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Everything posted by snoopynator

  1. snoopynator

    Dev Road map?

    humm add more guns, weapons and add more daily like kill 10 guys with a spoon 🙂 ( sarcasm ) IMO, it need to focus a bit back at the original vigor, the survival, add fishing maybe... Stay out of the way of shooting gallery is the way to be different ! Ciao !
  2. snoopynator

    No Cloud connection

    weather for te day, fully sun , no cloud 😉 same issue in canada
  3. snoopynator

    Lagging and Disconnect

    disconnect are more frequent then in the past from the last update
  4. snoopynator

    Having Proper Vigor Etiquette

    sometime, I let then go away.. sometime, I killed. Why, just because VIGOR give me daily like kill 3 guys with headshot. Do you see the improvement of december ?? GUNS and GUNS and GUNS... instead of a container full of food for example, or others stuff, glass, steel etc, they give us weapon... can someone understand the same think as me : killlll just killll. VIGOR is going down to the road of APEX and other kind of morron game.
  5. snoopynator

    position on map

    hi From the last update, when you loot a car, alarm signal and the position of the car can be see on map. Can we have the same when weapon are used. Then , the guy parked on the side will be see by everybody on the map. Or, just removed the alarm and position when the loot is done on car. My point is to remove all information for `killer`that take Vigor for a kind of call of duty.
  6. Hi I saw to many camper that don't try to loot on the map, but just waiting at exit to kill a players with full loot. For some players it's not fair. Then, I suggest that NO ONE is able to loot a player when you kill it ! It will change the passive wait for a loot full player at exit to a need to loot on the map and maybe be kill by other's . More fair for all !! Therefore, the ammount of loot should be triple on map.. just to patch the fact that we can loot the died player ! VIGOR : try to be different.. it's a good manner to start !
  7. snoopynator

    suggestion on loot versus kill

    if you kill a player.. 100 pts... no loot If the loot is 300 or 400 % more present in the map, who need to kill other ? In fact you kill other not to loot them, but to keep more loot possible for you 😉
  8. snoopynator

    season 5

    seem to be cool, map can be choose 🙂
  9. snoopynator

    Most frustating game I've played

    in canada, 2 to 4 minutes, lobby 35 sec and rarely crashing. 250 mb fiber internet bi-directionnal.
  10. snoopynator

    to hard to play with crossplay

    I play a few games with cross-platform and I have the same thinking: xbox, pc, sony and others are not on the same level when cross platform is used in a game. i'm Xbox for info.
  11. snoopynator

    Is it possible to play Vigor on PC?

    cross platforn ruined game like MW2, warzone. Think just about auto target, The world of console don't need this kind of mix. Let Pc mod with PC. If you modify your xbox too much, you will be banned. Anyway, mod an xbox is harder then a PC. So the volume of cheater in xbox world is very low.
  12. snoopynator

    Maps being stripped down

    Zombie 🙂 if, when you die in the map.. you "revive" as a zombie to kill others players and take their loot... then the loop has no end..
  13. snoopynator

    5 extra slots

    consumables and bullets should be on a specific pouch... like a 10 slots. It will calm down a few guys that go hunting with 200 ammo 😉
  14. snoopynator


    just a simple question : where's the loot !!! All of the long house are now pretty empty if you compare with a few week... If someone can explain the goal of all this kind of "ordinary" modification.. I dont understand, the game lost more in my point of vue. We are now in the killing mode, were you need to kill all others to have a decent loot Can you just change the description of the game : not a survival game were you need to loot stuff on a map to a Killing game, where you kill and loot. I know it's difficult to be original in the world of game. But you are droping slowly in the path of all other's killing game. rip Vigor !
  15. snoopynator

    Flashbangs, Pipe Bombs and Handgrenades!

    In fact, like you say, it's post-apocalypse... so HOW all this stuff should be available. A few gun, one or two other riffle, a few knife and basta. Post-apocalypse.. survival... it's not a game sponsor by the NRA 🙂
  16. snoopynator

    Flashbangs, Pipe Bombs and Handgrenades!

    hummm like call of duty 🙂 add betty and claymor
  17. snoopynator


    I remember Vigor without any kind of stats. Curiously, the kind of player that kill for fun arrived just when stats were there a few week before. Stats just give them the fun and feel the power of being the one with 5000 killed. It's easy to kill person when they loot stuff, maybe they should try to grow and get back to fortnite or other game like that.
  18. snoopynator

    Battery Draug??

    In map with loot, I loot... but when loot it's spread all around 1 of glass etc, I prefer to wait for a "victims" and take his stuff. Sick of running all the map for nothing except bullets from others players.
  19. snoopynator

    suggestion for the future

    HI all, a few suggestions : - remove all point for kill and all kind of reward link to kill in the game ( maybe it will stop the migration of player who think that Vigor is just another Apex style game - add sharing point when in team you share box etc - add a pouch for ammo ( distinct from the bag ) - remove artillery, portable detector etc.. it's help killer's - add more to the shelter, fishing camp etc - bring back the spirit of Vigor, a survivalist game where you have to build stuff, not just killing others - add bonus point were you meet others players without killing it ( can be a few place in map where players can reach to meet ) - add a kind of market, where you can sold or exchange fuel, nails etc But one more important: bring back map that we can select.. random map are like, played the same map 4 time in a row yesterday.... thanks, the game is still fun to play, but I think it goes in a direction where you will lost Vigor players and get Apex and other kind of killer's game like that. Ciao !
  20. snoopynator

    Duo player rewards

    personnaly, I share with the random players.. leave a few stuff in the safe, same in the buried cache. But this is not the usual, a lot of time players are just like they never get things and the keep all for them.. ( like the kids sometimes lol ) Be gentle with others.. it's a game, have fun and share !
  21. snoopynator

    Bullets in crates

    I think that bullets should have is own pouch.. not to be count as place in the bag.. Or, when you find it and keep it, point should be grant at the end like for fuel etc
  22. snoopynator

    Carrying abilities

    I agree 😉 and all the amo should be out of the bag... they should'nt take place in the bag
  23. snoopynator

    Changelog - Update 3.1

    Too much gun too.. too much ammo...
  24. snoopynator

    Changelog - Update 3.1

    Hummm kill ratio, when this game was migrated to a Kill ratio game ?? There's plenty of game with this aspect. Vigor was an exception, so please dont destroy it with the K/D . First, remove all killing challenge that send a very bad idea about the game. The easy way of game with Kill ratio will not make Vigor better. It will just make it anoying like other game. Why did you think people from other game run it Vigor now... Just because they see a game were people dont just try to kill other. So it make for them easy kill and wow, their ego is flying to the top... @Dev Team : your just a bit to fall into their game and become just "another shooting game".
  25. snoopynator

    Changelog - Update 3.1

    like other said: stay alive for x minutes, collect x items… Play peacefull.. like this idea !!! I did almost all the achievements... except the Rubik cube...