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Henk Ottinger

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About Henk Ottinger

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  1. [] execVM "Convoy\convoyInit.sqf"; sleep 2; _handle = [["cm2_3","cm2_4"],[strider_1], 100, 300, 1, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove; _handle = [["cm2_1","cm2_2"],[hunter_1], 75, 300, 2, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove; _handle = [["cm2_3","cm2_4"],[hemtt_1], 50, 300, 3, "NORMAL", "SAFE"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove; _handle = [["cm1_1","cm1_4"],[hunter_2], 75, 300, 4, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove; This is how I initiate. And yes strider_1 & hemtt_1 have accidents from time to time :) if(_ConvoyID == 2 && _LastMarker == "cm2_1") then {_handle = [["cm2_2"],[hunter_1], 75, 300, 2, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove;}; if(_ConvoyID == 2 && _LastMarker == "cm2_2") then {_handle = [["cm2_1"],[hunter_1], 75, 300, 2, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove;}; if(_ConvoyID == 1) then {_handle = [["cm2_3","cm2_4"],[strider_1], 100, 300, 1, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove;}; if(_ConvoyID == 3) then {_handle = [["cm2_3","cm2_4"],[hemtt_1], 50, 300, 3, "NORMAL", "SAFE"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove;}; if(_ConvoyID == 4) then {_handle = [["cm1_1","cm1_4"],[hunter_2], 75, 300, 4, "NORMAL", "CARELESS"] spawn DEVAS_ConvoyMove;}; This is ConvoyEnd. So initially they all start moving. But also they all stop moving after some time. E.g. hunter_1 is set up for testing and is driving only a short distance. Sometimes for 30 minutes it drives back and forth with no problem, then suddenly stopping between the markers. Regarding this, I wanna find out how I can debug the scheduler or the existence of the arrays ingame, maybe that would help. But don't know how to do it. Have a hosted Exile server with Infistar. But the debug console is not returning anything, just accepting commands.
  2. It's been a while, but I would still like to bring single vehicles (no convoy) to patrol. After a server start this works fine. But after some time the vehicles just stop working. In the middle between two markers, not even at the end point. Can this script still be used for Arma 3 Exile? Or are others recommended?