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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Jamming weapons

    sounds funny does it work with custom weapons too or only with BIS weapons ?
  2. william1

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    they al least made the engine and the game that allow people to do it, it can't be said of all developers
  3. william1

    BushWars Mod

    that's a beautiful piece of art
  4. william1

    ArmA Effects

    for some reason i got XAM 1.305 and maddmatt's rain working together , but don't ask me how because you would never believe it , Arma sometimes acts in the strangest ways
  5. william1

    ArmA Effects

    i don't get any milky mist with the rain , and by the way , this new rain is freaking great , the wind effect is superb and in 3d
  6. william1

    ArmA Effects

    just tested it a bit and i like it , indeed is a improvement since the last version , the new smoke clouds with the explosions ... the new fire color and effects ... well done ! it makes me want to destroy everything just to see how it explodes keep up the good work
  7. william1

    ArmA Effects

    i see that the size of the pbo is double than the last version . Wich are the main differences or improvements since ver 0.4 ? thanks
  8. william1

    HaPPy B day ARMA

    happy birthday ! a game with so many possibilities than i will never experiment them all , but i'll try while waiting for arma 2
  9. william1

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    this mod doesn't have post sale support ? hey snake where are you ? tell me how can i lift a vehicle with the chopper !
  10. william1

    LSD Mission package (Last release)

    i never play multiplayer by i tested your lsd sp mission and they are nice thanks for your work
  11. william1

    AI less accurate?

    FFN mod is your solution http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=68983
  12. william1

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    XAM + FFN + sickboy's six pack + NWD ballistic is the most entertaining experience ever . Now Arma is really better than OFP not only in graphics.
  13. william1


    looking forward to it, best mod for ARMA so far with difference
  14. william1

    Marpat woodlands marines

    ops, the replacement is for the link in the first page , anyway it should work for all versions if the paths and names for the p3d files are not changed in the different versions .By the way , if you change the name of the pbo's you will have all kinds of nasty error messages
  15. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    the addon is included in the latest version of 6thSense.eu-Pack1_v0.3f , you should have it in the rar file already , maybe you deleted it by mistake
  16. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    maybe because Six Misc requires the addon extended_init_eventhandlers by Solus and you don't have it ?
  17. william1

    Marpat woodlands marines

    someone asked for a replacement ? NZX_Marpat_Marine_REPLACEMENT
  18. william1

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    most interesting
  19. william1

    Lowplants v1.1

    downloading , thank you Kegetys
  20. william1


    new version of my replacement , it enables FFN effects to the default BIS soldiers, this version is more complete and replaces the two older versions . it doesn't lag at all. if you use any of the older ones i recommend you to use this instead , it's what i use let the spectacle begin. http://rapidshare.com/files/66619745/FFN_replacement_1.1.rar.html
  21. william1

    Civilians in Cars

    and grouping the civilians to a west or east soldier acting as commander ? you have to give to this commander probability of presence 0 for him not to be shown in the game . they will not get out the car but they will be shot if they find enemy units (from the side the civilian commander is ) nevermind , it has been mentioned before
  22. william1

    Sharper recoils

    yes yes.. , surely you have done any kind of vu-dú to reduce the tracers rate by putting a curse on the config
  23. william1

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    how do you lift a vehicle with the chopper ? the H cargo is the UH 60 transport ? because i put an UH60 transport at 10 meter above a m113 but there is no message available to attach the vehicle
  24. william1

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    this message when i try to put a vulcan in the editor :