now ? no help text ! nowhere to be read what i must press on buttons for put the soldiers in the tank ^^ after 20 min i have give up and closed the showcase :j: