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Everything posted by jgbtl292

  1. jgbtl292

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    lol go in a abc or a tank other wahtever as driver or commander. give him no ammo and set a other tank in the map with no ammo . set all two tank in a 100m circle. give the enemy tank a waypoint over the map. start the map. now give your gunner the enemy tank as target - and look ^^ he follow the enemy tank with the gun - behind hills towns woods - no problem for the ai ;) make your eyes open ^^ when the ai locket you as a target - then he can see your ways behinds objects hills !when he locket you as target . not when he see you only short !!!!
  2. jgbtl292

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    go in a warfare mission - then go option - unitcam - iron sight. and you see - the ai has no breath , no effect for wounded or stance ! he shoot alltime in all condition's deadly. when a ai have you as target locket - then gives for the ai not more objekts for block the sight - he see you all time ! behind of houses, towns , hills he will follow you with a direct sight line or with no sight on you, is the same ^^ the ai has only different aimbot stances - when the ai have the stance for , shoot him in his head select - then shoot the ai you in your head ;) 20 50 150 or 200 meter or longer no problem the ai aimbot is on your head for the first shoot. only the distance and your move ( the bullet time for that way ) can save you. that is the problem with the AI ;) ai is a real cheater ;)
  3. i miss in the game the move slow in all directions command for my avatar. we have only a slow forward command no a slow left right rear command for playing. you go slow forward and look in your options - you will go on the corner, a little bit more left / right - and now you make a big step .... i think was a better solution to make with the slow forward command, a command the same as move fast or move normal in all directions. with the avatar. press a the key slow forward and you can move all the time slowly and not only forward .. ai driving - the same for ai, i have move / move fast - no command more for move slow for my driver ! in all other series we have that command , why not more in arma 3 ? and anew key for drive fast as the ai run / walk , was nice ! for a ambush with your infantry ... with you ifv or abc - is this a needed command in the battle ;) your buddies drive with the infantry ! not the infantry run with the vehicles all the time. and the the driver say - lol look the idiots faster faster ) short - the old ai driver command for move slow is needed a new command for drive so fast a your infantry is walking running is needed. a key for yourself for move slow, all the time is needed ( press double slow forward ad look the speed for all directions maby a solution ) - not only slow forward ( im not sure i think we have this command in the other game series to )
  4. no - when then only a short time - he goes all time back in the scan horizon mode !
  5. jgbtl292

    AI ignoring commands when in combat...

    and now the question ! why is this ;) the tvt pvp was go down with ofp - arma 1 - because bis has make nothing or have need to many time for fix the MP !! this is not because coop is the most liket gamepart !!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the result from a fail mp fixing on the start from the final games and then to many time to fix it ;)
  6. yes slow forward is the slowest as you can in the game, left right is only the normal speed all the time. no option for slow in all directions more - same in the AI commands now ^^ no options in the configurations more .... only drive forward and drive fast forward is the same with the stop scan horizon -in ofp /arma1 we have the command - in arma 2 and 3 he cut this command. and now you have a problem when you command your guner - scan horizon :D he will newer stop this action - deadly .... when you give that command all in a mistake
  7. jgbtl292

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    waht for anti tank Terminators ? the problem is you need 3-4 missels for tank :p and no your a not a terminator ! this is ... uhmmmmmm. i have 95 kg in my pathfinder packpack and yes maby a pzf3 to !!!!!!!!!!!! an no im not a 2m men with 120 kg crack ---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ---------- and in the training is not a nogo than have all paratroopers a pzf3 or a anti tank weapons on the men - in a szenario with many armor
  8. jgbtl292

    Enemy AI and buildings

    and when its only a modul and the placed ai cant run or other - only hold and defent here position - i say yes yes yes !!! look the campaign .... 3-4 ai stand in th area and wait of you ...... not one good defend position all stay in the villages on the street and make to pick one's nose ... sandbags in a window with a mg gunner snipers in the roofs - guys who hold his possiton behind a fence or corner ... thats make immersion ;) not ai run as a chicken on the streets ....
  9. jgbtl292

