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Heavy Metal

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Everything posted by Heavy Metal

  1. Heavy Metal

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    Fix the Vista 3GB memory limitation.
  2. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed v0.36 released

    Now, Blood, Sweat and Tears was pretty good.
  3. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    *sets alarm clock* You're loving this arent you? Â It turnt out there were more bugs. We fixed most of them. Perhaps you could bribe the remaining bugs to give up in exchange for that vodka?
  4. Heavy Metal

    ATARI Dead...Arma Dead Too?

    Repeat after me: Business loans are not subprime mortgages. If you are going to dole out opinions on the economy, it would help if you understood what your are talking about instead of parroting talking points. Individual business fail during the best of times. Â Unless you know something specific about the decisions upper level management made regarding Atari, all you are doing is repeat the same wild-ass guess. If there were a fundamental economic weakness, it would not be just Atari. Occams razor tells us that this is most proabally some bad past business decisions coming home to roost.
  5. Heavy Metal

    reloading and changing weapons in Arma

    The real world ideal is to reload under cover and not in the open. If you find yourself with an empty weapon the first immeadiate action should be to seek cover.
  6. Heavy Metal

    ATARI Dead...Arma Dead Too?

    Walker, You seriously need to loosen that tinfoil a bit.
  7. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    Fist of all, the M16A4, not the A3 replaced the M16A2 in the Marines, the M4 replaced it in the Army. Like the A2, it is 3 round burst only. The Army standardized on the M4, the Marines on the full length M16A4 The M16A3 is a very, very, very limited issue item. (think some special forces). Most SF types use an M4 or M4 variant. BTW, even though the Army type accepted the M16A2 in 1983, they still did not take delivery of production quantites until 1986. And replaced is better read as 'started to replace while older rifles continue to serve until replaced many years later'.
  8. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    It is true that almost no Army units would have had M16A2's in 1985. Much less any garrison in a backwater area like CWC takes place in. The M-16A1 would be far, far more peroid correct. My qualification rifle during basic was an M-16A1 and that was in 1990.
  9. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    Have you had any problems with the updated AI breaking scripts?
  10. Heavy Metal

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    Forgive me if this has been asked but does this include remakes of the missions as well as the campaign? I loved Ambush. It represented to me the heart and soul of OFP.
  11. Heavy Metal

    James Gastovski Blog

    http://1985.armedassault.com/wp-cont...._14.JPG Chest pouches should be worn around the chest and not the waist. Anyways, those are a Chicom model chest pouch. Â I think suspenders and the standard three mag and four stripper clip belt pouch would be correct for the peroid. Tantal's collectors source is a good place to find peroid info. Â Check the links at the top of the page for mor einfo. http://tantal.kalashnikov.guns.ru/bstfieldgear.html
  12. Heavy Metal

    first secondary mission

    You can get more rockets(rounds) for the AT4 out of the boat that just dropped you off. Â You do not have to start with only three. Put the satchel on the boat and carry as many rockets as you can plus one mag for the rifle.
  13. Heavy Metal

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    Anybody here remember the movie "Big Jake"? "Who are you?" "Placebo." "I thought you were dead?" Placebo: "Not hardly!"
  14. Heavy Metal

    Vista64 w/4gig of ram black screen  **FIX*

    If I revert to a 15x series driver it works with 4 Gig. If I upgrade to 16x series, it stops working. What changed? The driver. Who changed it? Nvidia.
  15. Heavy Metal

    Vista64 w/4gig of ram black screen  **FIX*

    This is an NVIDIA driver issue. The 15x.xx series did not have this issue. PS, it will work with 3gb, you only need to pull one stick.
  16. Heavy Metal

    James Gastovski Blog

    It seems that James G's rememberances of his fun in 1985 will be our way of getting info on Cold War Reamred.
  17. Heavy Metal

    black screen when starting?

    Remove one stick of ram or revert your drivers to a 15X.XX series.
  18. Heavy Metal

    Vista Black load screen?

    163.11 gives me black screens and then hazy grey ones with distorted icons. Totally unplayable.
  19. Heavy Metal

    Forceware 162.22 Beta for Vista

    E6700 Vista64 P5N32-e Deluxe 4GB Titanium OCZ 8800 GTX Ocz And neither of these drivers work for me in the game. I get corrupt icons at the island screen and a blue grey haze where the land and water should be. I did everything I could to clean my old drivers too. Tried everything. Old drivers work. These don't.
  20. Heavy Metal

    3 point sling?

    The current state of the art in tactical slings is the blue force gear Vickers Tactical adjustible two point sling. Thats what I run on my rifles. Three point slings are a mess and tangle in everything. Single point slings are great for transitions if worn for only a short time but wear you out.
  21. Heavy Metal

    FPS stuck on 60

    Turn your refresh rate up to at least 85. 60 is hella slow.
  22. Heavy Metal

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    I doubt that the survivability improvements are the major reason for less helicopters downed due to small arms fire. It probably has 99% to do with the nature of both combatants, their operating procedures, and training than anything nuts-n-bolts about the aircraft. So you think ballistic armor, ballistic glass, redundant systems all are trivial in the grand scheme of things when comparing a totally unarmored second generation transport like a UH-1 with a third generation transport like the UH-60 Blackhawk which was designed with the ability to absorb small arms fire as a primary requirment?
  23. Heavy Metal

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    Try arguing with fact and data instead of anecdote and speculation. The plural of anecdote is not data.
  24. Heavy Metal

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    What the hell are you yaking about? Â You cite two examples with zero context and expect us to be impressed when it is apparent you are incapable of correctly assessing your own data? Yep, out of tens of thousands of sorties flown during that timeframe, we lost two...........two........two. Â Granted, that might be a bit worse that the traffic accident fatality rate in the Washington DC metro area for the same timeframe but not by a whole lot. We lost 4900 Hueys during Vietnam. Â Our loss ratio to small arms fire has dropped by more than a factor of a hundred thnnks to the Blackhawk's survivability improvements. You know it helps you post if you know what your are talking about before you hit the 'add reply' button. Â There are plenty of websites that expalin the improvements in survivability of the Blackhawk versues the Huey and Google is your friend. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/h-60.htm
  25. Heavy Metal

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    In the real world, littlebirds are small and highly maneuverable, very hard to hit. Rarely does one get shot down. Comparing the armor on the systems of a Blackhawk and comparing the armor on a Vietnam vintage Huey is like comparing a the armor on a T-34 with a T-72. The Blackhawk is loaded with all kinds of ballistic protection that was designed in from the get-go as a response to the shortcomings of the UH-1 vis a vi small arms fire. It is specifically designed to be highly immune to the effects of small arms fire.