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About Ghost

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    Master Sergeant

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    Cars, Guns, Women, Milsim, Flightsim.

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  1. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Updated Enemy Assault again. Enjoy! changes: -Improved Cargo Slingload. You can now select type of helicopter and weight is displayed for lift objects as well as max lift weight of helicopters -Added tracking marker to air support aircraft -Helicopter transport can now select transport type and escort type -Helicopter Transport can now move to water locations like freedom and Liberty and land more reliably -Player Vehicles now spawn with camo nets -Objective Artillery and Anti-air may spawn with camo nets -Fixed optional Player IFF param -Vehicle Lists should now show Different vehicle camo types ie Olive and Sand -Fixed maxPlayers to reflect actual playable slots **EDIT** Uploaded a Hotfix for a typo issue 0046Z
  2. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    I was thinking about changing the mission name format. What kind of format would be best? I was thinking about dropping the version number from the filename. Does anyone care about the version since it is on the steam workshop?
  3. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Thank you for playing and your support. Already working on improving the helicopter transport and sling load systems.
  4. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Enemy Assault updated to ver 080819. Also ported mission to Livonia map. All can be found on my steam workshop. Changes: -Added some Contact objects and assets -Made PUAV available to the UAV operator -Adjusted UAV Operator Call-ins -Various minor tweaks -Added move units action to load units into cargo, driver, gunner, and turret positions of vehicles -Move units action to load into vehicles will not be shown until near a vehicle (20m) -Added Zloadout to change aircraft loadouts -Added spawn infantry option at base for group leaders -Added group HALO if you are group leader and have AI units -Added ladder on back on Freedom with action to move to Freedom to help units get out of the water -Helicopter cargo airlift can now be used to transport a sling load to a specified destination
  5. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Working on another update to Enemy Assault. Have it ported to Livonia already just trying to test. Not a lot of big changes so far but one big thing is the ability to move units into cargo,driver,gunner, and turrets instead of relying on AI to find their way to the vehicle. Here are the current changes -Added some Contact objects and assets -Made PUAV available to the UAV operator -Adjusted UAV Operator Call-ins -Various minor tweaks -Added move units action to load units into cargo, driver, gunner, and turret positions of vehicles -Move units action to load into vehicles will not be shown until near a vehicle (20m) -Added Zloadout to change aircraft loadouts -Added spawn infantry option at base for group leaders -Added group HALO if you are group leader and have AI units -Added ladder on back on Freedom with action to move to Freedom to help units get out of the water
  6. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Enemy Assault For Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, Malden updated. As always the missions can be played with regular vanilla - No Mods Required. You can find them on the steam workshop. [ 16 MAR 2019 ] Changes: -Added Different Ammo Drop types. Full Arsenal and Magazines only Arsenal -Added missing respawn for Starting Ammo Crates -Improved object respawn. Used on Ammo Crates. Should respawn on ship properly -Adjust Side Missions to no longer be a "clear" task. Now act similar to normal objectives with random tasks -Added Another option for helicopter transport -Improved Cargo and Ammo Drop Scripts for more accurate drop -Fixed issue With UAV List showing other faction UAVs -Fixed issue with UAV spawning
  7. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    recruitment is at the halo board. Not sure why the darter isnt working for you. What map and what class are you playing?
  8. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Overall how is everyone liking the updates?
  9. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Enemy Assault For Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, Malden updated. This is sort of a Hotfix. Some of the maps werent setup the same and had some errors with default gameplay. As always the missions can be played with regular vanilla - No Mods Required. You can find them on the steam workshop. [ 23 FEB 2019 ] Changes: -Fixed issue with transport heilcopter escort not following transport on rtb -Improved putting task objects in buildings. should error out less -Added ACE Arsenal when ACE mod is active -Adjusted some objects on ships -Fixed Error for default enemy type choice
  10. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Enemy Assault For Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, Malden updated. Now supports ACE automatically. Just run the server and clients with ACE and Mission will activate some ACE features/settings automatically. As always the missions can be played with regular vanilla - No Mods Required. You can find them on the steam workshop. [ 22 FEB 2019 ] Changes: -Added ACE detection -Added ACE features if ACE is active and removes redundant systems -Added more manual locations to specific maps -Imroved Respawn Tent spawning and deletion -UAV Terminal now has disabled access for all ship Turrets -Added random boat sentries near objectives -Improved unitlist filter -Added ability to select enemy type to fight, default random
  11. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Looking good for an ACE compatible version. I should be able to have the same missions be compatible both vanilla and ace without having to do another separate mission file. Hope to have some testing and more tweaks ready for update in the next few weeks.
  12. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    Enemy Assault For Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, Malden updated. Change version number to date of release to make things more simple. Im sure I missed something and I am always tweaking so more updates to come as i find time. I will also be doing ACE compatible versions sometime soon. They will be separate mission files due to requirements of ACE. Changes: -Fixed issue with personal uav not starting at proper height and being destroyed -Fixed issue with Dynamic Groups not working properly -Updated Halo system - uses engine system instead of BIS_fnc_halo - improved -Added ability to deploy Chute when falling from over 100m even if you do not have a parachute backpack -Fixed Zeus -Various other tweaks adjustments as always
  13. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    I have some fixes and improvements for Enemy Assault. I want to test it some more but time is an issue. I was thinking about just releasing to steam workshop and wait for feedback. I have made the mission files so that you can practically just copy paste to any map and of course some of the in game editor objects markers are required as well. I have used this method for all of the default islands. I have tested altis and malden but tanoa and stratis have not been tested more than a quick run. Any thoughts? Some of the changes so far; -Fixed issue with personal uav not starting at proper height and being destroyed -Fixed issue with Dynamic Groups not working properly -Updated Halo system - uses engine system instead of BIS_fnc_halo - improved -Added ability to deploy Chute when falling from over 100m even if you do not have a parachute backpack -Fixed Zeus
  14. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    sorry all. was never able to fully test some things and patches change things randomly. I have not been able to do much with ArmA 3 lately and doesnt look like I will have much time in the future. Real Life just getting in the way. any and all constructive suggestions are welcomed. I know the carrier change my not be ideal in some ways but i feel like it opens up more of the map for more awesome locations. Would be nice to be able to choose a base location at start via mapclick or a mp params option but that would be a lot of work and may not work out as well as needed. Let me know what you guys think. I have been wanting to explore the possibility of another dynamic spawning like the random patrol script i have but for buildings. I do not want to increase the amount of units on the map at any one time but a system where it spawns as needed and maybe cleans up when player is too far away like the patrol script. Problems currently are: Units spawning in front of player or too near Another constantly running script multiple units potentially spawning in one house location due to conflicts with other spawn scripts Have the system per player or 1 overall like the random patrol system. I as many of you may know love randomness. The more random, the more options, tasks, variety the better imo. I really liked the idea of the insurgent missions where grids would clear and units spawned as needed but that was very tasking on performance due to all the triggers and background scripts running. also the potential for spawning in front of the player is always there. I also like the ability to engage targets at distance and that wouldnt be possible with dynamic spawning systems. These systems would have to be 50-100m or so distance otherwise might as well not use them. If anyone has any input on the is matter other than using some system like alive or eos then let me know. I need to reinvent the wheel with this because I need to be able to adjust for my needs with ease and fix issues when updates come out. Thank you all and I hope you like some of the changes and direction the mission is going.
  15. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    I am only updating through steam. As those updates happen you will see it automatically in steam.