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Everything posted by _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

  1. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    Hi, Can someone help me? I need the script so that when a player walks up to an ammo box it has 10 or each mag compatible with his weapons (Primary and secondary).
  2. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    Seems to be working like a charm ๐Ÿ˜!! What would be the difference between postinit and init? Also added the Launcher ammo: class EventHandlers { postinit = "params ['_crate']; if (local _crate) then {_crate addEventHandler ['ContainerOpened', {params ['_crate','_unit']; _magazinesPri = primaryWeapon _unit call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; _magazinesHan = handgunWeapon _unit call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines;_magazinesSec = secondaryWeapon player call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; {_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,10]} forEach _magazinesPri;{_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,10]} forEach _magazinesSec; {_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,10]} forEach _magazinesHan;}]; _crate addEventHandler ['ContainerClosed',{params ['_crate','_unit']; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate}]}"; };
  3. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    I think I got it ๐Ÿ™‚ this addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; _magazinesPri = primaryWeapon player call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; _magazinesSec = handgunWeapon player call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; { box_A addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 10]; } forEach _magazinesPri; { box_A addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 10]; } forEach _magazinesSec; }]; this addEventHandler ["ContainerClosed", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal box_A; }]; So the last more tricky part. How do I get this into a CFG file? Class eventhandler?
  4. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    This is close but not all done. this addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; _magazinesPri = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> primaryWeapon player >> "magazines"); _magazinesSec = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> handgunWeapon player >> "magazines"); { box_F addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 10]; } forEach _magazinesPri; { box_F addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 10]; } forEach _magazinesSec; }]; this addEventHandler ["ContainerClosed", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal box_F; }]; It's not finding all the magazines that the weapon can use. How do i find that? I guess it's my array that is not finding them all
  5. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    SO!!! I'm getting closer, this addEventHandler ["ContainerOpened", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; _magazinesPri = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> primaryWeapon player >> "magazines"); _magazinesSec = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> handgunWeapon player >> "magazines"); box_M addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_magazinesPri select 0), 10]; box_M addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_magazinesSec select 0), 5]; }]; this addEventHandler ["ContainerClosed", { params ["_container", "_unit"]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal box_M; }]; Now, how do I get more than one type of mags? I'm thinking forEach
  6. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Fill ammobox

    something like this: _magazines = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >> "magazines"); box addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_magazines select 0), 10]; But I would like to get all compatible mags. I'm thinking an eventhandler
  7. Hi All, So I'm trying to learn how to create new characters for arma 3, is there some good tutorials? I would like to learn: Face texturing using Gimp first Then maybe some face modeling but I have never done that before. So far I have learned how to create a new identity config and facecfg.
  8. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Config identity

    Hi guys. I want to make a unit named King Abab he should use the TanoanHead_A3_09 and have an African voice. How do I config this? So I got this working almost, but I'm using this class event handler: class EventHandlers{ init = "(_this select 0) setIdentity ""SHQ_ID_KingAbab"""; But how do I get it to set the identity in Eden editor? Right now it is not setting until I'm in game.
  9. Hi All. Anyone who can direct me to a good Youtube tutorial on how to create a new terrain for Arma 3? I'm playing around in L3DT and now I would like to import it to the Terrain builder, but I can't seem to get it to work. P:drive and Buldozer should be set up correctly.
  10. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    @RoF Finally got it working after an all-nighter ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    so I guess i got to get this Pdrive under control, but it is messing with me. I will de install arma and start from scratch
  12. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    i went to Mikero and downloaded the: ArmA3p. Now i got a p Drive
  13. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    my Bat looks like this: @echo off if exist p: (subst p: /q) subst p: C:\Users\Steen\Documents\ArmaPdrive I created an empty folder called -> ArmaPdrive
  14. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    So I uninstalled the P: drive, -> then downloaded the bat file -> then edited the file, and ran it, but no p:Drive How can I do something so simple wrong??
  15. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    ok, will do that now
  16. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    Hi @RoF , I don't recall using automount before, I don't think it's on. I see the P drive, but not the projects before I mount it in ARMA Tools. Also the bat file I'm talking about is the one that converts PNG files to PAA (Just to make sure we talk about the same Bat). I will try to convert the files manually as it's not that many in the tutorial, to see if its the issue ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    @Snake Man So I started with https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain, Now i tried a cupel of times but, After i run the BAT file and try to run bulldozer I get an error: Cannot load texture tut\tut_tutorial_terrain\data\Layers\s_000_000_Ico.paa Do you know why? Also my M_000_000_lca.png - M_000_001_lca.png - M_001_000_lca.png are just black png's Is that normal?
  18. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Create a new terrain tutorial.

