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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    Do the Bis Team hate Russia?

  2. baddo

    vista and mod folders

    On Windows XP -mod=mod\modname; seems to work. I don't know about Vista but you try it.
  3. baddo

    Any tweaks for netcode?

    It's because the server sends you information where the objects not owned by you should be. When you get that information with greater delay, the "correction" jump required is greater, thus you'll notice more and more jumping the greater the delay between you and the server is. There can be some kind of prediction code in place which tries to guess where the objects should be going, while you are waiting for the information, but it can't be completely accurate, thus the jumping. I am not sure if BIS uses prediction, but I think it makes sense they do. It's made worse of course when the pieces in the network (server, client, connections) are not working fast enough.
  4. baddo

    Linux Net Code

    I recall for ArmA II BIS speaks only about 50+ players, not about 100+ like they did say about ArmA I Probably a reality check happened there.
  5. baddo

    Do the Bis Team hate Russia?

    Well one thing which comes to my mind is that to be succesful in USA, they are afraid to put anyone else than the USA as the "good guys". I personally think this ideology is wrong, but I am not the one who owns the BIS company and who need to make sure it returns a profit, and bread and butter for their dinner tables. Why not make a military game in which you can choose which side is "good" ? I would not mind to see some other setting. Well let's think about having some other group than "the commies", or "the Ruskies", as the bad guys. Iraq? Iran? I wouldn't use Iran, it would just irritate Iranians even more and that is not needed I think. Iraq, well that's a realistic setting. To be honest with you, I am not interested in having a USA vs. Iraq game come out from BIS. Maybe because I do not relate to what is going on in Iraq. It is definitely not my battle. This is quite likely different for some USA people. I have thought about having the wars in Yugoslavia in a game could be interesting, and I would certainly like to play such a game. But I think it can be too dangerous to make such a game at this time, as I think the situation in the Balkan is not stabilized enough yet (it wouldn't surprise me if they start fighting again in the next 10 years). A battle where one side is Soviets/Russians is a battle into which I can relate myself with relative ease, taking into notice some historical events. This can be true for many people in the Czech Republic too, including the people at BIS. I don't know if this is the reason why BIS has used "commie" stuff in their games but I can imagine it could at least partly be because of that. OR then, one more thing... in the Czech Republic the military has used a lot of Soviet/Russian military equipment, similarly to Finland! Now, it has been great for me to play Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault, as a lot of the stuff in the games I saw and touched myself while I was serving in the Finnish Defence Forces! This adds hugely to the "I want to play this game!" factor! For example, I was serving in an Armoured Reconnaissance Company which had BMP-2's (maybe some BMP-1's too), and seeing and using those same machines in the game gave me a thrill of a lifetime. Add the famous FDF Mod for Operation Flashpoint on top of that, and that's my dream game come true, I even had the RK-62, with a sound so close to the original one (awesome work by the FDF Mod sound team)! Maybe this is why the BIS team wanted to put a lot of Soviet/Russian equipment into the game! Yep I'm now convinced that has to be it!
  6. baddo

    Linux Net Code

    I demand better netcode now  Just kidding! What would you like to see improved? There must be something specific which you noticed and would like to see improved? And I am sure you only have a "public beta" of the Linux server? So you should wait for a "final" release before you jump to conclusions.
  7. baddo

    New interview with Maruk

    Well that's alright for me. ArmA II shouln't have to be patched at all! All the "patching" is one of the big problems in the whole PC technology, not a solution as many people seem to like to think, and go "yay" whenever a patch is released... Thanks for the interview.
  8. baddo

    How use a downloaded model and texture in OPF?

    You say you have a PBO file of the addon. That means to me that you should not have to open it, but just put it to an Addons folder and take it into use in the missions. For the campaign missions, this would mean you would have to edit all of them to use the new units/weapons/vehicles. Or alternatively, replace the default addon with this new one by modifying it to look like the default (same classname). Is that what you are trying to do?
  9. baddo

    fps lock is possible?

    It makes a difference to the feeling of the gameplay. A sudden jump from 15 to 60 fps is no good. And vice versa. And maybe, if we would have an FPS startup parameter, the game could then adjust the complexity of the scenes to try and target the desired FPS, instead of desperately trying to do something overly complex which is not possible with the hardware. It should be considered by the BIS developers, that's all we ask. Smooth gameplay means no sudden, drastic FPS changes.
  10. baddo

    How use a downloaded model and texture in OPF?

