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Everything posted by DBO_

  1. DBO_

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    shame about that and you cant add eventhandlers to ammo class either iirc ?. maybe you can however create your own custom "explosioneffect", i have not personally gone that deep back into the config but i am sure you can create your own custom effects by over riding the originals or even better custom ? to clarify i mean , for example smokeshell <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ................... class CfgAmmo { class SmokeShell; class ofp2Smoke: SmokeShell { model = "\ofp2Smoke\nadeofp2.p3d"; hit = 1; indirectHit = 2; indirectHitRange = 0.200000; cost = 10; simulation="shotSmoke"; explosive = 1; deflecting = 60; explosionTime = 2.1; explosionEffects="myveryownExploAmmoExplosion";** < you can create own ? timeToLive = 12; soundHit[] = {"",0,1}; smokeColor[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,1}; lightColor[]={0,1,.2,0}; }; class ofp2smokenew: ofp2Smoke { smokeColor[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,1}; }; ............ **i am experimenting with something else different myself. but is it not possible that you can create your own explosion effect that will incorporate your view block there ?
  2. DBO_

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Does viewblock not work with class Thing ? If it does you can predict how it will float by using the correct amount of mass in its geometry, maybe try to match it with the mass in your smoke particle so it will rise with it. other than that you can use the ontimer script and send the particle co-ords as an array and simply setpos your view blocker there ?
  3. DBO_

    Finish  ARMA 1 first

    I see your sentiment and to be honest i would probably agree if i had not played OFP and simply joined bis games Via armed assault. The reason i dont agree is purely and simply based on sitting back and reading the facts about what happened to what should have been "OFP2" , Bis and codies fell ot over xbox elite etc and all the other shite mixed in vbs etc etc ,this made it very hard to see the realisation of the true sequal to ofp ever happening and to be honest i was gutted, if we think for a minute , we realise here is a group of software developers that have a proven record with mil sims (ofp1) not only that but there love is for RPG games , this for me is the perfect mix a military game with rpg elements , something like cwc campaign where your every move effects the following actions ,now to cut a long story short here is how i see what happened instead of A to B we have gone from A to C , where B is simply a needed financial boost in order to produce C and if thats the case , i dont give a dogs bollock how we/they got there if Bis produce in arma2 what they always promised OFP2 would be ,then they already have my order. The cold hard fact is that Arma as admitted by Bis was released unpolished and the eastern sales helped them to continue development , the havent said if it was development of the patches or arma usa or queens gambit or anything else , but for me if it has helped them produce arma2 then i feel my money is well invested and if i had known at the time i would have bought 10 copies from czech shop. just my own opinions , others may differ p.s whats more important for me is that we establish that in no way on this earth ,while i have an hole in my ass ,can armed assault be described as the sequal to OFP
  4. DBO_

    Armed Assault videos

    from the closed beta , i can tell you it has animation,drop and setpos(delete hit and replace with pieces) some of which are exact location destruction . he is working on like crytek2 an animation that when it hits another object the animation changes to affect it for MP( cant see it happening myself) . the reason for this method is because , everything must be in the same place on all clients and server or desync will go out the window and well , lag city / server crash will ensue. single player is 70% finished in current state . mp drop effect is 99% finished and mp animation is 99% to go lol. Oh and the physics are already from the Bis engine itself in that video nothing is added by scripts to make the effect after explosion.
  5. DBO_afghan 1.4 Unrel\ scars sumk33 personal use ( awaiting permission).
  6. DBO_

    Online Magazine

    No , I`m sorry but i would not read it, but i noticed max riga dropped the weekly news idea If you was to adopt that idea and it does make sense for you to utilise your video making skills ,then i would definately watch that, gl whatever you decide.
  7. DBO_

    Armed Assault videos

    not sure about 16:9 but here is a site where divx igh definition codecs are used for videos. you may have to allow certain things in browser
  8. hmmm, Am i the only one thinking " Of course they have all the mlods otherwise CWC - rehashed ,would have simply been a retexture job" ? i hate nda`s and open public threads they make people look like liars when they simply want to show off all there hard work. close this thread remove the william blog and replace it with the cwc blog. problem solved (ish)
  9. you need to save it as a .psb file i think but ot sure you can manually aadd the extension , but to open again you may have to activate phoyoshop to allow opening of such large files.
  10. DBO_