    Thx for your responses guys. Yes, I noticed that the youtube videos were not very good, I just hoped as I often feel it's easier to understand when I see what I should expect. I will dig down in the pasted links. If anyone would like to help me get started and run me through the process please reach out on Discord: _-xXShArK_OGXx-_#7211
  19. Love your Work ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    Crate is spawning under floor

    nice just what I needed ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    SOLVED Finding UXO's

    [SOLVED] ->> Script was tweaked. BIG SHOUT OUT to @soldierXXXX thx for your help and for finding the errors in the script. and thx @Leopard20 this tip will help in other places too.
  22. Hi all. Could you help me with the right format for finding UXO's near the player?? i like to find these in a 10m radius of the player: uxoType = ["rhsusf_uxo_blu97","BombCluster_03_UXO1_F","BombCluster_02_UXO1_F","BombCluster_01_UXO1_F","BombCluster_03_UXO4_F", "BombCluster_02_UXO4_F","BombCluster_01_UXO4_F","BombCluster_03_UXO2_F","BombCluster_02_UXO2_F","BombCluster_01_UXO2_F", "BombCluster_03_UXO3_F","BombCluster_02_UXO3_F","BombCluster_01_UXO3_F","rhs_uxo_ao1_1","rhs_uxo_ao1_2", "rhs_uxo_ao1_3","rhs_uxo_ptab1m_1","rhs_uxo_ptab1m_2","rhs_uxo_ptab1m_3","rhs_uxo_ptab25ko_1","rhs_uxo_ptab25ko_2", "rhs_uxo_ptab25ko_3","rhs_uxo_ptab25m_1","rhs_uxo_ptab25m_2","rhs_uxo_ptab25m_3" ]; I have tryed: Nuxos = position player nearObjects [uxoType,10]; ->> no luck nObject = position player nearObjects [(iskindOf uxoType),500]; ->> no luck nObject = getPos player nearestObject uxoType; ->> no luck and a bunch of other combos, but I'm not sure of the format. i also noticed that there are other names for the objects like: "rhs_uxo_ptab25m_2" ->> "rhs_ammo_uxo_ptab25m_2" and "rhs_uxo_ao1_2" ->> "rhs_ammo_uxo_ao1_2" if I use this in Debug Console I see them and myself nObject = player nearObjects 10; hint str nObject; please help. thx.
  23. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    SOLVED Finding UXO's

    Hi,, yeahh I'm trying to fix a mod, I will test is later and get back to you.
  24. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    SOLVED Finding UXO's

    debug works fine now, but is running from the game start in the main menu is that intended or an init error? this seems to work, but on all mines: EODS_MDET_fnc_getNearestMine = { private ["_found", "_nearestMine", "_DetectionPoint", "_allMines", "_mine", "_distance"]; _found = false; _nearestMine = []; //_allMines = allMines; if (currentWeapon player in ["EODS_Detector_Weapon", "EODS_VMH3CS_Weapon"]) then //Checks Player Weapon { _DetectionPoint = "Helper_Base_F" createVehicleLocal getPos Player; // create detection point _DetectionPoint attachto [player,[-0.4,0.8,-0.8],"granat"]; // attach point to player memorypoint "granat" , we can use "granat2" , "LeftHand" , "RightHand" and maybe "aimPoint".... //hideObjectGlobal _DetectionPoint ; //Hiding point.... _allMines = (player nearEntities ["EODS_base_ied_cellphone", 10]) + (player nearEntities ["EODS_Fake_Base", 10]) + allmines ; //EODS_base_ied_Pressure. Custom IEDS. Add Bolts Etc? for "_i" from 0 to ((count _allMines) - 1) do { _mine = _allMines select _i; _distance = _DetectionPoint distance _mine; if (_distance <= EODS_MDET_var_radius) then { if ([getPos player, getDir player, EODS_MDET_var_angle, getPos _mine] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector) then { if (_found) then { if ((_nearestMine select 1) > _distance) then { _nearestMine = [_mine, _distance]; }; } else { _found = true; _nearestMine = [_mine, _distance]; }; }; }; }; deleteVehicle _DetectionPoint; _nearestMine; }; };
  25. _-xXShArK_OGXx-_

    SOLVED Finding UXO's

    thx. Almost working I think. if I place down a UXO in Editor within 10 m the dbug finds it and hints the Infos ๐Ÿ™‚ if I start more than 10 meters I get a hin nothing found ๐Ÿ™‚ but if I move closer to the UXO nothing happens other than a big Bang ๐Ÿ˜ž last part of the script, not sure if this affects the other part ๐Ÿ™‚ EODS_MDET_fnc_playSound = { private "_percentage"; _percentage = _this / EODS_MDET_var_radius * 100; switch (true) do { case (_percentage > 80 && _percentage < 100): { playSound "MDS_1" }; case (_percentage > 60 && _percentage < 80): { playSound "MDS_2" }; case (_percentage > 40 && _percentage < 60): { playSound "MDS_3" }; case (_percentage > 20 && _percentage < 40): { playSound "MDS_4" }; case (_percentage > 10 && _percentage < 20): { playSound "MDS_5" }; case (_percentage > 0 && _percentage < 10): { playSound "MDS_6" }; }; }; //Uxo EODS_MDET_fnc_UxoInRange = { private "_distance"; _distance = _this select 1; if (EODS_MDET_var_rnd_radius) then { _distance = _distance call EODS_MDET_fnc_randomize; }; _distance call EODS_MDET_fnc_playSound; ////// MINE IS IN RANGE AND IN CORRECT ANGLE ////// //systemChat format["Explosive detected in radius: %1m", round _distance]; };