3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit
Would you like to join an Arma 3 unit that simulates a military career? Would you like to be around current and ex-military personnel not only from the US, but from all over the world? Would you like to take part in operations that go by real-life standards? If your answer to all my questions is "yes", then you've found the place for you.
Listen to us here. 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit and Task Force 121 presenting Episode 2 of The Simulated Gaming Podcast Episode 2, Podcast Link
About Us
The 3rd Infantry Division provides a place where you can get off work or school and go hang out among fellow soldiers and friends and push yourself, both personally and professionally. Come check out our website and teamspeak, If you like what you see and you’re actively seeking a dedicated milsim unit that will deliver a realistic, unique, educating, and professional experience it is our hope that the 3rd Infantry Division will be on your mind. We hope to see you out here!
If you would like to enlist in the 3rd Infantry Division, please register and submit an application at https://.3rdinf.us or visit us on Teamspeak ts.3rdinf.us.
Founded in 2003 as a home for realism gaming excellence. We have continued to push excellence for everyone that joins and serves within the unit.
How do you apply?
Enlist Here
Join our Discord Server!
Contact Information
Steam: Contact me on Steam
Website: Enlist Here
Teamspeak: ts.3rdinf.us
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BfSuDZcmC
Find out more about us!
YouTube: Our YouTube
Facebook: Facebook Page
Podcast: 2023 3rd Quarter Podcast
We also have a unique way to show off your unit progression. Each soldier of the 3rd Infantry Division Realism that graduates One Station Unit Training and becomes enlisted into our ranks receives a custom army service uniform profile attached to the personnel file!
Check out some army service uniforms through our state of the art PERSCOM system! HERE
Speak English
Be over 16 years old (people at the age of 15 undergo an evaluation period)
Have legal, working copy of Arma 3
Use Teamspeak 3 and have a working microphone
Not be enrolled in any other realism/milsim Armed Assault 3 Units
Be able to attend at least 60% of mandatory events
All of our mandatory trainings/field training exercises/operations happen during the weekends. We also have an optional event throughout the week. All times are in EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Squad trainings between 1430 - 1500 EST (starting times)
Unit operation: 1500 EST (starting time)
SGT A.Bills - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272434282/