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Everything posted by 11_harley_11

  1. 11_harley_11

    Arma Reforger Addon Requests

    Would love to see a heavier more natural falling ragdoll. That also doesn't end abruptly leaving a stiff body with limbs floating in the air like a dead spider.
  2. 11_harley_11

    [SP/COOP] Random Infantry Skirmish

    These RIS's are my absolute favourite go-to single player scenarios. Man I love em! Any chance you could do an infantry version for Reforger? I would kiss the ground you walk on 😄
  3. 11_harley_11

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Exactly and there's probably no easy way to do it realistically. Which is why realistic damage numbers should be reduced to compensate for the lack of all these other realistic factors. In short it needs balancing...a dirty word it seems.
  4. 11_harley_11

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I for one wish you would reduce these numbers, me and my buddies tried the mod, loved it until we had a fire fight. We actually don't play it for this reason and this reason alone. tbh it feels more SciFi than vanilla ever did. Comments on 506th realism units videos tend to agree. When someone commented on the huge amount of rounds AI were taking before going down the reply was: "Its just the RHS mod, they still have some balancing to do. Trust me, all of us in the 506th really don't like it either but we still have fun." Yes they're having but I've heard many expletives in their videos when they have to empty half a clip into the AI. It's a brilliant mod but please don't be too stubborn on this subject.
  5. 11_harley_11

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is the AI still taking 3-5 shots to take down since the update? I did a quick search of the thread but only came up with tank damage results. Apologies if it's been discussed.
  6. 11_harley_11

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Wow this has simply changed the game for me on a massive scale. Fire fights sound absolutely AMAZING! The variety, the sound choice and volume of bullet impacts around the player are incredibly well done and extremely intense. Cracks and flybys are also a massive improvement. My situational awareness has improved hugely because you're general stereo mix and volumes are top notch! I'm no longer guessing where bullets are coming from. Even the rain sounds stunning. I salute you Dennis for you are a true master of your craft. Thank you for all the hard work.
  7. 11_harley_11

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Thank you LJ!! Can't wait to try it. Wow you really got the file size down too. You're Awesome!
  8. 11_harley_11

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Damn, every time I see an update on this thread I think Dragon Fyre is out. Now I've just done it to someone else....Ooops XD
  9. 11_harley_11

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Nah, you just need to do it the once and you're good to go.
  10. 11_harley_11

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Yep I have it on the highest setting.....maybe it's another mod conflicting. edit: fixed it. I had my clouds on low, so switching them to high and back to low again forced the impacts to work. And they great btw! Thanks OS!
  11. 11_harley_11

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hmm I have the same problem, zero bullet impacts except for a few tiny barely visible dirt blobs up close. Anyone know a fix for this?
  12. 11_harley_11

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    +1 And it could be a year before BI do what you need them to do LJ.
  13. Such an awesome mod man, just awesome. And thanks for the updates!
  14. Looks fantastic Nick! With those classic cottage farm house buildings, this'll be perfect for any WW2 mods that are hopefully coming. Can I ask, where do you source your high res sat and height maps from?
  15. 11_harley_11

    Multiplayer Not working

    Would love to know this too. Can't see my buddies server or he mine, in either steam or in game.
  16. Ahh yes of course :o Thanks for clearing this up for me Corporal_Lib, I'll add lukrop's mod to the mix for sure. Absolutely brilliant, thanks Lukrop! :D
  17. These AK weapons and animations are brilliant but are they a little weak when it comes to damage? I know nothing about AK's irl btw but it seems to take quite a few rounds to take the A.I down. Is this deliberate? I'm also using the @mao damage mod so I can't imagine how many it would take on vanilla. Unless the mod is conflicting with these AK's in some way.
  18. 11_harley_11

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    Excellent! Thanks very much, will test asap. A video showing off the A.I on your Youtube channel wouldn't go astray Zorrrobyte :)
  19. Thats a handy little bit of code. So yeah even with 20 AI I was getting shocking frame rates. But I think I've sorted it.... I'm not sure how exactly though. First thing was delete and reinstall the mod. (I had it in documents/arma3 instead of programs -not sure it that makes a difference) Then I made a fresh scene (I was cutting and pasting from a scene I'd made with the previous version of the mod) Perhaps there's a compatiblity problem between versions? But anyway now I'm getting 25 to 50 fps with the occasional brief freeze and hitching but nothing like before. 60ish AI present (anything like 100 and it's down to 15fps but it's time for a new cpu anyway) But old scenes made with the previous version are an fps nightmare....unless I just screwed the scene up which is highly likely :)
  20. I really love the idea of this awesome mod but I'm getting really big frame drops when I use it. I've tried removing all other mods but still no luck. If I use a simple setup like 2 opcoms, 2 mil placement (200 light infantry each side), Profile with a radius of 900 and 30 profiles used, garbage collector, my frames drop to 5-12 and awful hitching and brief freezes happen constantly. The A.I is the culprit but the radius isn't that massive. :( All maps are pretty much the same deal. Anyone else had this problem? cpu i7 950 and GPU gtx560ti (Old stuff I know but it runs Arma just fine normally)
  21. 11_harley_11

    Fatigue effects

    I can only play for 15min or so now because of this forced blur fatigue thing. It's extremely annoying to point where I close it and play something else. :mad: Please change it BI.
  22. Thanks for the reply mate. Yes I guess BI artists probably use what ever they prefer too. They must be doing some extra stuff with the red channel though as none of those programs produce a red channel like above. height map/displacement info is where I'm leaning.
  23. If you guys have time to answer this or if anybody else knows I'd really appreciate it. What do BI artists use for creating their ground texture normal maps? And if it's artist personal preference do you hand paint in the Red channel to enhance rocks and larger details - to make them pop? I've been look at your normal maps and they're pretty awesome but they don't look like anything you'd get from Crazy Bump or NDO2 etc. The red channel especially looks different. It's looks more like a height map and is blurry compared to the other channels. :confused: Or is the red channel used for actual displacement in the engine? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, wasn't sure where to put it.
  24. 11_harley_11

    [COOP][MP] Instant Action Mission Pack - 6

    These are fun! Thanks Fackstah