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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Auss

    [Source Files] Sosopol

    thanks for sharing :)
  2. roads are polylines now, if you wanted to find all the road textures on Altis, De-pbo and look for roadslib.cfg that will give u the path to all the road textures used on that island.
  3. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    works really well thanks guys great tool!!!
  4. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    ok so tried using it, i move a road point in TB then hit 1 to reload the updated road postion in buldozer, nothing changes? I'm getting the help menu but nothing else seems to be working, I'll keep trying
  5. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    all working now, updated my buldozer exe :)
  6. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    i just grabbed your scripts folder renamed my old scripts folder to scriptsold then dropped yours into P drive root, changed the roadspath to above then ran buldozer
  7. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    there is no entry like that, ive deleted rpt and restarted TB then fired up Buldozer no roads, I put back my original working scripts folder and roads return. My roadpath was copied from my working editor.sqs file roadpath = "P:/longbeach/data/roads/";
  8. Auss

    Buldozer Tools

    doesnt seem to work here, changed roads path and loaded it up, no roads showing :(
  9. No, probability array there defines how much of that type of object will be displayed on the surface, max total value must NOT exceed 1.0 the values there are ok except for Berg its total exceeds 1.0
  10. Auss

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    Thanks mattaust for releasing these buildings :)
  11. This is not the thread to ask that type of question, the correct place would be an RP life forum.
  12. point pbo project to the correct path for the config for those building
  13. Looks like the latest update last night has broken Xcam in the Apex preview Silola
  14. I'd check the exile forums
  15. hmm could be because there's no road, or that the AI thinks the path is blocked, either by the Bargate or something else.
  16. I set the HDR to 2 and it increased the brightness off the ground textures to unplayable levels, i'm going to experiment by darkening the sat
  17. i think the top version is better tbh,
  18. you can use Xcam to simply click on them then place where you want, Or u can use the BIS sample models to create and re-texture them, put them into a new addon :)
  19. Updated 5.01 lighting config https://mega.nz/#!KolCXbaD!AYQpPpC9M--bUEjjhwDRMNcma11iLU2ZslT_4fijfaQ drop the pbo into your @australia\addons folder note: Also increased the stars brightness and changed color of moon slightly
  20. have u checked to see if u have moon and stars?
  21. OK the new config is working well and the island looks magnificent but I cannot get the hotfix to work.
  22. I used the config that James posted and thats linked here https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191021-160-terrain-config-update-example/ I also needed to make a few minor changes to it to get the effect i was after but it will work for you