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Everything posted by gazmen

  1. gazmen

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Well nobody will air-attack a base without sending first Black Op to recon & to burn defense with C4 or to mark target (1985)... Now, 2007, Marking target could be done with G.P.S recon sat... After all, in OFP campaign, James Gastovski was send to blow up air defense, after that begin the A-10 air assault... Also this was in 1985 now they probably send Tomahawk, to those target... Rather than sending plane with real people inside... I had made a map using BOH tomahawk destroying dozen AA defense tungunska & shilka... Since the limitation of OFP engine, the Tunguska & Shilka attack on target at time, so if you send 3 tomahawk for each AA-tank at same time, the AA base defense would surely be cleaned... I don't know the cost of a tomahawk but even launching four of them for a target well be cheaper than sending an F35 or AH64...
  2. Can anyone create night vision goggle using Black & White colour (like in Splinter Cell II) instead of the ugly green color...
  3. gazmen

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    I would like to ear the explanation of Develloper here... I'm not able to play, we need a stable game...
  4. Are you speaking for yourself or even for B.I.S... I am not a BIS employee, so I cannot speak on their behalf. I speak on the behalf of the project. Remember: Even though we are backed by BIS, we are not paid or employed by them, or anyone, for doing this project. The point is, you asked us to make a whole bunch of sides as a part of CWR, wich we wont do because its not a part of the project, as it was not a part of OFP.  If I'm asking this is to add better compatibility, between ancient addons  & ARMA (BIS said that the OFP addons should normaly be compatible with ARMA, but problem of SIDE, modele [P3D] & texture [PAA] caused bug & incompatibility)... Also by adding OFP (C.R.E.W) side to ARMA (C.L.E.R), the addons would be better manage... By adding those OFP camp in editor : It would be able to experiment new battle : - C.E.I (Est) & EURO (Blufor) - ROYAL [uK, CW] (opfor) vs USA (West) - EURO vs Afrika (RESISTANCE) - LAS (Far & Middle-East) vs C.E.I (Est)... So it would add a lot of fun...
  5. gazmen

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    So you agree that hit a chopper with main gun is possible, rather than use the AA 0,50 This is a problem caused by the lack of support of furtivity to radar & ir value in CPP, also the plane & choppper don't have chaff, flare or radar scrambler... What should be aded in CPP for plane & chopper : Furtivity_value_to_wave :   - Acoustic      furtivity_to_Sound= 3 (ear audible sound)   - Sonic (Sonar)      furtivity_to_Sonar= 3 (sonar)   - Radar      furtivity_to_RADAR = 1.2 (Radio Freq)   - Micro Wave      furtivity_to_MASER= 1.2 (Micro Wave freq)   - Infra-Red      furtivity_to_IR = 2   - Psychic      furtivity_to_Psy = 2  (detection by soldier & psy, sensation look UFO : Afterlife)   - Visual      furtivity_to_Eye= 2  (visual : recognizability standart light)   - Laser,   - Electromagnetique U.V      furtivity_to_UV = 2   - Electromagnetique Black Light   - Electromagnetique X-Ray      furtivity_to_XR = 2  (X-Ray)   - Electromagnetique Gamma Ray      furtivity_to_GR = 2  (Gamma Ray)   - Electromagnetique Unknown      furtivity_to_Electromagetic = 5 (other frequencys)
  6. gazmen

    beep beep beep

    STUPID no DUMBEST BEAST trying to kill using high tech weapons
  7. gazmen

    Everon 0.1

    It'is a part of the official CWC to ARMA REARMED project ?
  8. gazmen

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Pray that Skynet don't take controle of Computer IA tanks & Plane et chopper, & begin to exterminate human races... If the I.A is so strong we allready losed (Terminator, Matrix)
  9. gazmen

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    This one of reason why BAS had added High Dispersion Mag & Values to the JAM_magazines, to simulate real life behavior...
  10. Are you speaking for yourself or even for B.I.S...
  11. gazmen

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Know that nothing is impossible, if you had said to a WW2 marine that one day he would be able to shoot somehone at 2.300 m with a sniper, he would probably said that you are crazy. "Impossible n'est pas français" (Impossible is not french) "A coeur vaillant rien d'impossible" (to braveheart nothing impossible) French citation The american says no one can shot down a F-117 but the Yougoslave do it... For my self in OFP i have shot down numerous chopper, it's easy when they are not to near, when they move above you to make a rotation to attack again they keep the same path, when they are at 300m shoot a sabot just above the rotor, and boom, shooted... I have even do it one time with a L.A.W but is very difficult... Of course if they (choppers) are at 8km, in autohover mode {thing that I.A niver do}, in the night, scanning with thermal & night vision, helped by intelligence Recon Sat (G.P.S) marking the target and If you are in middle of the road in the desert, in a night without cloud, the chance to hit the chopper or survive to his attack would be quite lower. But if a tank abram rolling at 70km can hit on ground an other T-80 moving at same speed, I don't understand why a a static hided tank will not be able to hit a chopper in air... In real life is perhaps more difficult... But this is only a "game" (recruiting propaganda simulation to be exact)... Of course for Iraki Tank, hiding in the desert is not possible, but If you are in europe you surely be able to hide your tank on vegetation... And shot down a chopper that would not see you...
  12. gazmen

