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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @dreadpirate thank you for the last demo mission it was my error lol. Question are you familiar with the skip waypoint type trigger. It basically holds a unit at a current waypoint until the trigger is met and then the unit will continue on its waypoints. When trying to setup with units using jebus it will not work the skip waypoint will not hold the unit in place until the trigger is met. The unit will just follow its waypoint's. I know jebus will not hold a custom call sign given to a group from the editor it will rename the group initially when the unit is formed in at mission start. Could it be something like that that will not like this skip waypoint to work. Avibird
  2. @pierremgi the !alive is for a editor placed unit when that unit gets killed the units setup with the skip waypoint gets activated and the mechanized units move into a town. Now the mechanized units get spawned in using jebus and the first waypoint is syn to a trigger using the skip waypoint. When the unit with the !alive trigger is killed the mechanized units move to it's second waypoint that has a code that will give the unit to GAIA and the units now will move into the town using generated waypoints by GAIA. It works fine if I use a editor place mechanized units and not one that is spawned in. It may be a jebus think or a trigger issues using spawned in units. I guess my question should be has anyone used the trigger skip waypoint type with spawned in units?
  3. Could somebody please tell me if vanilla Arma3 assets contain a barrel that can be destroyed like in arma2 and using cup items. I can't find an item like that. The barrels that I find in the editor are indestructible. I'm trying to set up a trigger for a task using !alive to destroy a chemical Warehouse with multiple barrels but the vanilla Arma 3 barrel cannot be destroyed. Am I missing something or do I need to use cup items which I don't want to. I want to make this mission least dependent as possible. Avibird
  4. Hey EO that look really nice a few questions. Does everyone need to have this installed or only the host server. Can the amount of damage needed to explode the item be adjusted.
  5. @pierremgi thank you I will test it out tonight as well as @gokitty1199 @Gunter Severloh and @wogz187 suggestions to see if I notice any performance differences. I am old school I like to see things on the map when I am design in the mission.
  6. @pierremgi thank you for your input on this. So there are many ways to get thinks to work in Arma but what is the easiest and more efficient way? I like to have options and multiple ways so I can learn educate myself. Where does your code go to be called. Do I put it into a trigger sqf ECT how do I call it for the mission.
  7. @wogz187 you are not familiar with JEBUS @dreadpirate it really should be a module in arma4. Jebus also has GAIA Incorporated within the script that handles random patrols and reinforcements within a mission.
  8. @wogz187 your suggestion above not work 😞 @gokitty1199 I am old school for sure. I like to see things on the map when I am designing and making the mission. I don't really know how much it will really affect game performance this way or that way. I am curious to really know is there a big difference in performance wise. I will definitely give your suggestion a run and see how it works. I am always open to new things but always rely back on what I know. @Gunter Severloh 5 triggers is a lot for one thing. There must be a way to call it correctly in one trigger. But at least I have options now 😊
  9. @wogz187 I use the waypoint fine with editor placed units. Works as designed all good but if I try to use it with spawned in units it will not work. I use Jebus for most of my spawned in units. The waypoint will not hold position for the !alive trigger. Just moves to all it's waypoints. It works with editor placed units fine.
  10. Ok got a simple trigger to work when all of opfor is killed in the trigger area. Trigger Type end #1 Activation opfor Activation type not present Condition this On activation endmission "end1"; Simple trigger that works but I would like to add independent units to that as well. Help would be great
  11. I still don't understand why a simple trigger will not work when Opfor and ind units are not present to end mission.
  12. @EO that is the bomb pun intended. That is a very nice explosion. A lot better the the arma2 barrels that used to smoke a little when destroyed. @GEORGE FLOROS GR I was trying to keep the mods to a minimum in this mission but I will definitely check out your script 😊.
  13. Hey thank you I will try this. Do I put this in a game logic mission init ect. Where do I put the code. The triggers usually works I don't know why it will not work now. Your way is most likely more efficient then the trigger 😉
  14. No I simply want to blow up barrels in a warehouse to complete a task. But the only barrel in arma3 vanilla assets are indestructible I can place satchels or shoot it with an AT weapon it will not blow up so the trigger !alive Warehousebarrels will not be met so the trigger will not activate and the task can not be completed.
  15. I was at my BBQ lol here are some of the codes. condition ((east countSide allUnits) + (Independent countSide allUnits)) == 0 on activation "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; condition TriggerActivated "Trig1" on activation "Trig1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;
  16. Also The T8 testing center Altis.Altis mission has some dependency that I can't find out what it is and can't run the mission
  17. Hello can somebody tell me what was the last version of the script and is it still working since the last game update. I have not used this in a long time and my mission using it does not work. I don't know if its this or other scripts. thanks Avibird.
  18. @dreadpirate once again thank you. You really support your mod. Your mod really should be a module in arma4. @anfo the reason it didn't work in the first place is because I forgot to put the gaia code in the mission inti. The reason I have the pause set zero is because I have the trigger set to destruction of a item not a location area. The squads that gets spawn are located 200m in a forest just passed the town. These four squads will continue to resupply the town until I complete objective one. Blow up a garage of chemicals and a communication tower. The mission has a few more tasks you can complete. That's why lol. Why would that prevent the script to work? The majority of times when I'm having coding issues it's something I did or something I didn't do lol.
  19. @dreadpirate Or anyone else who love and uses the script. I've never used the exit parameter before and was attempting to try to get it to work with no luck. I even went to the last demo mission where he has it set up at the killfarm location eliminated the two opfor recon units while not entering into the trigger area but the two units never spawn back into the mission. I attempted to set up the parameter and the trigger and a separate mission using the example 0 = [this, "GAIA_NOFOLLOW=", "10", "EXIT=", myExitTrigger] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Group will respawn until myExitTrigger is activated. Assigned to GAIA zone 10. With no luck as well. Is this parameter still working since the last updates because we all know how sensitive arma can be.
  20. If you are using editor place units and not unit spawning in for a mission very simple trick. Place a opfor unit as leader group whatever squad you want to that leader. Now in the leader's attributes set presents zero. Now the entire group is opfor and will attack just like you were using all opfor units. I've been using this since ARMA 2 to get civilians to fight against opfor blufor or ind.
  21. avibird 1

