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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Situation: An Iranian hacker group hacked BI's Arma2.com website and mentioned further documents hidden by Spukoyev in his house. Actions in this perimeter by USMC Razor Team in 2009 apparently did not disclose the full content of the file stack. Mission: Retrieve the documents mentioned by the Iranian hacker group. Execution: Move to the position and investigate the area. Find the hidden stash and extract immediately. Be aware of possible enemy activities in form of BI members of Takistani units trying to impede your actions. Support: No support is available for this mission.
  2. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeah, and this confirms it: Looking forward to read from a czech forum member who goes there to investigate! ;) :) But watch out the Chedaki coming for you from the forest to the west!! Rush in and out immediately! :D
  3. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I found out something else - not sure if this was posted already, but here we go: The hacker pictures show the path to the hole in the last photo. Check the trees I marked: Adding that to my last post I'm quite sure that the hole on the last picture is on Spukayev's house position. Maybe BI or who ever really hid something there. :) The hackers say that too in their message: Could a czech forum member check out that spot? :D
  4. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Following the "geocaching hunt" trace: I'm not sure, but it could be that the those pictures on the hacked A2 website really were taken near the (real life) location of Spukajev's house. I checked the corresponding region in Google maps and think I found some spots (trees, dirt road) that seem to match with the first hacker photo. Check the pictures: PICTURE 1 (just an overview so you know what region I'm talking about): PICTURE 2 and 3 (compare the marked spots in both pictures):
  5. Undeceived

    Post-Apocalypse mod

    Wuaaa... :o :o This really is SAD... :(
  6. Gamestar.de published a test of OFP: RR and took it offline again because of an embargo. It should be on again tomorrow. But the name of the test by GS is still visible: :) "Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Test mit Video: Hirn aus, Knarre an" In English something like: :) "Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Review with video: Brain off, guns on"
  7. Check the requirements in the first post and you should know it. ;)
  8. Wow, that really is interesting! Thanks for sharing, Maruk!
  9. One of the first! :) CONGRATS for this monumental mod, guys!!! Thanks a lot for your fantastic work!!!
  10. YES!! Thanks a lot, Maruk!
  11. As for the Armaversum: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/03/31/exclusive-interview-bohemia-interactive-talks-take-on-helicopters/
  12. Hmm... :) These trucks remind me so much of that mission in OFP where you hide in the back and try to cross the Russian checkpoints. Then you get caught and have to escape to the ruin in the mountains.
  13. http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/company/developers-blog/215-taking-on-the-future I ask myself what the link to the Google street view location in Seattle means! All I know is that BIS is good in giving the comm some hide-and-seek actions. :)
  14. "Sling-load executions" Haha :D :D
  15. Undeceived

    about zombies?

    Haha, is this a joke?? ;)
  16. Undeceived

    BI Developer's Blog: An interesting new entry

    I would say I smell some puns against the community this time! They announced things we fear the most, like Hollywood, mainstream, cashing from custom addons, "everyone wants zombies because they are in COD", etc. And they sound like what I wrote in this post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1887846&postcount=841 :D Perfect 1st April, BIS!! :D
  17. Undeceived

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Nice one, Sickboy! :D
  18. Undeceived

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Here's my version of it - if anyone needs one. ;)
  19. Undeceived

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Holy crap, what a bullshit on the forums today!! :D Including moderators and people from which I'd never expect something like this. :) Now if suddenly W0lle (the most bad-tempered mod I got to know :p ) came up with a new avatar and instead of closing everything would write some bullshit too - this would be the most hilarious 1st april of my life!! :D EDIT: HAHA :-D Oh shit, he wrote seconds before me!! Haha, I won't ever forget this day!! :-D
  20. Undeceived

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    I was just making one with a pan, NeM. :) But rather went with the fan into the ban. :D
  21. Undeceived

    BI Developer's Blog: An interesting new entry

    BIS are going their own way! They already are learning a lot (e.g. that we love Arma 2 and are jealous because of every manforce that is involved with other projects ;) ). And AFAIK there is no other dev that is so customer friendly like BIS. Of course there is a lot to learn but I really hope that BI never becomes a company that plays with (means: f***s) its community, like other devs and publishers with "big" names!
  22. Well, this community is "special". :rolleyes: As much as it is faithful to the father of all devs it also is overly strict and criticises every small detail.
  23. Undeceived

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Well, it seems they are banned, tanned or landed. Shit!! :eek: I am too - kinda... EDIT: But to return to the 1st April subject. In the meanwhile I don't think anymore that Take On is an April joke. I mean - in the meanwhile I hope it is not.
  24. :eek: He talked about selling a BIS title!! Burn him!!! :D ;) Just kidding. :) Welcome to the forums, mate!