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About Lucas_hoz

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  1. Hi anyone knows why my custom module works when the attribute isTriggerActivated is disabled? (it didn't work when its enable). # Config: class CfgPatches { class FCLA_Modules { units[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; author = "hozlucas28"; version = "2.0"; authorUrl = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137876583/"; requiredVersion = 2.0; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class FCLA_Modules { side = 7; priority = 1; displayName = "FCLA"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class FCLA_Modules { class 3DEN { class createACEObjectAction3DEN {file = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\functions\ACE_Actions\fn_objectAction.sqf";}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; class Combo; class CheckBox; class CheckBoxNumber; class ModuleDescription; }; class ModuleDescription { class Anything; }; }; class FCLA_Module_ACE_Object_Action_v1: Module_F { author = "hozlucas28"; displayName = "Crear acción (ACE - objeto)"; //icon = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; //portrait = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; category = "FCLA_Modules"; function = "FCLA_Modules_fnc_createACEObjectAction3DEN"; is3DEN = 0; isGlobal = 1; canSetArea = 0; isDisposable = 0; canSetAreaHeight = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; scope = 2; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class FCLA_Name: Edit { tooltip = "Nombre que tendra la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Name"; displayName = "Nombre"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Icon: Edit { tooltip = "Icono de la acción, opcional.\n• Se recomienda que el tamaño sea de 32x32 en formato '.paa'."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Icon"; displayName = "Icono"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Condition: Edit { tooltip = "Determina que condición/es deben cumplirse para que la acción se muestre.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Condition"; displayName = "Condición/es"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Statement: Edit { tooltip = "Determina el código que se ejecutara al seleccionar la acción.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Statement"; displayName = "Sentencia/s"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Associated_Object: Edit { tooltip = "Variable de la entidad a la que se le asociara la acción, opcional.\n• Si no se define ningúna variable, se le asociara la acción a la entidad sincronizada solo si es la única sincronizada al módulo."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Associated_Object"; displayName = "Variable"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Type_Of_Action: Combo { tooltip = "• Propia: solo la entidad asociada tiene acceso a la acción.\n• Externa: todas las entidades ajenas a la asociada tienen acceso a la acción."; typeName = "NUMBER"; property = "FCLA_Type_Of_Action"; displayName = "Tipo de acción"; defaultValue = 1; class Values { class Self { name = "Propia"; value = 1; }; class External { name = "Externa"; value = 0; }; }; }; class FCLA_Parent_Path: Edit { tooltip = "Determina en que acción padre se colocara la acción que queremos crear.\n• Por ejemplo:\n- Acción externa = ['ACE_MainActions']\n- Acción propia = ['ACE_SelfActions', 'ACE_Equipment']"; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Parent_Path"; displayName = "Padres"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {}; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description[] = {"Crea una acción ACE 3D asociada a una entidad específica.<br/>• Más información: <a href='https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html'>https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html</a>"}; }; }; }; # Function: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: hozlucas28 * * Description: * Crea una acción ACE 3D para una entidad específica. * * Public: [No] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ params [ ["_module", objNull, [objNull], 0], ["_synchronizedObjects", [], [[]], []], ["_isActivated", true, [true], 0] ]; if ((is3DEN) || (isNull _module) || (!_isActivated)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 1"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;}; //Verificar argumentos. _name = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Name", ""]; _icon = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Icon", ""]; _condition = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Condition", ""]; _statement = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Statement", ""]; _parentPath = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Parent_Path", []]; _typeOfAction = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Type_Of_Action", -1]; _associatedObject = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Associated_Object", objNull]; _numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects = {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")} count _synchronizedObjects; if ((_name == "") || (_condition == "") || (_statement == "") || (_typeOfAction <= -1)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 2"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;["¡Error! El/Un módulo 'Crear acción (ACE - objeto)' no se pudo inicializar con éxito."] call BIS_fnc_error;}; //Pasar ruta de padres y classnames asociadas al formato correcto. _parentPath = parseSimpleArray ([_parentPath, """", "'"] call CBA_fnc_replace); _findedEntity = _synchronizedObjects findIf {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")}; _associatedObject = if ((_findedEntity > -1) && (_numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects == 1)) then {_synchronizedObjects select _findedEntity;} else {call compile format ["%1", _associatedObject];}; //Crear y asociar acción. _actionCreated = [_name, _name, _icon, [_statement] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, [_condition] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, {}, [], {[0, 0, 0]}, 2, [false, false, false, false, false], {}] call ACE_Interact_Menu_fnc_createAction; _return = [_associatedObject, _typeOfAction, _parentPath, _actionCreated] call ACE_Interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; //Eliminar módulo. //deleteVehicle _module; ["FCLA (server log): Entro " + str _associatedObject + " " + str _return] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;