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Everything posted by Bucic

  1. Can anyone compile a mod out of this? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173466-ArmA-III-Ballistics-Overhaul
  2. Bucic

    NATO 5.56 and 7.62 adjustor

    I don't quite get it. What is the role of the 3 with regard to each other: - 556 762 adjustor - the revised ballistic values you've linked - the Advanced Ballistics mod ?
  3. Bucic

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    Is there a mod file available? It doesn't have to be of the latest revision.
  4. Nothing new http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159599-%28SSAO%29-Ambient-Occlusion-Video-Setting&highlight=ssao I just didn't want to necromance the old thread. Are there any plans to (drastically) improve upon it?
  5. Yeah, I could but I can't anymore because I actually played ArmA 3 and I've seen how AI shoots :P
  6. OK, there you go. A set of shots plus my current settings. Please note the file names. 'SSAOmax' means HDAO. I've tested also the regular SSAO at high but it wasn't much more eviden't either so I didn't make a separate set of shots for it. As for the 'it was more apparent before recent updates' - I'm pretty sure I could see the difference right away. I specifically recall that I've noticed that some SSAO settings made even grass patches and minor bushes oclude the nearest surroundings/ground. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=66CF2646234394FC!24510&authkey=!AJnx2FgJn7RQ60M&ithint=folder%2cjpg Radeon 6850 Windows 7 x64 latest catalyst, defaults
  7. I won't because I know where this is going :) I'll post in-arms shots. Stay tuned.
  8. I'm comparing HDAO,Hence the title, vs disabled, sunny day, buildings and scraps plus my weapon. The difference is barely noticeable even with a side by side sshot comparison. So it's not subtle but rather barely noticeable. Hence the title. And yes, I'm aware of how it should look like and how it looks like in other games. I could swear it was easily noticeable before recent patches. I'll post some screenshots lat
  9. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    Is there any rough estimate on the Marksmen DLC release date?
  10. A single-liner on the armaholic download page would be nice. I tried the mod the second time within the last 2 months. Decided to post about errors I'm getting. Turned out I'm not the only one. I'm grateful for the work he put in this mod but com on...
  11. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    I don't know whether this has been posted already but it's an interesting comment from a guy working on ballistics mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181324-Advanced-Ballistics-%28WIP%29
  12. Bucic

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I see that every single discussion about critical issues with ArmA and lack of acknowledgment of thereof by the developers ends up the same way. By a wall of excusers. Up to the point I think it doesn't make sense to even raise the issues, not to mention diving into heated discussions. The way I see it BI understands only the language of the wallets. I can't even say it's any sort of common sense, seeing them throwing DLCs into peoples faces instead of focusing on critical issues. And so it appears only writing honest reviews seems to make sense in the long run. I was about to say 'voting on the issue tracker' but... you know...
  13. Some breakthrough... Well, at least it has been clearly articulated that there will be no proper, i.e. positional, audio within this generation. Running around with furry microphones and re-doing samples for the third time isn't going to cut it anymore.
  14. Related: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163073-What-s-Your-Favourite-Mod I'm about to start my first campaign in ArmA 3. With ArmA 1 and ArmA 2 I usually started by installing either ACE or XAM replacement mods. Since neither of these is available for ArmA 3, what AI/gameplay mods would you guys recommend? Please favor mods that don't require knowledge of ArmA AI tweaking. I know there are mods that are required to be set up/tweaked to work correctly. An additional question: Should I avoid combining AI mods even if they are not listed here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152461-Overall-Mod-compatibility-aka-Will-Mods-A-and-B-work-togheter as conflicting? Here are AI mods I found on Armaholic, sorted by hits, descending, first 5 pages: TPW TMR ASR Fire-Fight Improvement System Authentic Gameplay Modification bCombat infantry AI Mod TPWCAS A3 - AI Suppression System Vcom AI I prefer realism rather than... something else :)
  15. For reference And a compilation of AI mods http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175400-AI-Compilation-List-of-Addons-Mods-Scripts-amp-Misc&p=2656299#post2656299
  16. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    As unrealistic as it gets. Look at it from a distance for a moment. The current system is worse: - than over a decade old game, including BI's OFP - than a mod of a single modder done over the course of one week I don't think someone performing like this is capable of dishing out a revamp anytime soon, if at all.
  17. Sure it does. You just have to close the error message.
  18. Bucic

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    This guide includes plenty of invalid tweaks (non-existing startup parameters for example) or placebo 'tweaks'. Does anyone have a (almost)full list of invalid tweaks this guide gives?
  19. I've got few questions: 1. Which version is the latest version of Arma3Mark for stable ArmA 3? 2. How do you use the copy/paste functionality? My clipboard is empty after the tests finish. Using Ctrl+C on the results screen doesn't work either. 3. How come some people get some separate testing results? http://i.imgur.com/oCMcdct.png
  20. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    Isn't it the main reason why Dyslexy does ArmA 2 almost exclusively?
  21. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    Do you have any specific entries in mind?
  22. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    WTF are we even talking about here guys? F.E.A.R. 1 had it 9 years ago!
  23. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    BIS could make the hits be recorded at 10mm precision and it wouldn't make much of a difference as long as AI is bothered by nothing but actual death. As for my review of the feedback tracker tickets, the issues have been assigned to someone but there's not an official word on the issue. Notably, there's not a word on any AI nor damage model improvement in the http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/460-arma-3-roadmap-201415 Unless someone is a hopeless optimist and thinks Arma 3 Marksmen is going to focus on issues around firing weapons and effects. All in all after hundreds of hours with previous ArmAs and with ~50 hours with ArmA 3 I'm ready to dish out a 'not recommended' review for it. I mean, com on, it has been a year since the release.
  24. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    We've paid a handsome amount for a product and here we are dissecting the issue to bits and pieces. I refuse to take part in it. I'm reviewing the issue tracker as we speak to decide what to do with it. Also no wonder more and more developers insist on digital copies. 'Kneel and do nothing for a second' Here's what would actually be better than the current 'implementation'. Issue tracker search results for 'damage' (from the most recently updated): 0005377: Add realistic body armour. 0016542: Unrealistic Weapon damage 0003002: Realistic Wounding System 0005403: visual injuries (animation) 0001580: Better ragdoll Conclusion: * Guys in the most popular ticket started to repeat the points made over and over due to no response from developers. * ArmA 2 implementation was better overall
  25. Bucic

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    BTW, I used to play previous ArmA games. I was about to invite a friend to show him off the ArmA 3. I'm glad it didn't happen. I'd look like a fool.