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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @sertica you are so wrong the wiki does not really explain the guard waypoint. Hands down it's the best waypoint to use for reinforcements without any scripting. If you just give a group of units a group of units a simple guard waypoint or a sentry guard combination waypoints the group will move all over the map when contact is made and if the in-game AI system feels the units that are in contact needs help. The groups with the groups with the guard waypoints will move towards the conflict. The great thing about it is it's random of how many groups will come to help. Go place a few infantry squads mechanized squads and armor vehicles randomly throughout the map and just give them the guard waypoints go some where on the map and strat a skirmish between opposing forces and watch how many of the guard groups will come to support the conflict. the great thing about this it is random every time you use it based on the conditions of the conflict what and how many will come to help. What was your understanding of how the guard waypoint works?
  2. @GEORGE FLOROS 🙏❤️👍 @gunter severloh you are a good guy.
  3. Vcom AI only kicks in if the groups have contact and go into combat mode. If not in combat mode no waypoints ordered they just sit around and wait for a call for help. It's like having groups with the guard waypoints with so much more. I use jebus to respawn the groups which has gaia build in to the script. I need to see if that is the issues. It all works but a long wait time.
  4. Also does anybody know if gaia has a group cap limit. Meaning that it will not generate waypoints for groups that's over a certain number. For some reason I think I read something about 38 groups can anyone confirm or deny this
  5. Does anybody notice a long time for gaia to initiation the waypoints at the start of the game. If I have like 15 groups using GAIA in different zones like 3-5 zones it takes around 7-10 minutes for gaia to initiate waypoints to all the groups the first time at start of game. can you guys please tell me if you're seeing the same thing and how many seconds or minutes does it take your groups to initiate their first waypoints using GAIA
  6. 100% agree with you. The only othe mod's I have is VcomAI and MCC4 with GAIA. If I take out Vcom is pretty much the same time plus Vcom does not influence AI units until combat mode is triggered
  7. Heyw many seconds or minutes after you start the mission do you see random generated waypoints within zones. What I am saying it takes 7-10 minutes at times to see all the groups moving around their assigned zones.
  8. @dreadpirate I know I have asked this a while ago but why can't you get custom group names to carryover after respawn using Jebus or elevations of units !
  9. @killick the initiation of waypoints when the mission starts sometimes I have to wait 7-12 minutes until all the groups have their initial waypoints. Once they get their initial way points no issues with the groups getting additional waypoints. This s us with around 15-20 group using GAIA but I have MCC4 install I don't just use the standalone template.
  10. Yes you need to have Eden enhanced or Achilles I forget which one gives you the Garrison waypoints 👍 only the mission maker needs to have them installed.
  11. avibird 1

    doStop broken

    You need to use disabled pathway command. The dostop command works but The units will move to get better position for shooting during the mission if it sees fit especially if the attributes open fire and out of formation are set for a unit or group. Here's a link of of a post that helped me understand the commands.
  12. Thank you dreadpirate you are the man!!!
  13. @dreadpirate How would I put this in into Jebus. (Group this ) setupVariable ["Vcm_Disable",ture];
  14. @sprite or anyone else may know this. Is there a group limit when using GAIA. I am having an issues with groups getting waypoints when I have to many groups using GAIA > then 20 groups and 5-7 minutes to initiate waypoint movements within the zones. Has anyone else experienced this.
  15. Look for my host server AVIBIRD PC you can test out the modified ASI system and if you like I can make a small demo mission or give you the code lines you need to edit it take me a long time because I really have no clue about scripting language or coding I just can reverse engineer some stuff due to the pure amount of time i have been playing OFP/ARMA and a lot of trial and error and of course all the great help you get on this fourm. MCC4 is a must so you can have some access to functionality once you have been wounded and switched to a new player without the MCC4 interface ie player interaction and environment interaction. You will only be able to move aim and reload normal but not interact with any other menus ie enter into vehicles place explosives switch the secondary weapons ext. You can't heal other units until you are either healed while you are in your original unit or another AI soldier that is wounded once you are healed you see a red flush on the screen and you are all good. The main issue I had with the original script was once I was able to enable team switch when you team switch you had the red narrow view and you could not access any other menus or switch to secondary weapons ie AT weapons with MCC4 player interface enabled you do. Plus I always use MCC4 with GAIA patrols in my missions. I need to get a new mic my dogs ate my mic 🤣
  16. You will have an issue with Jebus after respawn some of the code placed in the group init will not carryover. The group name will not carryover and synchronized items as well. IDk how to that to work I think it's out of Jebus scope but dreadpirate could answer that. Do you want to be a playable unit or just in command of the groups? If only in command just use Zeus
  17. If you just want to control the groups from high command there maybe be an issue with Jebus. Jebus does not carryover over with syn objects after respawn but you could resynchronize the group using Zeus interface. What are you trying to do. Just control groups as a commander and not actually playing and on the ground with the group then just use Zeus for that. Maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to accomplish.
