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Everything posted by CameronMcDonald

  1. The option to have a stabilised turret (or not) has long been configurable in the series - I'd be confident that RHS will make older weapon systems (e.g. BTR turrets) non-stabilised as per reality.
  2. CameronMcDonald

    Refined Vehicles

    Great to hear, Red. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  3. CameronMcDonald

    A2 Island Fixes

    You mean this issue? Upvote plox.
  4. CameronMcDonald

    ASCZ A2 Community Map Fixes (for AIA TP/SA)

    Disregard, wires crossed... was thinking about the other Miroslavl map out there!
  5. CameronMcDonald

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    5 seconds worth of "match colour" in Photoshop would fix that, surely.
  6. Random suggestion: - Add a random sleep to your foggy breath script. I was playing around the other day and noticed all my units were breathing out at once. Slightly unnerving! Even a 0 - 0.25 second delay would have the incremental effect of getting breathers out of sync. :)
  7. CameronMcDonald

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    That looks like the RHS BTR.
  8. Others that work (have tested flying and walking): Schwemlitz (texture grid bug) Schwemlitz Winter (texture grid bug) Moschnyi Kellu (texture grid bug) Zernovo (texture grid bug) Japahto (texture grid bug) Stupid texture grid bug.
  9. Got my vote, you dirty bastards. ;)
  10. CameronMcDonald

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Iz da breakdown! Congrats on the release.
  11. And here's me unable to find peers. Goddamnit. :(
  12. CameronMcDonald

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Ever authored a mission? The "careless" mode has a myriad of uses, namely for preventing AI from doing stupid stuff. If "careless" were removed, it would be a major PITA. Blame the mission maker for not setting them to "safe", where they can engage enemies. If "safe" is preventing them from going to combat mode, then that's a bug. Leave "careless" out of it.
  13. CameronMcDonald

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    SoonTM - but I'm working on it. :)
  14. SQS is the old OFP-style script format. ~5
  15. CameronMcDonald

    CMcD SP Missions

    Picked a simple route and tested it a million times. Road signs occasionally fall victim to their depredations, sadly. :) Thanks again for the feedback.
  16. CameronMcDonald

    AK-74 vs M4/M16

    I remember the 1,000,000 post strong thread this one used to have. I'll have some of the popcorn too, thanks. *reaches*
  17. CameronMcDonald

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks - and yes, I have. I'll slot it back in. :)
  18. CameronMcDonald

    ASR AI 3

    Lots of these ones flying around, Rob. I get a feeling that they pop up when a unit dies at a certain time. Error in expression <(_distance < 150 && !_early) then { if (asr_ai3_sysdanger_enabled == 1) then { i> Error position: <asr_ai3_sysdanger_enabled == 1) then { i> Error Undefined variable in expression: asr_ai3_sysdanger_enabled File x\asr_ai3\addons\sysaiskill\fnc_firedEH.sqf, line 269 I doubt that it helps, but I've got sysdanger turned off in the userconfig file.
  19. CameronMcDonald

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    Awesome, thanks sudden. EDIT - coupla bugs. - It sounds like not every shot fired by the M2's cannon is heard. You might want to check the config for any bursts to make sure that they say soundBurst=false, or else only a single shot's audio will be played. Haven't tested the BMP2 yet. - The following code appears when throwing a frag grenade: Warning Message: 'burst/' is not a class ('reloadTime' accessed)
  20. CameronMcDonald

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Yeah, have got that here too.
  21. CameronMcDonald

    CMcD SP Missions

    Thanks for the feedback, alky_lee.