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Everything posted by mattyrepe98

  1. Good morning everyone. I am not a scripter, but I have tried to create two scrips to create a co10 escape mission like those of neoarmagheddon and scruffy, on the ts_chernobyl redux map by TZR team which has not yet been edited and I like the idea of having to escape from a map with contaminated areas so I added the JSHK gear and contam. zones created by JSHOK. Now the two scripts are used to remove the glasses of the AI, add gas masks to the AIs only when they are close to contaminated areas and remove them when they come out. The scripts work and are executed by triggers placed in the editor, for the first script (the one which removes the glasses to the AI) with this condition and activation and executes this script (RAD_X in the cript are the positions of the contaminated areas and are invisible helipads): per il secondo script (the one who gives the AI gas masks when they are close to the zones): Questo come ho detto rallenta o interferisce con gli altri scripts della missione rallentando le varie funzioni, dalla reanimationi all'hacking delle comuncazioni... Could someone give me a solution to improve the scripts and not slow down the game please?
  2. Sorry for the long absence but I had some problems. I was able to run tests to solve the problem in the way you indicated, but nothing, I haven't been able to find a solution this way. But I got what I wanted by further modifying that "sort" of script I created by removing a part and adding a string "sleep 10;" to delay the execution of the while command. Thanks for the help anyway guys
  3. Ok, tonight i will try with the triggers as you suggested. But I admit that the idea of learning how to create scripts has always teased me and I have seen that you give a lot of advice and your solutions always work (I say this because some solutions you have given to other people have also helped me) as well as to your great work with your mod "MGI enhanced modules", could you suggest me some guides to learn the fundamentals of scripting?
  4. The problem is also this, some blufor and independent units are equipped with a mask already at spawn (no opfor has a mask when it spawns), but the mod has many masks with different camouflages and assigns them to them randomly, I have to make sure to replace them with only one model. I wish AIs only had masks when they are in or near zones so that players can only get them when they really need the AIs and so I didn't want to put masks in the AI inventory. I also wanted to avoid using triggers because contaminated areas could be eliminated by this script run after init I delete the initial wastes because the players will start without a mask and I don't want them to die at the beginning (the starting position is random because it is defined by the co10 escape scripts). This is mainly a cooperative MP scenario and the AIs I have to supply the masks to are all player enemies or civilians and not grouped to the player and it has to work for the AI only, players will put them on manually and have to carry some with self because I want to make sure that if you hit there is a% chance that they will break. What could be the best solution?
  5. I apologize if I did not use the editor tools to the fullest, I am a script noob, I happened to modify and adapt some simple scripts and this is the first one I try to write from scratch. Yes, I used the point triggers only to start the scripts, I didn't know it wasn't the best way. I didn't use the area triggers because I have many contaminated areas and I was afraid that the scenario would become too heavy, in your opinion it would be the best way to give or remove the masks to the AI? Hmm I thought that while {true} / {false} was interfacing with the trigger and defining the condition under which the script would give or remove the gas masks... What would be the best way to run the scripts and how can I modify these to make them work better? Why not just use the spawn command as sarogahtyp suggests?
  6. mattyrepe98

    JSHK Contamination Area Mod

    Good evening, I found the mod on SW and found it interesting and above all useful for an idea of scenery to play with friends. I downloaded it together with the JSHK Contamination gear I tried in the editor and everything works, buy now i ha e a question, is it possible to create the contaminated area modules via script? because i am trying to create an escape mission from tschernobylredux with the co10 mod of neoarmageddon and scruffy, i have tried with a script executed by a trigger in an empty scenario to create the contaminated area module, or even to synchronize a module already positioned in the scenario to an object also positioned via the editor to create more areas but it does not work, how can I do to create these areas randomly via script? Thanks in advance.
  7. mattyrepe98

    co10 Escape

    Hi, I'm new here but i would like to know if it's possibile if a static spawn position could be used in place of the random spawn and of it's possibile how can i set this?. Many thanks.