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    I didn't have this crash on 1.5 since i have installed in 1.7 my game crash after 5 or 10 min playing. What is annoying, is during reboot XP need to scan my HD... 5 min spended each time...
  13. Nice idea : Still I was not happy that ARMA don't support OFP Addons, due to the fact that the texture & OFP P3D were missing... Also in CPP, bis replaced the OFP side by ARMA side using same values, what could cause conflict... What would be great is that BIS change the value of CPP adding the new side of ARMA with those of OFP, when update for ARMA woulbe be available They could keep the ancient from O.F.P & add new camp... Example   - BluEfor - Euro (G36 & FAMAS, Marder, Leopard, Leclerc, Tiger serie, Eurofighter) {Catholique} [Armed Assault]   - R.A.S : Royal Army Corps of Sahrani - U.K or C.W - INDEPENDANT (L85A2 & SA80, Stryker, Chalenger) {Protestant} [Armed Assault]   - L.A.S : Libération Army of Sahrani - OPFOR - MIDDLE-EAST or Asia (AK74, BMP2, T72, MI24, SU25, MIG29) {Islam} [Armed Assault]   - WEST - U.S.A/N.A.T.O (M4, M2A2, M1A2, AH64, F22, F117, B2) {Unknow} [Operation Flashpoint]   - EAST - Soviet (AK74M, BMP3, T80, MI28, MIG31, SU34) {Orthodoxe} [Operation Flashpoint]   - RESISTANCE - Africa (AK47, BMP, T55, Serie, MIG25) {Unknown} [Operation Flashpoint]   - CIVIL   - ASIA {Buddhist}   - HINDU-PAERTHIAN {Hindousim, Zoroastrism} Please, could you add those new side in C.P.P sous forme de : //Group Types //    #define TEast 0    #define TWest 1    #define TGuerrila 2    #define TCivilian 3    #define TEuro 8    #define TIndia 9    #define TSla 10 (Indepedant)    #define TRAC 11 (UK & CW)    #define TAsia 12 (Indepedant)    #define TSideUnknown 4    #define TEnemy 5    #define TFriendly 6    #define TLogic 7 C.E.I : EAST in OFP    Weapons : AK74M or AK100 serie, PKM, KSVK, Dragunov SVD-M    Tank : BMP3, T80...    Plane : MI-28, SU-30, MIG-29 U.S.A : WEST in OFP    Weapons : M4, M24, M240, M256    Tank : M2A2, M1A1...    Plane : AH-64, AV-8, F-22 AFRIKA : RESISTANCE in OFP [b.A.S]    Weapons : AK47 serie, PK    Tank : BMP1, T55    Plane : MI-17 C.E.EYRO : BLUFOR in ARMA    Weapons : G36, G3, FAMAS, STEYR, BERRETA, H&K MSG, HECATE...    Tank : Leclerc, Leopard, Stryker...    Plane : Eurofighter, Tiger... U.K & C.W : OFPOR Royal Army Corps of Sahrani in ARMA (C.W : U.K + Canada + Australia & Others [monarchic Protestant State])    Weapons : L85A1 and L85A2 , L86A1 - SA-80, AWP    Tank : Challenger, Landrover 88, FV-432    Plane : MIDDLE-EAST INDEPENDANT Liberation Army of Sahrani in ARMA    Weapons : AK74, Dragunov    Tank : BMP2, T72    Plane : MI-24, SU-25 ASIA CHINA+JAPAN+KOREA+SIAM+Indonesie, Malisie, Philippines, Singapour Hindu-Paerthia India, Iran, Nepal, Afghanistan Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka... CIVILIAN
  14. gazmen

    Ground to Air Missiles - Possible?

