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Everything posted by iguanapl

  1. iguanapl

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Yeah I agree that they try...They try...Ony that i can say.But to try is not enough...Must to do...ArmA brings better graphic and few others changes.But BI,their game do not move forward and by reading info about his new expation it won't move.ArmA it's combat,battlefield simulation and they want to do soldier of fortune 3... OFP has a lot of inovations and it give some fresh air to game industry.ArmA does not do that...I like BI ,wish them good but if they don't go forward.Where the hell their ambitions go??Go forward Bi,don't stop in one place...I would like to see more inovations,new kind of military combat operations...Make expansion that focus on tanks or airforce,maybe navy?Some carriers are nice to see..Mayby realistic navy seals missions that starts at carrier and finish there... And there is only one reason of BI financial problems ...Arma is not very good game,guys just stop in OFP era and that is the reason.If they do the the same with this new expansion pack it wont be stop but step back and that means bigger financial problems and we know how it all will end Old fans won't save you if you don't get new ones...
  2. iguanapl

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    They should do expansion to buy,sure they should...But it's bad joke like I said...ArmA is a lot of bugs to this day,campain is bad,number of vehicles is low and some of them do not have interiors and engine is the same,still no big physics improvements.OFP was different.Authors made one good game(OFP + RES) and now they think they can go along on their reputation and give us game that has a lot of bugs.They don't care...Let's make sh**t and ofp fan will buy it anyway...It's the begining of the end I think...Fix Arma first, make it playable,major bugs free.Then I can buy this expansion pack even for 200$...
  3. iguanapl

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    I hope it's bad joke...They should work hard on patches because ArmA is unplayable...New patches comes with few corrections and bring a lot of new bugs.And this "new campains" is just a simple way to earn some extra money...Give us editing tools and new patches not campains...We can do it much more better like it was with OFP...I won't buy it just i did not buy ArmA until is big bugs free (I'm still waiting  )
  4. iguanapl


    You could do some cliffs so big canyon for ambush can be made
  5. iguanapl


    Choppers will be imported by Airwolf(when he has free time).I will try to import my islands to Arma...somedays...
  6. iguanapl


    It's quite possible that we (Airwolf and me) will import our addons(airwolf chopper,minor addons and our usa island pack) to Arma.
  7. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    Maybe when tools will be released and I will have some free time then I we can think about using your objects
  8. iguanapl

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Great work.But some textures could be done better (for example on this eee... deck control tower?? ) When this ship will de destroed will it sunk or it will stay on water and burn?? Don't forget to make static version of it ...
  9. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    Yeah I know how to edit islands but I don't like it.If you have to do something do I all by yourself.And number of destroyed building is little in arma and they do not give apocaliptic feeling. But postapocaliptic world doesn't need to be desert.Earth can be under the snow because lack of sun caused by dust clouds made by the A bombs explosions...
  10. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    Island making is nothing hard for me.I've done few for OFP,but without editing tools for arma it's just wasting time to try make good, nice island,need to wait for the tools. Problem is lack of objects and buildings Arma do not have many objects that could be used...If you want to learn something about addon making don't learn island but buildings creating  I've seen Fallout teaser...hmm 2008/09?Can't wait.Let's do something for Arma faster Â
  11. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    I don't think that storyline is the most important thing.I'm not fan of sci-fi,supermutants etc...I would rather choose realistic path (BTW Jericho is the most stupid TV show ever created...They have plenty of food,fuel for cars,no radiation and in the evenings all town go to pub for a beer and they dance  ) The hardest thing is to make world for such mod,missions...Like in OFP -plenty of minor addons and lack of good islands to play with them.If there will be a postnuclear world for Arma other fans will start to create minor addons for it such as weapons,cars or mutans if they want... Vilas you could do some destroyed stuff,objects in your free time Maybe someday in Arma the bigest problem will be radiation
  12. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    It is just a discussion topic.There is no such mod ....yet Maybe in the future when BIS give us tools and my girl give me some free time... BTW.Fallout 3 teaser coming tonight
  13. iguanapl

    which scenario would be better?

    I would like to see scenario which takes place in postnuclear world...Deserts ,destroyed abandom cities etc.But i would see it rather for Arma than OFP.I could do map for it Maybe new mod Dante ??
  14. iguanapl

    Post-nuclear warfare in ArmA?

