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Everything posted by BulletsNotMyFavourite

  1. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thank you!! I will PM you now.
  2. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Okay, thank you. I should try figuring out my port forwarding stuff so I can try hosting a game to test if I can save. Is there a coop version of Pilgrimage Livonia?
  3. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Just dropping by to say that Pilgrimage is my all-time favorite single player Arma mission! I wish I could have figured out a way to have progress save in the ported multiplayer coop, which I never managed, though I think about trying to sort it out and write it up if I could get some help. Has anyone been able to play coop pilgrimage (2, 3, or 4 player) running on a dedicated server and save progress between play sessions? Thanks for the mission, and for the ports!
  4. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I have not managed to sort this out yet, but did find this information about saving data in profileNamespaces which seems it may help, and also the following code in the Antistasi coop mission, which does successfully save and load user data between server restarts: initServer.sqf params.hpp (part of what compiles to description.ext) If I find a solution to this issue of losing the Pilgrimage Coop mission progress when stopping and starting a dedicated server I will come back here with it.
  5. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thank you — I had missed the parameters button on the top-right in the beginning. Regarding the save, I will continue looking for a solution. I wonder if the server overwrites the save file when you stop it and start it again. I will try renaming the save file before starting the server again to see if it works.
  6. BulletsNotMyFavourite

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello @major-stiffy (or anyone who may be able to help), I am currently playing the 3-player COOP Malden version in the link above (Malden_Pilgrimage_195D3_3COOP.Malden.pbo) on a dedicated server with a friend, but we are having a couple of issues: 1. When done playing a session and quitting Arma, we can resume the mission from where we started only if I do not stop the server. If I restart the server, when we join in the mission starts over from the beginning. I have tried this both with persistent = 0; and persistent = 1; in the Server.cfg settings. Is there a way to save the progress if we stop the server? 2. We never see the setup screen with the initial mission parameters when starting the mission. Is it possible to set them before beginning from within the game? The Server.cfg we are using is below. Thank you for any help! // // server.cfg // // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "Pilgrimage Coop - Malden"; password = "REDACTED"; passwordAdmin = "REDACTED"; serverCommandPassword = "REDACTED"; logFile = "server_console.log"; motd[] = {"Good day!"}; motdInterval = 5; maxPlayers = 4; kickDuplicate = 1; verifySignatures = 0; equalModRequired = 0; allowedFilePatching = 2; filePatchingExceptions[] = {"123456789","987654321"}; // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; voteThreshold = 0.33; // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; vonCodec = 1; vonCodecQuality = 30; persistent = 0; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. timeStampFormat = "short"; BattlEye = 0; allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"};) allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"}; // TIMEOUTS disconnectTimeout = 5; maxDesync = 150; maxPing= 200; maxPacketLoss= 50; kickClientsOnSlowNetwork[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; kickTimeout[] = { {0, -1}, {1, 180}, {2, 180}, {3, 180} }; votingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; roleTimeOut[] = {90, 120}; briefingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; debriefingTimeOut[] = {45, 60}; lobbyIdleTimeout = 300; // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData = ""; // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) randomMissionOrder = true; autoSelectMission = true; // An empty Missions class means there will be no mission rotation class Missions { class MaldenPilgrimage3playerCoop // https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/208892-pilgrimage-ported/ { template = Malden_Pilgrimage_195D3_3COOP.Malden; difficulty = "Custom"; class Params { loadSave = 1; autoSave = 1; }; }; }; missionWhitelist[] = {};