    Priority of Bugfixing and features of BIS

    the problem is in my eyes - the same as in a2 to a2 oa - when you bring essential thing later is the game wirh a dlc . them have only the new things the new features ,,, same is thermal textures in a2 ao - only ao has it the other new stuff not .... ---------- Post added at 07:10 ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 ---------- true true true 100% i play the game with the ofp demo start. i have all dlc and the others ... and no - i play no boring sandbox sp with small editor missions with strange ai . 98 % i play tvt or cti in arma then the last years since 2001. te only campain was i playes to th end was the ofp campian red hammer and resistance. the other was ...not so nice. i dont a plan why bis made the playing models and side models only fpr sp or coop - the coop comunity is only so big in arma - then the rest is not optimal !!!ofp - arma - arma 2 the Infantry gameplay.) because bis will this not see ? the game liv from the multiplayer not from a editor wehre you need days for set your correct buildings ( no 3d placement ) and no good help for neebys ^^ . this is because the mp part is terrible!! . look the very fast sunk numbers of mp players in arma3 - this is not because all play sp - that is because the terrible perfomance in this mode ! and this is not because all play in the editor with himself ..... thats the point ! sry for my bad english ---------- Post added at 07:38 ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 ---------- not one has say to your mission maker - he place all vehikles on the map ! is good for the most - when you not need - then not use it ;) not all will play the dark big player - propagande terrorist lie wars
  10. jgbtl292

    Altis map - planned changes

    the old thing from the bis maps - forests are not forests ^^ more place to hide my tanks in forests with ways inside- was nice . more bushes ! on the edge from the forests. is all time the same - in a ofp/arma forest i can see from one to the other side - no hiding place inside. you park hq in a wood for hide ? no problem to see it from the copter or from the ground .... and the comonets does not here jop - is no camo work in visible function. better woods more bushes on the forest edges - higher trees ! and give us comonets ^^ the what we have do all not camo for hide ^^ no problem to see the net in a forest of 3 km on the map :D maby camonet with naturals camo ;)
  11. jgbtl292

    Double your FPS

    what have the marketing kings make with your brains ..... your human eye cant see more than 25-28 frame in the second ..... 30 or 40 or 60 or 1000 fps is for your eye the same ;) same thing off the super new over hd - is hard one the edge what your eye ad your brain can make. 10 000 x 8000 pixels in the future or on a super cam with 12megapixel is absolutely a marketing shit. your eye cant more see than 4000x4000 pixel per pic holy world your goes very fast deeper and deeper .....
  12. the only fly over sound , from rockets after the burnout phase, is the cable roll up sound from wire guided missiles like titan or Tow ,hot, milan , eurospike in cable mode.....
  13. jgbtl292

    AI ignoring commands when in combat...

    jip tzhe same with the drivers- is a enemy near you have no chance more to give commands. 7-4 will no more ... and the driver drive horribe direckt in the enemy ^^ or go a very wide way around ^^ what will you commander piss off i make my game :D or better you drive the tank or abc or what ever. the gunner fired fired and then middle in the battle - he goes with the cannon on the direcktion froom enemy - but he don#t fire on them ..... and with a ai dirver in a battle in a urban area is .... puh or you go in a boat as driver - you are the leader from the group ! you go on commander place and the driver hear not more off your commands ... he drives to a other side ... no chance to command him.
  14. jgbtl292

    Tanks are... Kinda weak...

    bullsh.t the space is for two wounded soldiers to bring them back in a save zone with no backpacks !! and not for an full equipment grenadier group ;) is not an ifv when you make the space for the group then you have a very very low ammo in the tank !
  15. jgbtl292

    Tanks are... Kinda weak...