  18. Oh boy 😂 at the first page of the thread there is a link to the script DL it has a demo mission. Do you even have the script DL have you even looked at the script and code parameters?
  19. FYI I don't know how much scripting knowledge you have. But the joined group command is not part of Jebus you need to setup it up with a standard area trigger or radio trigger using this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/joinSilent
  20. Yes but the script usually spawns groups after they die setup on a timer and distance parameters within the script code that you put inside the group leader. So you will need to setup a trigger for the new group to join group using the join group command once the group of AI units gets killed. Go play with dreadpirate demo mission for a few hours it has all examples how to use the script with all the parameters.
  21. @DirtyDel I took a while off from arma3 but yes I would like to see what you did with the Grimes simple revive script. I have a very unique modification to AIS system that I would like to share I just text psychobastard he has not posted on this thread since Feb 6 2019 I have a modified version of the script with a few minor issues that where in the original script where players get stuck in healing animations when shot or rare occasions the player may become invincible I think that may be mine with the modifications I made IDK. The modified version is called last man standing modification of AIS wound system. Playable units will never die only stay unconscious.The mission will end when all playable units are down. The modification was designed for solo play with AI or a small group of coop players. Not really for large JIP missions. Team switch works well. Players can team switch when their original unit is down without any visual affects (red narrow view taking out) they can move aim shoot and reload normal but can't interact with the environment for example enter vehicles place mines heal other units or switch to second weapons however if you use MCC4 ACE and the players have them enabled. The players can access the interface to switch weapons enter vehicles place mines ECT the only thing players can't do is drag wounded units or heal them. this was by design!!! So how do you heal an original unit that is wounded. Two ways. The wounded unit can call for help and other playable or AI units will come to heal as the original script was designed. Sometimes if the damage is not critical the wounded unit can still crawl slowly and use whatever left in its clip with decreased aiming as designed by the original script. The wounded unit can move to other playable or AI units and call for help. The second option is the player team switch into a new unit and moves to the location and then needs to team switch back into the original unit to get healed. Once the player gets healed he see a red flash on screen and all the functionality gets restored back. It makes the player who gets wounded responsible to get the wounded unit healed again. If not players would just leave the AI wounded and not worry about it lol. It's ture 😎 I would like to release a demo mission with the modifications. This is designed for lone wolf players or a small group of players for coop play. Large groups JIP missions would get to complicated and messy because team switch was never really designed for multiplayer join in progress missions. I don't know if a lot of people are still using this script because the thread has not had a lot of activity in a while.
  22. Gaia is a random patrol script set in zones like the old upmons. Vcom AI will generate random waypoints based on known contact. It will overwrite the GAIA waypoints and when no more enemy contact will go back to the zone waypoints. So the groups will still patrol around the zones you setup rather than just standing around waiting for additional contact like with Vcom AI Now Lambs does not generate waypoints that you can see it controls AI behavior only in combat mode. But Vcom AI does adjust combat mode as well most people say they are compatible. So to answer your question mostly no 🙂
  23. @gerhart for some reason I can't get the disabled feature to work on a few groups that I want to stay in place with sentry - guard waypoints. Other groups I have on disable pathway until certain triggers are met to allow those groups to move again. I don't want all the groups with disabled pathway. These groups are guarding my objectives I need them to stay in place until real contact is made. This command is not working for me (group this)setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; //This command will disable Vcom AI on a group entirely. The mod's I have enabled 1. Revive AIS wound system (modified) 2. GAIA (MCC4) random patrols 3. Vcom AI and enhance movements. All these mod's work great together 4. LAMBS what I am noticing if an AI unit of the playable side is wounded the units will be supine on the ground and the unit will roll and roll and roll like 50 to 100 meters it's kind of funny to see. I think there's a conflict between lambs and AIS wound system. My main concern is being able to select which groups will not be influence by VcomAI. 
  24. I feel like a epic failure can't get editor placed group to not have Vcom AI disabled. I am putting this code in the group leader in it (group this)setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; //This command will disable Vcom AI on a group entirely. Has anyone using vcom AI and LAMBS_Danger.fsm together? Any major issues or do they work well together. Help and thank you.