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Bobzoooo AAG

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About Bobzoooo AAG

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Bobzoooo AAG

    Ready Up Feedback/Suggestion

    I agree with you guys, but I think the devs need us to spend crowns and will never interfere with this. It's like the crafting of objects. I hoped we could craft several of them but it never happened; I guess it is because we can spend crowns to craft things faster. They need to make some money to keep the game evolving.
  2. Bobzoooo AAG

    Throw a lure

    This would be a great tweak. The way the lure works today is simply alerting others of our very position. Another interesting modification of the lure, would be to make it detonate 30 seconds after being placed, so we could get a bit away from it and ambush or distract other outlanders.
  3. Bobzoooo AAG

    An idea of something new

    Great idea ! It would fit perfectly with the lore of the game, the general gameplay and rythm of the encounters. A new point of interest like this one would be a great addition to the game. Please devs, make it happen 😉
  4. Hi Devs, I noticed I can hear the sound effect of rain dropplets falling on the metal canons of the batteries in the expedition map Batterie, when it's not raining. This glitch is going on from about a week or so. I play on an Xbox Series S. Bye Bobzooooo
  5. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    Déjà 4 ans de VIGOR 🍅! Récap en français du Dev Stream Anniversaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrLVDtuSXU4
  6. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    VIGOR 🔪 RÉCAP en français du Dev Stream #90 + EMOTE EVENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tp9knGs8Xc
  7. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    VIGOR 🔪 RÉCAP en français du Dev Stream #89 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOVaKOmy9TM
  8. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    🔪 VIGOR Dev Stream #86 RECAP en français https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEvHe2uAkBQ&t=10s
  9. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    🔪 VIGOR Dev Stream #85 RECAP en français https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wNyR5QatIU&t=23s
  10. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    🔪 VIGOR Dev Stream #84 RECAP en français https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwSfCgJEFG0
  11. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 DevStreams Recaps in FRENCH

    Récap des nouveautés précisées dans le Dev Stream #83 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MevYe8YtCc
  12. Bobzoooo AAG

    🔪 VIGOR Survival Guide

    Hi Outlanders ! I'm a player from France and with my dear friend ConalCelt, we wrote, filmed, voiced and edited a tutorial video for beginners. We've put hardwork in this Survival Guide, using ingame clips and parts of the wonderful promotional cinematics from Bohemia Interactives. We have no financial interest in doing so, we simply like to share what we've learnt while playing VIGOR for almost 3 years now. Keep going Devs, Hope to get some feedback on this 📖 RULES to follow if you want to SURVIVE, FIGHT, LOOT and BUILD your shelter ! Conal and Bobzoooo for The Auld Alliance Gaming ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔪 Thanks to Bohemia Interactive for this amazing game 🔪
  13. 🔪 RECAP du Stream #82 des développeurs de VIGOR Découvrez les dernières nouveautés en moins de 3 minutes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlOLyBHMjeY&t=5s