    and the funny not exist place in the model for 6 full loaded soldiers ^^
  16. 1 - inventory not for use when player sit in a car ,copter ,tank - ass in infantry focused game its better i can use my inventory on the way to the target ;) or in a save place in a battle then outisde - in a copter is this the must have ! 2- copters and paratroopers - now im on the way to the battle and i must jump with no backpack !!?? focus is on infantry now - then give the paratroopers here backbacks - and the copter a inventory when the the soldiers sit in. 3 - inventory for the ammo load in armored vehicles. i am the commander in my tank, i have the plan for the next battle, when the enemy has no tanks then e need no or a lower Ap load in my tank. then i need more HE 4 - al little more sight in tanks and apc - the black hole .... little more half left - half right sight for the driver !!!!!!!! 5- i can not see is the number 6- 8 - 9 the fond is terrible ! 6- better icons for the ai bar - is hard to see where is driver - the dudes in the load have the same pic !! make a pic with a chair for the dudes in the load. 7- more then ten ai in the ai bar - we have the space now in big monitors in 2013 ;) - maby for one tank one pic ! the commander. all other / driver - gunner / you command over the commander in the vehicle 8- pip for driving cam in the armored cars for the driver 9- better armor simulation .... an apc eat 6 or more AP - ( yes for abc we have he ) a ap makes more damge ! than this was we have on a abc - its not a truck ^^ 10 - no high res texture on enter able hex walls / hex tunnel 11- no entering of the hex watch tower 12 - we need a HQ vehicle in the vanilla game for many game modes with a tent for deploying 13 - thermal sight in the rain or fog is real terrible ;) 14- the solar panels are not destroyable - the ai drive in and come not out ^^ 15- many stone walls kill the ai - the broke his wheels all the time . all wheeled cars need a chance your wheels function. 16- set the ai on scan horizon - and he will never end this action. bring the stop scan horizon button from ofp BACK 17- more military things for mission builders - radar sights and others - the radar in the etitor ist not a radar ! is a mobile send mast ..... and military tends 18- backpacks for paratroopers ! cant finish the mission all my batttle load is in the copter .. and when the copter must land to bring the paratroopers her explosives, granades and others then i need no paratroopers ^^ 19- new add for the artillery computer . a button for the splash wide - and ellipse or better a small long splash side for streets ;) 20- mines on the arty are to many - for 155mm arty you have no ap mines and never at mines ! this ist for rocket arty !! and then not hundred of mines ..... 21- ammo boxes for static launchers and gmg mg 22- sunglasses with function 23- to heavy load in the slammer - normal is the space for 2 wounded infantry - now you can put in in the mbt 6 full loaded soldiers ... where is the space for this ^^ is a little freaky 24 ai shoting to hard - normal you have a fire open line from 200 m with no optics and 300m with optics . for DMR 600m now all shot on 600 m or higher and the normal soldier is a special marksman ^^ on the unit cam you can see the ai have no breat they shot all time accurate. the ai can see you all time behind walls houses hills ^^ a litte tweak was nice // 0.3 seconds, you look with the half from your head over a wall - and 6 ai, and all look in a other direction . fire on you absolute deadly ^^ later the others ....
  17. the feedback tracker is ... is for nothing ^^ and to full with we need womens and others ;) and i cant open or vote or other in the tracker ! only read i have no registration butttons ore others ...
  18. jgbtl292

    ArmA 3 1.04.111668 (update feedback)

    @hkflash amd 955 tweak to 4x 3.8 gig ati radeon 6900 with 2 gb ram 8gb ddr 3 ram gigabyte ga ma790xt-ud4p mainbord
  19. jgbtl292

    ArmA 3 1.04.111668 (update feedback)

    unplayable now for me - the 3d clouds make a massive grafik bug on my system the disaple 3d cloud button remove in the options is a terrible thing. - ( only in arma ) and now i will not buy a new 400 card for this game . http://www.nworesist.de/wp-content/images/fel3.jpg (676 kB) http://www.nworesist.de/wp-content/images/fel1.jpg (383 kB) on altis is the bug on the half from the buildings to ^^ unplayable weapon and hand in first person to .... and now arma ? i have no 500 bugs for a good new card and not for this unfinaly buggy game with a mp performance to wine. thx bis thx .......
  20. jgbtl292

    Tanks tanks tanks...PROBLEMS!

