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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Wave2lip seems not to work with windows XP

    for me it only worked placing it in the root directory of C: , nowhere else
  2. william1

    New interview with Maruk

    if BIS makes things good with Arma 2 we will have game for several years i think
  3. william1

    Campaign "G.L.O.R.I.A."

    yes , me too, i had to "endmissioning" to get to the next mission
  4. william1

    Arma is a let down for most ofp players

    i'm gonna guess the future...mmmm, locking ?
  5. william1

    OFP Vs Arma QC SP Campaign

    my opinion is that who strikes first strikes twice, QG campaign is good, but these mercenaries can not compare to Gastovsky , Armstrong and company , damn ! i'm waiting for the cold war rearmed mod eagerly
  6. william1

    Equipment AI

    it sounds the most interesting lol the video is very funny
  7. william1


    Hoz's wife has a beautiful voice , i've been triying it and it's awesome you only have to get used to it and you could land in the roof of a house. there is a problem though with the antigua airport , the plane disappears from the gps and you get lost , but maybe that's because i don't know to read the Hud information yet
  8. william1

    Campaign "G.L.O.R.I.A."

    oooh , the day has come , i thought i would never see it it's joke , it's worth the wait , thank you very much OTK team
  9. william1

    green flare

    the flares are not under weapons , thay are under "slots" tab (i think it's called slots ) there are two tabs in the dialog square where the weapons are shown , on the top, weapons and slots. btw , there is no green flare as such , you have to buy a grenade green for the granade launcher.
  10. william1


    Mandoble, you are the one and only
  11. william1

    Queens Gambit help !

    call them by radio 0-0-1
  12. william1

    Royal Flush Impressions

    well , war is like that , war only serves to itself
  13. william1

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    luckily the mercs from QG have better aim than the A-team
  14. william1

    Royal Flush Impressions

    the only thing i didn't like is that it's too short, or at least it seems to me , maybe because it's so good. well that and the helmet of the mercenary
  15. william1

    First Map

    it barely looks ! but good luck with the project
  16. william1

    Royal Flush "final mission"

    i think BIS is a little misogynous ... no women in the game , one woman is the evil character in the campaign...
  17. william1

    Royal Flush "final mission"

    does anyone know if you can see the queen at the end ? she escaped in the chopper in the last mission and i couldn't stop her
  18. if the addon is at least the half as good as the demonstration video this's got to be the best invention since the wheel was invented
  19. i saved 21 and died 27 i felt bad for them
  20. william1

    TrueMods - 2nd Release

    the icons of the soldiers in trueingameUI are too small, you can't distinguish a soldier from an AT soldier or a sniper for example
  21. william1

    TrueMods - 2nd Release

    great job ! i will give it a try for sure
  22. william1

    Piper Warrior II

    more beautiful impossible and very detailed, excellent work mate !
  23. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    in the folder called "t" , green .paa
  24. william1

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    whoa, how i miss OFP , i think i shouldn't have desinstalled it these screenshots look very promising , i like the loading screen
  25. william1

    AimPoint Desert Weapons 1.3

    really beautiful , congratulations