    I take it you have a ready-to-use addon, packaged into a .pbo file. If that is true, then you do not need to edit any config files to use it! Put it to OFP\Addons or to OFP\Res\Addons. Usually with an addon comes a readme.txt file which explains where to put the addon file and how to use it. If that is not the case with this addon then it is the addon maker's fault. Panzergrenadier3 already told you how you can get an addon weapon for your soldier. Nowhere did he say you need to edit config.cpp! It is not enough to just put the .pbo file into an addons folder. You must tell the game to give that specific weapon to a soldier. Otherwise chances are very low for you to see the addon in-game, as you already found out. You must be able to use the in-game mission editor. Create a new mission. Put a soldier into the mission. Make it the player. First, make sure the Mission Editor is in advanced mode! In the user-interface panel of the mission editor, there is a word "Easy". Click on it to make it say "Advanced". Otherwise you won't see the initialization field I am talking about next. When you double-click on the unit placed to the map, you get a dialog in which you have an "Initialization" field. Now, you must insert into that field similar text as what Panzergrenadier3 told you. But in order to be succesful, you need to know the classname for the addon! Classnames for the default objects can be found for example from: http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/weapons.php http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/vehicles.php Now, I will give you an example of what I would write to an initialization field of a unit in the in-game mission editor, if I wanted to give that unit a Hunting Rifle: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag"; this addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag"; this addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag"; this addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag"; this addWeapon "HuntingRifle" Now, when I would preview the mission, and if that unit was the player unit, then my in-game character would have the Hunting Rifle as the main weapon. Add the weapon in the code line after the magazines and the weapon will be loaded when you start the mission. Otherwise it is not loaded for you. You must now find out the classname for your addon weapon, and for its magazine, in order to be able to use it in the game. Just replace the "HuntingRifle" and "HuntingRifleMag" in the code example with the classnames of your specific weapon and magazine. If you do not want to start creating new missions for the addons you downloaded, or to modify existing missions to use those weapons and units (this is not hard to do, mission.sqm in the mission directory is only file you would need to edit), then there are existing "mods" which give you different weapons, soldiers and vehicles and you do not need to edit anything to use them. In addition to what mods were already mentioned, there is the FDF Mod ( http://www.fdfmod.org/ ) which is in my honest opinion the most comprehensive and most well balanced with the original game content.
  11. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    Yeehaa! Bang bang! In the name of Freedom and Democracy.
  12. I would also like to see where that "constantly growing 1.09 changelog". The one I can find (see what has been fixed in 1.09 at the ArmA Community Bugtracker, 4 items) doesn't really have much, and it has stayed like that for a long time now (one update in September). Maybe that list doesn't reflect what BIS has actually done, it's just what we see. But I don't know so I will just look what comes.
  13. baddo

    BinPBO Personal Edition

    Enable automatic updates.
  14. baddo

    Queen's Gambit owner statistics

    Of course I will get it!
  15. baddo

    Queens Gambit: Classnames

    Without even having QG, I will say that the mission file you are looking at is not encrypted. It is probably 'binarized' or 'rapified' depending on who you ask. In these ArmA times, you should probably change your PBO tool to something like cpbo from http://www.kegetys.net/arma/ Download "ArmA Tools". In that package you get cpbo and unrap which could help you with that mission.sqm.
  16. baddo

    Back to the roots?

    I picked 'arma style' but it could be improved. The controlling of the character doesn't have as immediate feeling as in OFP, that can be considered as a drawback, and so I do. It is probably done to add 'realistic reaction time' or 'inertia' or something like that. For me it makes me feel like I am not one with the in-game character, which reduces feeling of realism. On the other hand, there must be some delay in your movement so the OFP-style is maybe too immediate. It is about when I press a key to move the character, I already made the decision that now I will move/stop/whatever, and the in-game character should respond fast, just as I can do in real life. This could need some tweaking in ArmA. I have found using a pistol in ArmA much more effective than in OFP. I haven't looked exactly what is the reason for this change in the feeling, but I definitely can hit targets much better with a pistol in ArmA than in OFP. In OFP using a pistol against an AI group could mean almost certain death even when in tight urban environment. But in ArmA I can take such a group down in an urban environment easier. And I think it is more realistic, I expect to be able to hit the enemy with a pistol when an enemy is standing right next to me in real life too. I don't mean taking on the whole group at the same time, but picking the enemies one/two at a time with a pistol by using buildings/walls as cover and staying most of the time hidden. In real life I bet the enemies would be better to counter-combat this tactic, so... ArmA could need some improvements to this too.
  17. You will need to do some reading. There is a lot of material published which will be enough to get you started at least. Start from http://www.ofpec.com/ and http://community.bistudio.com/ and read all scripting related material OFPEC has a lot of information, you can read the tutorials which were written for Operation Flashpoint and gain a lot of knowledge which is valid for Armed Assault too. So don't overlook those.
  18. baddo

    Piper Warrior II

    Thanks for this addon for both authors. Nice little plane. I didn't notice any oddities relating to usage during a short test. Landed it on a road on a small canyon and was quite easy to do that without causing any damage.
  19. baddo

