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About Bnb.Andrew

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  1. I need some help for respawn loadouts. I'll make a server for me n my crew play and enjoy it. I make the base, vehicel respanws, put the player slots set up the server. Everythign was fine but respawn it have a problem. I change the player special states "enable stamina off" ofcourse. Put the infantry respawn module set delay bla bla.. Whatever. when i test in game to respawn i killed myself with a granade and force respawn screen come on my screen. I'll hold the space bar and forced respawn has correct work. But when i dead and take respawn my character has reset, reset loadout, reset my edits, everything have reseted on player. I'll try that scripts on server file; initPlayerLocal.sqf pLoadout = getUnitLoadout player; onPlayerRespawn.sqf player setUnitLoadout pLoadout; This does not work and i search some different scripts and find this; PlayerKilled [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; PlayerRespawn [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; but this scripts not work maybe make mistakes but dont think so. How can i fix this issiue????