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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. EDcase

    Weapon Sway Tweaking

    I also think the sway is too much in lower poses such as crouched. While I agree it should be linked to stamina/tiredness etc. its just too high at the moment. It feels like fighting a drunk avatar.
  2. EDcase

    Tactical Run Vs. Get The Hack Out Of Dodge Run

    Moving forward with shift/turbo will sprint and you can do that from both casual and tactical modes. It will lower your weapon for maximum speed but only lasts a short time (depending on your loadout)
  3. EDcase

    Official Weapons pack to Arma III please!

    There will be more weapons with the campaign release. Hopefully we'll get all Arma2 stuff ported which will become a mandatory download ;)
  4. Have you even looked in audio settings?!??! Turn down 'Radio'
  5. Here's a request that's a bit different... Is it possible for someone to make an addon/scripts that records all the actions of entities in a game so that it can be played back later and viewed from any angle? Basically what I'm thinking of is 'After Action Review' (AAR) as seen in VBS2. It doesn't matter if ballistics calculations or physx don't match exactly as the outcome is already defined. I guess this means playback might be a bit jumpy for some situations like ragdoll and physx.
  6. EDcase

    Development Blog & Reveals

    It does mention new animations with the campaign so don't get too excited about new medical system.
  7. Soldiers within a certain radius of satchels, explosives, artillery should vanish in a cloud of red mist at least.
  8. EDcase

    won´t launch

    Not sure but might help to install DirectX9c Even though it uses DX11 and DX9 should be included, it still uses some DX9c libraries as far as I understand.
  9. EDcase

    Starting out.

    Do the demo missions to get a feel for gameplay and learn/modify the controls until you're happy controlling your character, shooting etc. Then join an online game and follow what everyone else is doing ;) You should decide what role you want to play. Of course you don't have to stick to one role anyway. Have fun...
  10. LOL, I guess we're all as confused as you ;) Here's a list, make your choice... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html Edit: Forget total video memory and just look at on-board dedicated.
  11. A note in case owners of TrackIR don't know: If you activate your TrackIR after starting ARMA it won't be recognized BUT if you go to Options/Controls menu then it will be activated in ARMA
  12. EDcase

    Scope glare, yes or no?

    Of course there would be NO specular reflection in the scope because your head would be in the way. Sorry Bear but you don't know what you're talking about.
  13. EDcase

    Arma 3 Crashing Like Crazy

    Yes, myself and others on a server have all crashed at the same time when there was a large explosion nearby.
  14. EDcase

    AI shooting accuracy

    Editing your profile only affects SP missions NOT MP. I also find AI too accurate and they target you too quickly when you are prone.
  15. EDcase

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    BBC Report: Should the rules of war be included in computer games? Not directly related to ARMA3 but they use a lot of footage from A3 and you get a short clip of an interview with Marek himself :D http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24318061
  16. I Use TrackIR5 too. I just modified my ARMA2 profile for A3. Of course it still works even if there is no profile for A3.
  17. What you should understand from being a long time player of BIS games is that they keep working and improving the game after 'release'
  18. EDcase

    Where is going ArmA III?

    Its still early days... There are already many missions and addons available but much more will come. This game will keep expanding and developing. Not only by BIS but the community also. It is a sandbox that different groups can build their play style upon. The main thing BIS has to work on now is get the foundations of the game working properly and then build assets etc from there. Things that are fundamental to everyday gameplay like the inventory, command menu, AI, etc still need work. ARMA3 gameplay has already improved from ARMA2. Soon all the toys will follow....
  19. EDcase

    KEYS: No action menu

    Great addon Sakura_Chan!!! BIS should take note... How does it work for placing explosives and detonating them?
  20. Don't put all settings to ULTRA just because you have 2x GPU's Check each setting to see if you notice a real difference and leave it on lowest that you can live with. Certain things like AI are handled by CPU so doesn't matter if you had 10x GPU's it would still get bad performance. To me i5 is not a good match for 2x 680's
  21. Yes, the action menu has always been a pain to use. Some actions (like switch weapon, flaps/gear open door etc) are on key bindings or icons and its gets cluttered with unrelated actions. BUT the main problem is that it tries to be dynamic and context sensitive so options constantly change as your view moves. This is the reason why people (including me) click on an action like heal or take etc and do something completely different. :mad: and its VERY serious when you have planted an explosive and your selection changes to detonate :j: Context sensitive options come up as icons anyway so just have CONSTANT actions available. ...and please use colour to differentiate between 'Place explosive'(green/blue) and 'Detonate explosive'(red)
  22. EDcase

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What kind of load do the ambient animals (snakes & rabbits) have on CPU usage? Would it be worth having an option to disable them to gain a few fps since they have no influence on gameplay? I seem to remember reading that it was planned for snakes to bite if you stepped on them (proximity) Is that true or are they to remain solely a visual quirk to show friends?
  23. EDcase

    Still poorly optmized and worse

    I hate it when noobs try to spread false information when they don't know what the hell they're talking about! The game has been released because it was a set date that they had to meet under contract. Now that its released BIS will STILL be working on it so try and be a bit patient...
  24. EDcase

    Please help, can't launch Arma 3

    No such command as far as I can see. ('-benchmark' is an option but usage unknown) You might be thinking of '-nologs' which may improve performance but I doubt it will help with starting ARMA
  25. EDcase

    Blastcore A3

    Blastcore A3 is looking great Opticalsnare!!! Looking forward to it but my computer is not ;)