    Project injury reaction

    @0Y0 I am trying to get the playable units not to bleed out. I prefer to play with playable units that will just stay unconscious with the changes of being healed. The mission will end if all playable units are unconscious. I have figured it out with BTC quick revive and AIS wounding system. I would love to use your script in some missions.
  22. avibird 1

    Map markers script

    Hello I made a very easy marker script for playable units. It will follow the unit around the map and when the unit is killed or unconscious the marker will indicate the current location of the unit. I am curious to know what others think of this approach. Every unit can have a unique marker from the game selection from the editor. This was made for a open mission using MCC and Zeus. The mission has 105 playable units. 105the bird company. #In game moveable unit markers *add codelines to MISSION.INIT.SQF *map markers placed on the map from editor. Most give Variable names to markers and the unit it will represent. //Map markers for Playable units********** this code in Mission init. sqf [] spawn {while {not isnull Bird_Company_Cap} do {"Bird_Company_Capmk"setmarkerpos getpos Bird_Company_Cap; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Bird_Company_Off2} do {"Bird_Company_Off2mk"setmarkerpos getpos Bird_Company_Off2; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Bird_Company_Off3} do {"Bird_Company_Off3mk"setmarkerpos getpos Bird_Company_Off3; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Bird_Company_Off4} do {"Bird_Company_Off4mk"setmarkerpos getpos Bird_Company_Off4; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_SL} do {"Raven_SLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_SL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_GL} do {"Raven_GLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_GL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MM} do {"Raven_MMmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MM; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MG} do {"Raven_MGmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MG; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RAT} do {"Raven_RATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RAT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RS} do {"Raven_RSmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RS; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_ES} do {"Raven_ESmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_ES; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AT} do {"Raven_ATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AA} do {"Raven_AAmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AA; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RO} do {"Raven_ROmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RO; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MED} do {"Raven_MEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AMED} do {"Raven_AMEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AMED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_SL} do {"Falcon_SLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_SL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_GL} do {"Falcon_GLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_GL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MM} do {"Falcon_MMmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MM; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MG} do {"Falcon_MGmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MG; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RAT} do {"Falcon_RATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RAT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RS} do {"Falcon_RSmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RS; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_ES} do {"Falcon_ESmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_ES; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AT} do {"Falcon_ATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AA} do {"Falcon_AAmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AA; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RO} do {"Falcon_ROmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RO; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MED} do {"Falcon_MEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AMED} do {"Falcon_AMEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AMED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_LPar} do {"Hawk_LParmk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_LPar; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par2} do {"Hawk_par2mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par2; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par3} do {"Hawk_par3mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par3; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par4} do {"Hawk_par4mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par4; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par5} do {"Hawk_par5mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par5; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par6} do {"Hawk_par6mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par6; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par7} do {"Hawk_par7mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par7; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par8} do {"Hawk_par8mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par8; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par9} do {"Hawk_par9mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par9; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par10} do {"Hawk_par10mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par10; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_Par11} do {"Hawk_par11mk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_Par11; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Hawk_AMed} do {"Hawk_AMedmk" setmarkerpos getpos Hawk_AMed; sleep 0.5;};}; Works great for me is it the most efficient way I don't know but I don't see any real lag due to it.
  23. Need some help! I am attempting to modify AIS wound system that will allow team switch to be used when a player is wounded. By default team switch is disabled. I have it working for the most part. If a player gets wounded he can team switch into a new unit. The new unit can move normal aim normal reload normal but can't use secondary weapons like rocket launches. The player loses the ability to revive drag carry and interact with the environment. The player in the new unit has a visual disturbance of a red Haze that will stay until the players original unit that is wounded is healed. I don't have an issue with that I kind of like it. It forces the player to rescue his original unit if he wants a normal visual screen. The player is still limited with his use of secondary weapons and environment interaction. If the player Team switches into a AI unit that is wounded and that AI is being healed the player gets all functional back to use secondary weapons and interaction with the environment including the ability to revive other units. At the point the player can then move to revive his original unit which will get rid of the red Haze screen. What I would like to have is the ability to use secondary weapons following team switch into a new unit after the original unit is wounded. The reason is if I need to take out a piece of armor without the ability to use a AT weapon well game over. If anyone interested in helping me to continue to modify this Script and getting it to work a little better with team switch enabled please like me know.