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Everything posted by ruff

  1. ruff

    Helicopter Not Flying at start

    im having the same issue. When i use helis from mods it crashes straight to the ground as it tries to start it's engine. While BIS helis are working fine.
  2. hi Alex this didnt work but thanks anyway. It came up with an error. Kylania's code did for future reference. How the long road of making missions again.
  3. this worked perfect. How bout if the opposite where it checks if my group is no longer inside the helicopter?
  4. thanks but it didnt work. Shouldnt it call my groups name instead of group player?
  5. Hi Eric awesome work with the weapons update. I haven't updated your weapons mod for a while and was surprised with all the gadgets and new weapons available! Also I found a bug in the handguns. The crossair doesn't show but the optics and iron sights are fine. Awesome work I was really surprised will all the new scopes and laser attachments awesome stuff!
  6. Yup it was an addon conflict with "fixed aresenal"
  7. everything is there the uniforms, vests and all other related gear is there except the opscores and some other heard gear like the beanie and it even did it with the RHS stuff where it removed majority of the Russian Forces helmets.
  8. Anyone having the same problems as me?? All the Opscore helmets from all Massi's addons have disappeared in Arsenal since the arma 3 update
  9. Hi Massi seems the ARMA 3 update removed some of the headgear you had available in Arsenal.
  10. Is it possible to add a sleeping anim. It would be cool in mission making where you can sneak up on a barracks where the Opfor is sleeping and take them out if not detected.
  11. ruff

    AI Skill Settings

    is this still correct? So the closer the value to 1 the better the ai is?
  12. ruff

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    thank you for the great work. However i found a bug on the acog scopes in which the scopes have 100m setting while the quick scope is set at 300m
  13. ruff

    TAC Vests

    Thanks heaps!
  14. ruff

    SC SCAR Port

    these are actually pretty awesome!!! I love the tactical versions but only request is to have the scope placements a bit more back so that you add the eotech 552 + 3x magnifier and laser on the front of the rails!!! Please!! these are awesome!!!
  15. ruff

    TAC Vests

    awesome work Zabb! I was just wondering if you could add coyote and rg colours for the DragonFire Gen2 D? Its an awesome combination of vest pouches and would really love the different colours for desert and woodland environments!
  16. So the lower the audible value the less heard and the lower camo the less seen. So the hint in the traits in Eden enhanced would be wrong then as it states the higher the value the less audible and the higher the camo the less seen
  17. Hi massi, with the recent update the masks with the tactical glasses has been replaced with the normal sport glasses. I just wanted to let you know as the tactical glasses looked better. Also the shemags still has the same colour in each one instead of red, green etc. Is it also possible to have the first masks you used on these units as an option I just preferred them. They have a clean cut look into them. Please?
  18. hi R3vo and everyone. I just wanted to know with the unit traits are the hints correct for camouflage and audible coeffecients? Should it be the higher the value of camouflage the easier to spot and the same as the audible the higher the value the easier to hear? I'm just not sure as in OFP the lower the value the less you could be spotted and less you could be heard. I'm getting odd results with camouflage values being high and audible being high. An confirmation would be good so i know setting the correct values right for a recon mission im making.
  19. thanks for the update massi, i just wanted to request the crye version of the uniforms or with kneepads. The uniforms look outdated and doesnt compare to their US counter parts. Awesome work non the less. I was just after these russian sf looks. http://militaryarmament.tumblr.com/post/94924530803/an-fsb-operator-aiming-his-ak-74m-during-the https://www.google.com.au/search?q=russian+gorka+sf&rlz=1C1ASUM_enAU530AU530&espv=2&biw=1745&bih=865&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiri8y0kr3MAhUDm5QKHZcLDdoQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=WnxftxNM_aXqIM%3A http://www.gearsoc.se/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=9825&start=165
  20. Could be VSM as they use one of spectres best for their base and change it to camo
  21. awesome work by the way!!!! love the extra bits and pieces makes eden editing way easier and better!
  22. the unit traits doesn't seem to work. When you change them to "yes" and check the unit again it has all the traits back to "no"
  23. ruff

    Targeting improvements

    they engage if you do a quick test they will engage. Their icons has engage. I put them on hold fire, on combat then i assign them "T" or "Attack" and their icons have engage. They somehow want to move totally away from the enemy without a clear line of sight and postion themselves till they have a fire position that is not realistic.