    The A.A unit using missiles would probably be available when tool will be released. Those unit existed in OFP (DKMM Tungunska for example), but in this game one thing is bad, the plane & chopper don't use electronic, I.R & Radar jammer, & contermeasure like chaff (Radar) & flare (I.R)... Also in CPP there is no line about furtivity to frequency & detection from radar for the units... Example in CPP : Furtivity_to_radar, Â Furtivity_to_IR, Â Furtivity_to_sound New line in CPP request Thus the missile can not change trajectory when launched... And if your AA is in a team of 4 tanks, they all shoot in one target at time (unless you use script like those made by RKSL)... The A.A missiles were not good supported in OFP, and the bug are still in ARMA... Seconde point the AI men using Stinger will never try to pick up ammo even if a box is near him... So even if somehone add AA unit, the reactivity and realism of those unit won't be equal of the reality
  15. Tactical High Energy Laser : Please add AA Unit using laser new tech called T.H.E.L... Able to shoot at multiple missile, plane & shell at the same time (using script made by RKSL, somehone need to create other radar unit type using same script)... Even hypersonic plane like Avrora can't avoid light weapons (300.000 Km / Sec) when locked, also those laser are usefull to destroy SPYING SAT... Prototype : M113 chassis with T.H.E.L M-T.H.E.L (mobile) T.H.E.L on cruiser M993 M.L.R.S chassis with T.H.E.L M1114 HUMVEE chassis with T.H.E.L (Avenger with Thel update ; seen in C&C Generals Zero Hour) PATRIOT DEFENSE base using T.H.E.L And if exists : Tactical Electromagnetic Impulse Laser : To block electronic of tank & plane, or to stop the units...
  16. gazmen


    I have ended the campaign, but everything is locked in ARMORY, i had to reinstall the game, and since that more think are locked... I don't have time to spend to redo the campaign... Can you please remove the locks ? Thanks
  17. gazmen

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Just tried that three times. Could not reproduce the crash. Well the game seems to crash after 5 minute of playing, in editor & in armori, i didn't know the cause... The 1.50 didn't do that...
  18. gazmen

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    I find a bug who make the game crash. (tested in Rhamadi at starting point location, two soldier of the same team) 1. Put a satchel near a soldat (Friend), then go to 100m and detonate it. Watch him fly 2. Put a satchel near the dead soldier (dead friend), then go to 100m and detonate it. Watch fly and boom crash... I don't know if it's my hard or is it the soft, but i'm my pc this make crash the game...
  19. gazmen

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    I have a lot of crash in ARMORY when looking or testing not official addons. Also the position of the list on right block the screen, its wrong, it should be on to low of the screen, right beside of information... To not block the vision of the model Also they should add to armory more subdivision [Type of (Tank, Men)] Men   - Officer (from Lieutnant to General) [sub_class = men_officer]   - Crew & Pilots (From Car, to Tank, driver and Plane et chopper Pilots...)  [sub_class = men_crew]   - Machinegunner (from RPK, PK to RPK74M & PKM, KORG & NSV, from M60 to M240 & M249, XM312...)  [sub_class = men_mg]   - Sniper (all sniping weapon for M21, to M99, SVD to SVU, KSVK...)  [sub_class = men_sniper]   - Soldier (all AK, all M16 to XM serie, with GL verison)  [sub_class = men_soldier]   - Soldier AA, AT, RPG (RPG2 to RPG29, Strela 7 to Strela 18 ; from LAW to M136, ZEUS, JAVELIN, Stinger)  [sub_class = men_rocket]   - Special (All kind of Special Unit [Genie, Commando, Saboteur, Spy])  [sub_class = men_special] Air   - Assault [sub_class = air_assault]   - Bomber [sub_class = air_bomber]   - Cargo/Transport [sub_class = air_cargo]   - Chopper      - Attack [sub_class = helicopter_attack]      - Recon [sub_class = helicopter_recon]      - Transport [sub_class = helicopter_cargo]   - Fighter [sub_class = air_fighter] Armored   - MBT [class = mbt]      - Wheeled [sub_class = mbt_wheeled]      - Tracked [sub_class = mbt_tracked]   - Tank      - Artillery [sub_class = tank_shell_artillery]      - Ground Combat (Tank from M60 to M1A2, from T55 to T90...) [sub_class = tank_ground]      - Surface to Air [sub_class = tank_missile_artillery]      - Strategic (Soviet S.S-0 serie, tomahawk, Scud...) [sub_class = tank_strategic_artillery] Car   - Armed (Tow, Stinger, Strela, AT...) [sub_class = car_armed]   - Support (Ammo, Fuel, Repair, Ambulance) [sub_class = car_support]   - Transport (To move) [sub_class = car_transport] Object   - Ammo   - Bunker   - Civil Building   - Defense system (Patriot, Adats/Hellfire, Connection au Satellite Ballistic Militaire...)   - Flag   - Military Building   - Various Ship   - Corvette (corvets)   - Croiseur (cruiser)   - Destroyer   - Frigate   - Navire (ship)   - aircraft carrier Submarine This by adding to engine or CPP new class & sub_class Example : class AH1W: Helicopter {       selectionHRotorStill = "mainRotorStatic";       selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred";       selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic";       selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred";       memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";             memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";       memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";       memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";       selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";       crew = "SoldierWPilot";       scope = 2;       side = 1;       sub_class_type : attack_chopper       displayName = "$STR_DN_AH1Z";       apparition_date = 1997       obsolete_date_for_WEST = 2015       obsolete_date_for_EAST = 2015       obsolete_date_for_RES = 2035       obsolete_date_for_CIVIL = 2035       obsolete_date_for_BLUEFOR = 2025       obsolete_date_for_OPFOR = 2025       obsolete_date_for_LAS = 2035       obsolete_date_for_EXPORT = 2035       nameSound = "cobra";       furtivity_to_Sound= 3 (sonar)       furtivity_to_RADAR = 1.2 (Radio Freq) furtivity_to_MASER= 1.2 (Micro Wave freq)       furtivity_to_Psy = 2  (detection by soldier & psy, sensation look UFO : Afterlife)       furtivity_to_IR = 2       furtivity_to_Eye= 2  (visual : recognizability standart light)       furtivity_to_UV = 2       furtivity_to_XR = 2  (X-Ray)       furtivity_to_GR = 2  (Gamma Ray)       furtivity_to_Electromagetic = 5 (other frequencys)       accuracy = 0.300000;       driverAction = "AH1Z_Pilot";       crewVulnerable = 0;       maxSpeed = 270;       typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot"};       soundGetIn = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.100000, 1};       soundGetOut = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.100000, 1};       soundEngine = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\AH1_engine_v3a", 39.810719, 1};       armor = 60;       cost = 10000000;       model = "\ca\air\ah1z";       picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\ah1z_CA.paa";       mapSize = 13;       Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_ah1z_CA.paa";       memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";       memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir"; These furtivity valuer should be added to create AA tank & weapons who are realy effective, and who react like in real life.
  20. gazmen

