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Everything posted by Furret

  1. Furret

    Crashing on start up

    Installing new drivers is easy, search on google for: "guide to installing video card drivers nvidia" and click the first link. Latest drivers are here: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/70737
  2. Do you have any stats to back this up? Were you comparing servers with: Same number of players? Same Mission? (or same revision of mission?)
  3. Furret

    Very low FPS

    This is how the game works right now unfortunately, sorry. There are a number of threads in this sub-forum regarding the issue that discuss the problem in great detail. Edit: That micro-stutter thing isn't normal at all, disable anti-virus, check for malware, defrag, validate steam game files.
  4. Furret

    SteamOS , had anyone tried it with arma 3 ?

    Once the streaming beta starts in a few weeks/months you'll be able to stream the game from one machine to another, perhaps that's what you're thinking of, OP?
  5. Furret

    CPU for Arma3

    Do you have a link to this? i'm rather interested.
  6. Client FPS is tightly coupled to server fps, if your fps is higher in single player compared to multiplayer, new hardware or changes on your machine will not improve it. You can try the following: Play on another server Play another, less intensive mission Play with less AI Play with fewer players Play single player only Sorry.
  7. Furret

    CPU for Arma3

    You're better off going for an i5, I can't see the hyperthreading being worth the addition cost. If money really is no object, go for it i guess. If you're overclocking you'll have to disable HT to get the highest clock rate anyway.
  8. Furret

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    There is a clear difference between 30 and 60 fps, even more so between 24 to 60. If you're unable to see those differences you may have something physically wrong with your eyes.
  9. Furret

    World War RP

    Large cap servers were attempted a few months ago, after 90 players the server starts to fail.
  10. If anyone is running the profiling tools Dr Hladik mentioned, could they possibly upload any output for the rest of us to view?
  11. Play on another server that doesn't run as many scripts/has better hardware/has less players
  12. How are you defining what's indoors/outdoors? are you mapping this meta-data to each individual 'zone'? (indoors/forests/city etc)
  13. Examples: 1,2,3,6,8,9 tested and show the message. It must be something I've forgotten to do. OPCOM looks synced properly. CBA_A3 beta 4 installed. Running examples in the local editor. cba is first in modline, then alive. both installed to root arma dir.
  14. When I run the examples I get a '[Module Init] Module function is missing' error at the bottom of the screen, I've got cba_a3 and alive in my mod startup list. Not sure what i've forgotten to do.
  15. Tutorial missions here: http://alivemod.com/downloads/ALiVE_tutorial_missions.zip
  16. Furret

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    I would suggest you made a ticket on the support tracker first. You could also try increasing your virtual memory size.
  17. You're being very non-specific, are you sure it was even Arma3 you were playing? :)
  18. Can you check to see if there's any sort of antivirus scan being run in the background? It could also be that bitcoin mining malware using up all of your gpu, slowing everything down.
  19. Furret

    Double your FPS

    Play on a different server make the mission the server runs less script intensive add faster hardware to the server
  20. Shadows on normal or above move their rendering to your gpu, shadows on low force cpu-only shadows.
  21. Glad to see you're back, looking forward to your work. What's your opinion of the 'Alive' framework?
  22. Can you enable archiving so we can watch it later?
  23. Verify steam cache and check your graphics cards temperatures.