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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. froggyluv

    Discord Unban Appeal

    Just teasing ya man -but seriously -whose discord are you even talking about?
  2. froggyluv

    Discord Unban Appeal

    Not cool Jon Seriously though why are you in Arma 3 General talking about a discord ban?
  3. froggyluv

    JBOY Boat Waypoints script

    Johnnyboy to the rescue (again!). Devs please start addressing your AI issues - its great we have scripters and modders to try and better these longstanding issues but dang cmon now where yall at ?? Looks great Johnny - love the AI backing up, tight navigating, ragdoll getting shotted from boat and reactions -really great stuff. Might have to actually buy that DLC now *kicks old dog and curmudgeonly grabs credit card
  4. froggyluv

    Armaholic is gone

    Feels like a piece of history gone. Remember releasing Arma missions to Foxhound and excited to see them posted there. Shame we used to have a much stronger sense of community here but now its mostly dispersed to youtube/reddit and the abyss.... Will an Arma 4 arise from the ashes?
  5. froggyluv

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Thats good at least about the bridges -they were always a frustrating aspect of infantry. But these Rice Paddies -i dont get it what is blocking the AI's path is it fences you say? BI should have introduced fence vaulting years and years ago at the same time they introduced crawling underneath fences. It was right around that time they made the internal decision to forgo any new AI pathing maneuvers, animations or techniques -an utter shame. One need only look at VCOMAI to see that it is highly achievable and should be in game by default without question as it utterly frees up many many AI pathfinding issues and is a gold standard in any infantry RTS game for essential movement.
  6. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    you seem to want to solve complex problems with simple solutions. The mod creator already thouroughly explained the intricacies of your suggestions. You simply aren’t allowing or understanding the amount of variables that cascade out of such suggestions. So again - if you threw up some mock code I think you would get a better understanding of why it’s not so easy to do as you suggest. Suggestions without concrete solution oriented material is easy - putting together a comprehensive package of that code is hard
  7. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    And what if enemy infantry are literally prone or ducking behind that wall ? Suppression is warranted there. Maybe your asking for a distance check from all enemies to said walls at all times - that gets expensive since you seem to know so much about what lists are cpu intensive and what aren’t - why not throw up some sample code as an example? Far more helpful than “ I have an idea listen to me!”
  8. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    He literally states two posts up that that would prevent suppressing through bushy type forested areas and that is important to them
  9. froggyluv

    Prarie Fire discussion

    The trailer is really well done -so much so that i almost broke my own rule of supporting anything new from BI (or DLC) that doesnt address fundamental single player issues. After reading the steam reviews 350 so far with still a Mostly Positive rating -the 50 or so negative ones almost uniformly state the same problem - you call it a SP/MP experience but literally give NO AI the player as squaddies!?! This is like saying chess is a one or two player game -you can simply keep switching the board around and playing both sides. But it is not a fleshed out single player experience by any means. So the slippery slope continues since APEX - rather than focus on terrain and AI that can work hand and hand with each other, create a terrain that maybe the AI can navigate - maybe they cant but if they cant, "well you really should be playing with friends anyway." The series has become tone deaf to what made the original franchise great -excellent singleplayer campaigns. There was a post on these boards by a worried potential customer curious if the map was tailor made to handle AI and he was hit with some criticisms "Of course it will the map maker is well known and you shouldnt expect anything better than BI could do anyways..!'. Well apparently this fear had good reason as the AI cant seem to navigate areas properly. Now the DLC creators have taken BI's lead of neglect of the singleplayer in favor of the much easier to control and contain multiplayer/co--op. The slippery slope continues...
  10. froggyluv

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Can anyone whose bought it tell me if all those new animations ae purely cosmetic for cutscenes or are they ingame AI behaviours?
  11. froggyluv

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Lots of cool cutscene type animations but again is any of it used functionally -as in new running or combat animations? If theres no SP campaign thats probably a no sale for me
  12. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Fantastic breakdown of the tribulations of AI coding especially in ARMA - bravo my two cents the added immersion of AI suppression as opposed to robot terminators who just one shot kill each other with way too little bullets flying - is worth it even if it plays out wonky occasionally I might even cheat add a few mags of ammo to any AI in suppressive fire mode as the results outweighs the need for stickler realism knowing that AI simply cant reliably rearm themselves
  13. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Pro tip kid -explain everything thats happening in the video when you post it -not after the fact. You see -your assuming everyone knows what you know -but thats not the case. For instance I thought that was you, the player firing at the wall and you were drawing a response of the AI behind the wall firing back at you -you know why I thought that -because your video evidence is garbage. You ever make any mods? If you have youd know that it reallly helps that when people bug report -they take the time to be informative, not dump some garbage little 11 second video with zero context on their laps _"Fix this!!" Fixing bugs, especially in AI mods, can be exhaustive. You want them to do the work -put a little more effort than an 11 second clip of nothingness
  14. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Sorry but thats a terrible video demonstration - alls we see is seemingly a human player firing at a brick wall and some AI in the backround who appear to be firing at god knows what. If your gonna complain about a bug -at least show it actually happening with precision
  15. The concrete landing/patio behind the Airport Terminal in Maruko - The AI's feet will fall thru the concrete level and the geometry is off on the surrounding wall as you cant get right next to it - there is invisible geometry blocking access
  16. Yeah no i dont blame the guys coding i blame those that make the decisions to forgo these vital fixes
  17. Agreed it something worthy of Dev attention yet another Quality of Life issue they just choose to ignore. Kinda like Spec Ops who run around with their Binocs up or Soldiers quickly reverting to Idle animations DURING combat -these should be easily fixable by the Pros yet they ignore and its an utter shame. How about disabling AI Ghosting when any player is within 400m so we never *(rarely see it)? How about no Binocs when enemy is closer than 300m OR there is an obvious immediate firefight taking place? How about no Idle animations if any shot was fired within past 5 minutes and/or again a known enemy is nearby? Shouldnt be that hard to remedy but alls we get is DLC with new units and maps with the same ol problems..
  18. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Did you really get a dive to cover animation going? That would be supreme
  19. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Thats one impressive change log
  20. What he means is -WHAT is activating your trigger. "This" meaning WHAT exactly? If we cant tell what activates your trigger -we cant help you on how to keep calling it.
  21. froggyluv

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    Are you serious? Like TS said there are large swaths of terrain in downtown areas in which the AI can simply not even move to evenn with a direct order. Have you ever seen ONE hotfix/update in which they address these sorts of issues -they simply ignore them. I have no doubt the mod will have decent content quality but id sure like to see the melee in action first
  22. Its a major major problem imo and one of the reasons i dont support them anymore buying DLC's and what not. A war game in which a tank can utterly decimate your entire fireteam (s) and yet your AT guys for whatever reason refuse to fire. Ive made videos of this years ago to showcase to the AI devs and they could care less as they have not attempted to fix it whatsoever. There is simply no excuse for soldiers not to fire in a wargame -id rather they spam and miss as there aint nothing more impotent feeling than having the proper weapon to counter and yet your AI simply refuse to.
  23. Kill it with fire !!
  24. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Thats more a request for the official Bohemian AI Dev team -wait do they even exist......?