Execute Handcrafted SpecOps & AirOps with others and your friends on our custom Framework.
Server Info
80+ slots.
Public 24/7 Server.
100+ Handcrafted missions.
7 x 8 man SpecOps squads.
9 different Pilot Slots.
8 Opfor Slots for an element of pvp in each mission.
Attach Player Driven Support whenever you need it.
Custom Map/GPS UI and Operating System.
Whitelisted Addons for immersion.
No Required Addons for the server.
Loads of grief prevention scripts to ensure you have a good time free from griefers.
Advanced AI so they really fight back.
Watch our Trailer to get a taste of what to expect
Basic Info
* Server Location: Germany
* All are welcome!
* Our website with everything you need to know. http://arma.playityourway.net/
Milsim Players
We have designed this server with experienced players in mind, meaning you.
One of our goals is to create a place where we can enjoy milsim styled gameplay with immersion and is free from griefing admins/leaders.
New Players
From in-game and our discord you can find our guides and also join our “Learn how to Arma” voice channel to talk to other players. These players may even join you in- game and help you learn how to do things.