    Vilas' addons

    Whaou 115 € very nice indeed but could slow down framerate, look instead at this free OFP version of <a href="http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4997" target="_blank"> Serbian SA-6 Gadfly</a> by BKM.
  21. gazmen

    Vilas' addons

    Can you change your nomination in editor ? You addons take to much place in the list Use these for example : VIL - MEN VIL - ARMORED VIL - CAR VIL - AIR VIL - SHIP VIL - STATIC VIL - SUPPORT
  22. gazmen

    Swedish Rangers

    These retextured unit are quite useless, these units are the same than those find in ARMA, using same weapon, and model what a spend of time... The problem come from BIS who don't had added a multitexture sytem to there P3D (using Jungle, Wood, Desert, Urban, Snow, Night, Sea camo. [how they can do that easy, when you finalised your model with standard texture, you should be able to export the 3D texture, in a 2D image, after you need to call it WOOD, then you need to edit each texutre using the flat 2D texture renderd, and name it JUNGLE, DESERT, SNOW, NIGHT, SEA)... These addons just take place on H.D. They bring nothing new. Just some others little guy using some PAN, PAN to kill somebody else. I hope that they release then Oxygen et Visitor for ARMA soon to convert ancient OFP addons... Also what would be great is that the OFP addons to be compatible with ARMA, BIS said that it would be (the reason I buy the game), but they lie ! The error they made is that they don't add the 3 new side (Euro [E.U], Royal [u.K, C.W], Liberation [Middle & Far East]) with the 4 of OFP (CREW : Civil, Resistance [Afrika], East [V.P / C.E.I], West [u.S.N.A]), this cause a lot of bug, also they don't added the texture of OFP (or new texture using ancient name) to use OFP addons. Sure for those who add a lot of addons & MOD on OFP, ARMA is little bit boring. The campaign is to short and not fun at all. I don't know why something that i can not explain !
  23. gazmen

    HDR & Windscreen reflection problems

    You should cut off H.D.R in option. I had do it cause my P.C is not enough powerfull, and i don't like the H.D.R render.
  24. You should cut off H.D.R in option. I had do it cause my P.C is not enough powerfull, and i don't like the H.D.R render.
  25. Hi, Since some of the server had strange name I would like to know if you plane to add a ban/block or remove from list fonction to ARMA it will be quite a help ! Thanks Also can you rename the AV-8B to AV-8B A.A & AV-8B A.S [C.A.S] Thanks