    Soldier of Fortune : Payback

    I will be getting it, How i miss those run and gun 20 minute rush in an instant and now with this new blood and guts it will be a case of ,have "auto shitty" will travel.i wonder if you still get so much abuse for selecting the auto shitty as you used too ?
  11. DBO_

    Texture roughness

    look for that in the config of yours. i havent tried but maybe you have ? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Subdivision { // fractal component of subdivision // changes are smaller for smaller rectangles class Fractal { // texture roughness factor rougness = 5; not playin arma tonight to much homework .
  12. if you are loading both configs at same time ,then one is over riding the other ,just like both are over riding the original. maybe you have used the same class in both configs and one is canceling the other by over riding it.? wont know without seeing both configs though
  13. DBO_

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    i already like arma flight sim . just one thing for amra2 , pls a little more easy to modify behaviour of missile and loadout possinbilities need broaden ever so slightly. AIR to AIR in ARMA
  14. its exactly what it is it says there are no sounds. its similar in any situation like for example in the vehicle and unit config ,some people converted from ofp with default [] ={} and all weapons were lost for soldiers.
  15. lmao , never saw it glad you fixed
  16. then i can only think you have named your subfolder "sound" instead of "sounds" because i made that mistake once and it killed me lol. but like i say mine works fine and i have done exactly as you ,except .wss which has no bearing here . good luck sry if i havent helped.
  17. have you tried _unit say "yoursound" works for me with same config as yours , as long as the code is from within the addon itself, not sure if your asking the sound to be played from a mission ? justincase my cpp <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds { class mysound01 { name = "mysound01"; sound[]={"\ofp2_sounds\sounds\mysound.wss",db+10,1}; titles[] = {0, $STRM}; }; };
  18. DBO_

    Our Projects

    complete and utter bullshit. these guys however young one is have the right to portray the addon as they like as long as they are not promising anything they cant deliver. the problem is that some people see fit to post abuse in this thread and then the admin (one in particular) sees fit to pay total disregaurd to rule#1 now if that would have been dealt with in post 4 the whole thing would have been stopped. my2 cents
  19. Lmao thats the most subdued list to prove a point i ever saw. what aout the animation mods(GRA) the effects mods(ecp) the themed mods (ffur) etc etc. i kinda very loosely see your pont but i would say 10% of mods failed not 99% . and i guess of the 10% that failed 99.9% of those addon makers went on to better things like joining bigger mods.
  20. DBO_


    k thanks for clarification. so you mean the wheels are actually going through the road and kicking up dust from the earth below ?
  21. DBO_

    KG Marek interview

    its a nice read but its a poormans version of this classic. gamesutras classic write up of going gold ofp
  22. DBO_

    Our Projects

    if there as good as your other releases , i am sure they are gonna be nice . Oh and fairplay to you for teaming up with needer , the moaners above as you will see can be catogorised as a knowitall and a tell f..kall, if the community was made up of just those two types then we would all be playing ofp vanilla still keep up the goodwork i look forward to seeing the release .
  23. DBO_


    just for clarification you are talking about the papi 1- 4 models having no roadway lods ?
  24. Strange they should outsource , they advertised for staff ,for this game 18 month or so ago and the positions where filled iirc. plus its there neon engine there using isn`t it and they have had all those people working on the game , it dosent add up that they would not publish it ? I guess the world of gaming has always been a strange one even stranger the jobs are still on the board for physics programmers etc lol. click on developer here
  25. DBO_

    Texture issue

    i never saw this problem before but i can try suggest a few ideas , i am off meory here so treat with caution my words 512 x 20 = 10240 this will give 1 pixel = 4 meters , i am not sure if thats good. maybe try a sat of 10240 ( thats not 1024 but 10240) it will give 1m = 1 pixel i have had ok results with that the floorboard sound sounds like an rvmat problem or a mod problem . maybe you can find the rvmat for that cell you have in picture and post it here too ?