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Everything posted by th3flyboy

  1. you're probably in a similar situation to me, and I agree, ArmA 2 is probably going to be the closest I can get to actually being in combat because of my disability as well.
  2. 2 questions. 1. is it possible to transfer your progress from a previous version of a campaign to the new one. 2. is it possible to open the missions in the editor and mod them to use ace mod. I would like to try to do this to play using the ace stuff rather than the default gear.
  3. th3flyboy

    One game... Two stories? What the heck?

    what i want to know is if it's legit to have the combat ops campaign uploaded and the armed assault campaign uploaded, since that way we can see them both if we only have or can get one version. If that's illegal, than that's the end of that, but if not, then maybe BIS needs to allow this...
  4. th3flyboy

    ArmAlib v1.0

    It should be noted that it seems to be causing the latest battleye to kick you for "memory corrpution #2" if it's active
  5. th3flyboy

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I want to see an F/A-22 and a f-35. also i would love to see a b2, b1, and a b52.
  6. th3flyboy

    MV-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor

    looks good as a proof if concept but from the video i am going to request a few overhauls, first is the animations, it looks like the rotor stops turning in flight then starts turning again, in a loop, next the sounds really need improvement to fix the obvious loop effect, finally, please for the love of god overhaul the texture and the flight model.
  7. th3flyboy

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    the ladder bug still needs to be fixed, and the m107 seems to not work anymore, then again, i guess 10 shots dead on an ai including 3 headshots isn't enough to kill with a 50cal.
  8. th3flyboy

    Xam 1.4 released

    you sadistic person, its not right what your doing..... your basically torturing the community, i hope your happy....
  9. th3flyboy

    Xam 1.4 released

    Too much Mel Books. Where is a hacker when someone needs him? dang, if i only had linux installed on my rig right now.....
  10. th3flyboy

    Xam 1.4 released

    oh the humanity, please let this man have his holiday wish and the password already...... after all, it is friday... gmt
  11. th3flyboy

    Xam 1.4 released

    i know i am, if theyd just release the dang password.
  12. th3flyboy

    Xam 1.4 released

    No please snake release it military style at 0:00 zulu (gmt)
  13. th3flyboy

    Rpg soldiers

    i personally think its just a waste of a good rocket, seriously, bullets are for infantry, rockets are for vehicles, satchels are for sabotage, and mines are for ambushes simple as that.
  14. th3flyboy

    Armatec football 0.4a

    thats not a football thats a soccer ball, but seriously, good work armatec, now if you could just release a mod that would make the players have the celebrations like at real soccer games, that would be hilarious.
  15. th3flyboy

    Fromz's Chinese Stuff

    I'll bet the paint on the guns has lead on it, i know the bullets do, but i bet that things that shouldn't have lead do, on those guns.
  16. th3flyboy

    ATARI Dead...Arma Dead Too?

    im not worried about arma being dead at all, im more concerned about the falcon franchise with this news, i am hoping that now a group who will allow the community to mod the falcon games will buy it, rather than some "it's completely not allowed to mod it" people, then it will be easier to get falcon modded.
  17. th3flyboy

    ATI -Nvidia

    heres the scoop, i have a 8500 gt 512 megs pcie and i can max out arma's gfx settings with minimal fps hit, including view distance, the only problems i get are ctds and the occasional render glitch..
  18. th3flyboy

    Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

    yes but the player id should be based on a unique player id code, that way we can change our screen names in mp without having issues, that is useful for people in clans and tournaments who want to avoid being screwed if they have to change tags...
  19. th3flyboy

    IC-ArmA Campaign #2

    as a member of ic-arma since the beta campaign, i can safely say that this tourney is some of the best fun you can possibly have in arma.
  20. th3flyboy

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    i dont see it selling because the original game got bad reviews, thereby didnt sell that well.
  21. th3flyboy

    Evoltion3.0x alpha

    hey rocco, its flyboy from ks, mind if i help you work on this, ive been coming up with ideas to add to evo and do something like this for a while now, i think i could contribute some ideas, gimme a shout out on ts with your reply.
  22. th3flyboy

    Evolution - Single Player

    please, please, add xam 1.3 support and vehicles, i know it will change the mission from what it used to be, but xam is usually more fun than vanilla.