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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Hope that this is the right forum section for this, since it is actually not related to editing but to AI behaviour in general. I am building up a little scenario and it is just so annoying to see that sometimes the AI (civilians in my case) lay down on the ground where they should not and by this totally destroy the scene atmosphere or cutscene mood. And they lay down totally arbitrarily. Sometimes here, sometimes 5 steps later, etc. I can understand this behaviour in situations of awareness or danger (e.g. shots being fired, bombs exploding or bad guys giving neighbors headshots, etc.) but the situations I am talking about are completely relaxed! There is not even an armed person in the scene, nothing at all. But they keep doing it from time to time and this really is annoying and, as I said, totally destroys the mood of the situation (of which I have plenty in my scenario). Btw., things like guy setunitpos "UP"; guy disableAI XY; guy setbehaviour "SAFE" or "CARELESS"; won't help at all. Does anyone know this aswell? And has anyone a solution for this? Well, I even consider it a bug, so I hope that it gets fixed by BI (please :pray: ).
  2. Undeceived

    cal.68 Mod

    Great to see that you released it! :D Downloading now!
  3. Hello. I have the same problem. No matter what I use (say or playsound) - inside the vehicle the sound is too low. If you go to theh vehicle's 3rd person, it is normal. Then I defined the dialog sounds as music in the description.ext and play them via playmusic and it seems to work. Volume is normal, even inside. :) Very dirty workaround, I hate it... :( - and not possible if you want to playmusic a BIS track at the same time...
  4. Undeceived

    Steam - opinions and experiences survey

    I voted no. Reasons: 1. I want to have a physical copy (DVD). 2. Even though I like Steam, it makes it more complicated than it has to be. 3. I don't want to get forced in one direction, Steam only would be exactly that in my opinion. But like others in this thread I also look forward to get to know more about the reasons this poll was opened. In the end of the day however I think I would go with BI whatever they decide to do. I trust them that they will make decisions that will benefit the company and (subsequently) us, the players.
  5. Undeceived

    What RL language is Takistani?

    BI once said that it is Persian (means: Farsi).
  6. Undeceived

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    Should be in the same place in your documents. Have you started the game once? Do that to create the file.
  7. Undeceived

    Newb's First Impressions

    It's interesting to read about how new people experience the game. Thanks for the input and good luck and fun with Arma!
  8. Undeceived

    DLC DVD Pack

    I bought both BAF and PMC but this sounds good. Allthough I would have loved to know it earlier. :) But in the case of BIS (in contrary to publishers / devs who re-release stuff only to make money) I don't have a problem with it. BIS is the best dev (apart from their bugged releases) and I'll buy this. Also because I prefer DVDs over DLCs.
  9. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 Player Occupation

    Exactly! :-D
  10. How did you make that work? Can you explain it? I managed to create .lip files only out of .wav files. I really hope that it works with .ogg files, as a conversion of my 300+ .ogg files into .wav would take me a long time...
  11. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 Player Occupation

    Looking at the results maybe you should have included Students. :)
  12. Undeceived

    Arma 2 Player Age

    Would be good if this thread would not be closed like the last one some weeks ago. Just to see if and how the results will be different to the very first age poll ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83953&page=42 ).
  13. Undeceived

    CSLA for A2CO

    Completed the mission Operation Dynamo. Wow! What a blast! Thanks a lot for this, this mod is kicking ass!
  14. Undeceived

    CSLA for A2CO

    Muhaha, mine are done since last week! :DPlayed a SP mission and... Awesome atmosphere. :)
  15. Undeceived

    CSLA for A2CO

    Congratulations for the release! Thanks a lot!
  16. Undeceived

    [SP] Op Diseal

    This was a great mission, I enjoyed it very much! :) Both objectives got green - I blew up 4 satchels in the building and after that I let my sniper take down the warlord from that mountain between Feruz and Anar (which really was an awesome situation). After that I went widely around Anar and approached the extraction point from behind. But when I reached it, nothing happened. This last objective (extraction) remained active (grey) for me. But all in all it was a great mission. Thanks!
  17. Undeceived

    Through OpFor Eyes (TOE) Release Thread

    Played two of your missions and I really liked them! Thanks for your work. I'm downloading the third one now. :)
  18. Thank you VERY much for the new patch! :)
  19. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 OA & Windows 7

    Ok, I'll try it out. No, I didn't have the 64-bit DVD, had to order it ('cause I always want original discs :) ). A friend of mine also has a much better performance with Win 7 64-bit (after upgrading from 32-bit). Before his upgrade I had better performance (with 32-bit) because I also have better hardware than he has. But now with 64-bit he is the one with more FPS. :)
  20. Undeceived

    cal.68 Mod

    GREAT!!! Looking forward to it! ---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ---------- However... - please make us one or two Tippmanns too. :o Please!! *hug* *bow* *kissfeet* Tippmann A5 picture: http://www.picdrop.net/uploads/gr.jpg
  21. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 OA & Windows 7

    Yes, I know that Arma 2 is a 32-bit application, but my question was rather about the system's RAM usage, not the bit property of the application itself. Right now my Windows 7 32-bit uses 3,25 GB of my 4 GB of memory. I am planning to update my rig to 8 GB. But still Win 7 32-bit would not use them all. So my question is if Arma 2 would run better because the 64-bit system uses more RAM than the 32-bit one. Does anyone have any experiences about that? In theory it should work much better or not? Ok - do you think it is related to the memory usage I am talking about? And if not - what do you think makes this boost happen? Thanks for your answers!
  22. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 OA & Windows 7

    I wonder how (at actually state) the experiences of the players are with both bit systems regarding Arma 2 performance: Can one say that Arma 2 runs better with Windows 64-bit because it uses more RAM than the the 32-bit system?
  23. Undeceived


    Well, sometimes they do. Some weeks ago I entered a building and was shot from a AI lying in front of me. I was absolutely scared because I didn't expect this. I'm pretty sure that there was no script used in this mission. But to be honest this was the only time I saw this. :)