    120mm or 135mm has nothing to do with the power of the under caliber ke penetrator ! is only a different in the bigger HE rounds. a 5kg ke arrow is a 5kg ke arrow ;)
  21. and 2035 is not a future dream mix from wweapons and not one can more than the old weapons in arma 1- 2 ^^ . 2035 its full networket combat - with the hq soft and hardkill systems on battle vehikles combatsystems for infantry aka warrior -US / fist -GB / -felin FR-/ idz es -GER video and thermals sights for Mg and handweapons headubdisplays hunter killer in tanks and and and many more :) and all this is in the war factories, not one need a dreamsweapon ^^ aka compact titan lauscher with a huge range and wonder fuel . eurospike ;) javelin 2 ;) and a sandbox - press the mission maker not in situation - with this 2 big and one small ( green ) fraktion . a sandbox give you the room for tech vs terror or tech vs tech or a word war 3 ( we have the small begin in syria now in the middle sea ) in my eyes true ?
  22. diversity ! is missing . the same weapon stations on all sides . the same 30 mm turret on red and green , the same titan launcher by all- the same stationary mg by all- the same MBT chassis an mbt AA and Arty on blue - the same MBT chassis for mbt aa arty on red . the same turret from arty and aa on blue and red ..... more ? the same boats on all sides - the same the same the same ..... this is the main point from the disaster for me it`s the non nato tank on nato side, the otherthing ... as a option ok . alone never ..... we has more as 7 mainbattle tanks in the nato and the main are the m1 ( ok we have it alle the time in arma ) and the leopard in this many versions . - i hope green ( greek side ) will give it leopart a5 hell and the pzh2000 arty later . we have more than 5 copters with anti tank capability in the nato. and we have only a anti air comanche ^^ and the east side have a flying wonder battleship with huge cargo options ....
  23. jgbtl292

    Reality Check

    no problem with it very very weakly armed jet - if it is an option to other in the fraction - not alone no problem with it copy and paste or fantasize weapons on each side - if it is an option, to other in the fraction weapons in the fraktion - not this is all what your side have have in a vanilla version no problem with the light commance ( and the other fraktion have a heavy all kill copter with load capability ) if it is an option to other in the fraction and not a full unbalanced air fight park. you know bohemia ? thats all ! I think someone like I think of operation flashpoint .... that was a weapon mix - dream .... tanks with interior ... a light and a heavy tank on all two main sides .... copters / at weapons / ifV and jets in balance an all twoe sides ..... ..... bis you know ? that was a weapon mix for single plaer pvp coop and all the others .... that was your game ! you can this !!!!
  24. jgbtl292

    Too many destroyed cars in Altis

    yes - sandbox neutral . the car wrecks blocket the streets and the ai has big problems with it. an i can not clean the street with a tank ... the cars more a big stone thats not so good ---------- Post added at 06:11 ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 ---------- better destroyed cars modul in the editor. and the mission makers ( its a sandbox or ;) ) have more free room for scenarios
  25. that the point ---------- Post added at 05:38 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ---------- thats the point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i only play mp - and 95% have no mod tanks or other stuff ---------- Post added at 05:44 ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 ---------- and now ? what is this then .... its old models ( no problem ) with old textures ( mhhhh...... ) with old function ( problem ) little reworket - ok , and i quiet ---------- Post added at 05:49 ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 ---------- and the same boats and all cars / abc / spped boats have the same weapon stations an all sites , russian arty turret on all side, aa turret an all sites . same aa rockets on alle sides .......................... ---------- Post added at 05:52 ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 ---------- and then ? most servers have it not, most servers vanilla ! no more : the community make it. all the years, all the god models tanks jet have you see it online ? the most live from the modelers work is this - editor on, fly drive , oh nice .. and that is all !