    Give me objects and I'll give you this Fallout3 art1 Fallout3art2 It would be nice to fight in such place
  15. iguanapl

    Project Alien

    I was thinking that you could import that maodel or textures to OFP
  16. iguanapl

    Project Alien

    Alien stuff for ArmA Just noticed some stuff from aliens movies made for ArmA by Vilas
  17. Mod about Iraq Rebel instead of making new mod maybe you should join to those guys.They are very talented and I'm sure theat they need some help...
  18. iguanapl

    AWM Land Pack

    Airwolf Mod Island Pack AUTHORS: World Editing: Iguana Minor World Editing (Airfield): Tomasz "AirwolfPL Sopylo General Island Concept: Tomasz "AirwolfPL" Sopylo and Iguana Island (Desert) Textures: Tomasz "AirwolfPL" Sopylo Airport Textures: Iguana Intro Music: TheWraith Pack contains 2 islands: Awmland - our main project Red Rock - map made for people with slower pc's Two maps are finished in 100%(maps!!! but not all objects on them)        Addons’s Features - Photorealistic High-Detailed Locations - Custom soundtrack for island intros, created by TheWraith! - Plenty of totally new textures and objects - Realistic Night-time Lighting of the Airport Airwolf Land island - First ever islands that let you explore Western American environments in OFP Big thanks to Agent Smith,Wacky Iraqi,JP mod team... Read readme file for more information about this addon. Some bad screens 1  2  3  4  5  6 Airwolf Land Required Addons: 3WX Team's Object Pack 1.0 link1   link2 AGS Buildings Pack 2.6 link1    link2 AGS Harbor Pack 2.0 link1    link2 AGS Industrial Pack 3.0 link1    link2 Farmland Objects v1.2 link Klavan Construction Kit Pack 1.0 link1    link2 Mapfact Barracks 1.5 link Mapfact Heaps 2.0 link Mapfact MilObj-Pack 1.0 link Mapfact Misc 1.0 (required by Oil Addon 1.02) link Mapfact Oil Addon 1.02 link Mapfact Sheds 1.0 link Mapfact JOF_Objects 1.2 link Phil Commando Afghanistan Soviet Prison link1   link2 Planck Curved and Sloped Brigdes link1   link2 RKSL Hangar V1 link Team Yankee Bridge Pack 1.0 link1   link2 I know it's a lot but I think it's worth to downlad ... Addons you were waiting for: AGENT SMITH / AIRWOLF MOD HIGHWAY PACK V.2.0 AIRWOLF MOD GUI V.1.01B (map can work without it) AIRWOLF MOD GUI V.1.01B Update from v1.00 (map can work without it) AIRWOLF MOD REQUIRED ADDONS PACK V.1.0 (It contains few pbo files from JP mod,Star Light and Ocean island) AIRWOLF MOD LAND PACK V.1.01BETA AIRWOLF MOD US ROAD SIGN PACK V.1.0 AIRWOLF MOD STATIC OBJECTS PACK 2 V.1.01b AIRWOLF MOD STATIC OBJECTS PACK 3 V.1.00 If you want working intros for the islands you have to put it in awm folder (read the readme file) Don't cry that prison do not have gate...We added special prison gate that you must place in the game by editor. Thanks again ofpdeadeye and big thanks to D@VE for spamming him  Hope you all like it NEW!!! THANKS TO CERVO YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT ALL IN ONE PACK PACKED VERSION (Contains Awm and other needed addons)
  19. iguanapl

    Los Angeles

    You can watch our USA land pack that I've made with AirwolfPL for good old OFP. WATCH THIS It contains 2 maps with many details and really big city.I think converting it into ArmA with new or corrected objects would be perfect sollution instead of making new one.If you guys like it and want to modify it for AmrA write me pm...
  20. iguanapl

    Urban map

    If you want really urbanized map check out AWM land pack About Grozny I don't thinks that there is good map of such kind
  21. iguanapl

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    I would help with converting maps but I do not have such powerfull PC which can handle ArmA
  22. iguanapl

    World War II CZ MOD

    Jezki isn't polish word
  23. iguanapl

    AWM Land Pack

    Hmmm...TMYK woodern bridge is from Team Yankee Bridge Pack 1.0 Team.Check out if you have 2 pbo files from it TMYK_Bridges.pbo and TYMK_BM.pbo.I don't have such problem. About the roads.Don't know which one you mean,those from the city(i think they are ok) or the ag smith highway (it is very old and has few mistakes that maybe will be repair in the future...maybe we will try to put those map in ArmA and then it will be done) Try to find more bugs...
  24. iguanapl

    ARMA Airfields

    I read all topic and do not find it so... Do the airstrips got working night-time lighting ? I can't see any lamp on the pic If there aren't any the island is detailed in wrong direction...
  25. iguanapl

    AWM Land Pack

    Check out if you have awmlandpack.pbo(where the config file is) in correct palce (readme file blablabla...) But I think doing what they say in that topic should do the trick...