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    It seems that now Mr. G.W.B. wants to speak about protecting the environment... http://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/09/28/bush.climate/index.html Better later than never. The USA can have massive effect on reducing pollution and is critical player if we want to see actual improvements done World-wide. As a first step, why not recycle all those cars made in USA which have ridiculously high fuel consumption and replace them with... something more economical? With something like a Nissan Micra with a 1.0 liter engine? I'm sure Americans find an amendment from their constitution to let them keep their gas-guzzlers! Just kidding  In my country, Finland, there are now talks of moving the taxation model of automobiles into a model which collects more tax from cars which pollute more - in my opinion my country should have done this a long time ago already! It's frustrating how slowly the bureaucracy is working when it comes to making obvious improvements such as this.
  20. baddo

    Random crashing

    Try to provide more cooling for your computer, and see if that helps. For example, open the case of the computer, and put a big fan blowing into it.
  21. The screenshots look great. Gives some hope that someday I will learn to like ArmA as much as I liked OFP.
  22. baddo

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    People who oppose the fight against pollution (that's what you do when you try to ridicule the talks about global warming), should probably have a look how "beautiful" is for example the "smog" effect on some large cities like Los Angeles. It is a known fact that you die soon if you are inside your garage, doors and windows closed and your car's engine is running... If you let that smoke outside, well there comes a moment when there is too much smoke and the same thing happens as in your garage. The "smog" is of course not caused by just emissions from internal combustion engines, there are other sources too like heating systems and industries which need to generate lots of heat.
  23. baddo

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    It is clear that some people should really be put into a court of law to explain what exactly have they been doing with the political power given to them. It's not for me, but for the American people. They are the ones who eventually suffer the most from what their leaders do, I think. USA is a great country and are they going to let a couple of "rule the whole World" ideologists ruin it all is a question which every American should ask themshelves. It doesn't take much to say that eventually a total disaster will come to the Americans if they don't start to restrain themshelves from sticking their nose into everything, and pretend like others are always "the bad guys". I'd rather not see such disasters, it's going to hurt so many people that it would better not go that far. I hope the American people can control their country well-enough to avoid a total disaster coming as a result of their foreign politics. With the foreign politics you have been doing after WW II and especially under GWB administration, you are in my opinion going towards a disaster and I hope for the sake of everyone that you can turn your boat before it's too late. I said "foreign politics after WW II" because for example you have been building the situation in the Middle East to what it is today for decades now, so it's not just what GWB and his administration have done. One thing which has crossed my mind. Why this nation goes into a war so eagerly? Is it partly because the big wars have always been far from their homes? It's different in Europe. The big wars were so close to our homes, or even right at them. Many families here can tell stories about how they had to leave their homes, and how they lost everything they had because someone stupid and crazy enough decided to start a war. For an American family a war can mean that they will send a son to fight, and might not see him again. That's what we have here too. But we've had here too the fact that the wars have been fought right here. Doesn't that make humans understand better what a war really is and do you want it. Is it really an appropriate tool to accomplish your political goals. Is the price acceptable.
  24. baddo

    BIS - Mission PROTECTION

    I'm sure it's not 'encrypted', thus it needs not to be 'decrypted'.
  25. baddo

    Sleep or WaitUntil?

    Lol...It's possible to run an OFP/Arma script at 0 frames per second How does a script go forward if speed of the game engine is zero frames per second? Graphics engine runs at zero FPS but scripting engine doesn't? Is that what you are saying? Isn't ArmA a single-threaded application, which would mean it would not be possible to run for example graphics at zero and scripting at some other rate at the same time. I have always been thinking about OFP/ArmA scripting that on each frame of the game engine, the scripts are put forward by some amount of code* Then in a single-threaded application this would mean that an FPS of zero means everything is stopped, including every single script that was running. In this it doesn't matter if you can make "multi-threaded" scripting, as it is actually all happening inside one operating system thread, which containts the whole game, as I have understood it to be in the case of OFP & ArmA. But then again I am not a game developer, especially not a game developer working at BIS, who would be best to shed light into these ponderings. Could you please explain what did you mean. * I recall some talk that in OFP about 100 lines of code could be the amount which is processed at one time but I'm not sure of this, I don't remember who said that or was it 100 or 1000 LOL... and was it that this amount would be processed per frame or was it just a 'blob' of code, and the game would try to execute as many of these 'blobs' per frame as possible. Anyway, the faster the game is running the more relative time you can give for executing scripts is not a bad guess I think, as then the game wouldn't slow down too much. This means in my understanding that the FPS really can affect game logic too, not just visual experience. So a computer which can't run the game at high FPS could have 'even more stupid AI' than on faster computers.