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Everything posted by eddyd

  1. go you make navy ammocart too ?
  2. i working on lights for the my shelters in config but i want them work like streetlights , only shining down on the ground not hull building most light up , only on one spot some one help me with that ?
  3. hmm no one know about that , ok what about spotlights , someone ?
  4. i have remove the first shelter and put 2 new shelters in the first post for download
  5. eddyd


    i have a big problem , i cant load TGA files in O2pe anymore get a error (unable to convert texture,pac2pal error) is that a .dll file messing it up ?
  6. CWR need a greencamo A-10 tank killer like in the old days of ofp like this one that i make . i still have the paa files if you want it ? pm ,i do noting with it
  7. eddyd

    doors animations

    thx sgt.Ace i will tested out , looking good
  8. eddyd

    doors animations

    thx bk1276 but , still one door is working not the rest , i dont why ? are they working by you , bk1276 ?
  9. eddyd

    Retexturing mapfacts ah-64s

    why not ask you too mapfacts team for reskin self ?
  10. eddyd

    doors animations

    no thats is not the problem this is a config for one door and no problem with that /* eddyD_BORDER_HAS by eddyd 08.11.07 */ #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class eddyD_BORDER_objects { units[] = {eddyD_BORDER_HAS}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.10; }; }; class cfgVehicleClasses { class eddyD_BORDER_objects { displayName = "eddyD_BORDER_objects"; }; }; class CfgSkeletons { class hangBONES { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[]= { "doorL","", }; }; }; class cfgModels { class Shelter; class eddyD_BORDER_HAS: Shelter { skeletonName = "hangBONES"; sectionsInherit=""; sections[]={doorL}; class Animations { class doorLanim { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1; source="doorL"; selection="doorL"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; axis="doorlaxis"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.08; }; }; /* Animation class end */ }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class Static : all {}; class Building : Static {}; class Strategic : Building {}; class Shelter: Strategic{}; class eddyD_BORDER_HAS: Shelter { model="\eddyD_BORDER_HAS\eddyD_BORDER_HAS"; attendant=1; scope=2; transportAmmo = 300000; transportFuel=50000; transportRepair=20000000; accuracy = 0.300000; mapSize=35; vehicleClass="eddyD_BORDER_objects"; displayName="eddyD_BORDER_HAS"; class AnimationSources { class doorL { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; initPhase=0; }; }; class UserActions { class Open_Gate { displayName="Open Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyForPlayer = false; condition="this animationPhase ""doorlanim"" < 0.3"; statement="this animate [""doorlanim"", 1]";}; class Close_Gate { displayName="Close Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyForPlayer = false; condition="this animationPhase ""doorlanim"" > 0.3"; statement="this animate [""doorlanim"", 0]";}; }; }; }; so how do i with 4 doors ?
  11. eddyd

    doors animations

    ok,still have the same error what do i wrong
  12. eddyd

    doors animations

    the first door is working fine but door 2 ? i get a error when start Arma file eddyd_border_has\config.cpp,line132:'/cfgvehicles/eddyd_border_has/UserActions,';'{'encountered instead of '=' this my config -------------- /*  eddyD_BORDER_HAS by eddyd 08.11.07 */ #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class eddyD_BORDER_objects { units[] = {eddyD_BORDER_HAS}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.10; }; }; class cfgVehicleClasses {     class eddyD_BORDER_objects     {         displayName = "eddyD_BORDER_objects";     }; }; class CfgSkeletons {  class hangBONES  {     isDiscrete=1;     skeletonInherit = "";     skeletonBones[]=     {       "doorL,doorR","",       };  }; }; class cfgModels {  class Shelter;  class eddyD_BORDER_HAS: Shelter  {     skeletonName = "hangBONES";     sectionsInherit="";     sections[]={doorL,doorR};     class Animations     { class doorLanim { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1; source="doorL"; selection="doorL"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; axis="doorlaxis"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.08; }; class doorRanim { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1; source="doorR"; selection="doorR"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; axis="doorRaxis"; angle0=0; angle1=0.08; };     }; /* Animation class end */  }; }; class CfgVehicles {     class All {};   class Static : all {};   class Building : Static {};   class Strategic : Building {};   class Shelter: Strategic{};   class eddyD_BORDER_HAS: Shelter { model="\eddyD_BORDER_HAS\eddyD_BORDER_HAS"; attendant=1;         armor=2000; scope=2;         transportAmmo = 300000;         transportFuel=50000;         transportRepair=20000000;         accuracy = 0.300000;         mapSize=35; vehicleClass="eddyD_BORDER_objects"; displayName="eddyD_BORDER_HAS";  class AnimationSources { class  doorL { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2;  initPhase=0; }; }; class UserActions { class Open_Gate { displayName="Open Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyForPlayer = false; condition="this animationPhase ""doorlanim"" < 0.3"; statement="this animate [""doorlanim"", 1]";}; class Close_Gate { displayName="Close Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyForPlayer = false; condition="this animationPhase ""doorlanim"" > 0.3"; statement="this animate [""doorlanim"", 0]";}; { class doorR { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; initPhase=0; }; }; Class UserActions { class Open_Gate { displayName="Open Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyforPlayer = false; condition=this animationPhase ""doorRanim"" < 0.3"; statement=this animate [""doorRanim"", 1]";}; class Close_Gate { displayName="Close Gate"; position="handle1"; radius=30.000000; onlyForPlayer = false; condition="this animtionPhase ""doorRanim"" > 0.3"; statement=this animate [""doorRanim"", 1]";}; }; }; };
  13. eddyd

    doors animations

    oh yeah i can use that , thank you bk1276
  14. old screenshot , they casting shadows now i have not test them for bombing on the shelters yet lastninja9 you can better ask gnat for the carrier i did only the texture for the carrier and sended too gnat now back too this topic
  15. @old bear i will do rails texture by next update if you want rearm , turn off your engines or you still refueling
  16. eddyd

    Jet Fighters

    nice f/a-18E , you still work on that addon ? or is ready testing for beta releast ?
  17. eddyd

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    i love your island but i miss some things on the airfield , some like this that i work in the missions editor taxiways for planes and parking spots
  18. eddyd

    Ladder not working

    have probem with ladder that not working ingame i have follow brsseb building tutorial but not working do someone know how do it or work this only in config ?
  19. here is a new link :  filefront put all the pbo's in your addons folder or mod- folder in editor empty/eddyD_ammocart           eddyD_gbu12cart           eddyD_misslecart still a beta , use on you own risk eddyD
  20. little update on one of the shelters i go make this one for rearm , repair and refuel shelter still lots work on it cya later eddyD
  21. eddyd

    Ammocart beta release

    have remove the first link and make a new link too filefront download in 5 sec
  22. eddyd

    Ammocart beta release

    ok guys new link on the first post from filefront
  23. eddyd

    Ammocart beta release

    they rearm the planes and choppers
  24. update on the Ammocarts
  25. now you can take ammo from the ammocart for your planes and choppers and one of the shelters go do the same for ammo , refuel and repair , still many things to do cya later