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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    Any views from other outlanders re cheaper crowns?
  2. After five consecutive days of loot challenges, I finally got crate challenges. Faith restored !
  3. Oldninja

    Encounter challenges

    Hi Jeremy, Before challenges were introduced looting and shooting to improve the shelter was all that was available. But I do see the point of a quicker turn around. Maybe as soon as you finish the challenge another one appears, in a similar way to the top one that can't be removed. On the other hand, I tend to try and get my challenges out of the way, so if it's safely leaving encounters, simply taking part in encounters or looting for various items, I focus on them and find it interferes with my normal style of play, so having time to play normally is quite useful. Interested in other views from outlanders on this topic.
  4. Oldninja

    people camping at exit spots

    Too much focus on this subject for me. It's all part of the game, so get on with it and don't make it easy for campers. If I have a kill challenge, I'm going to camp, try and kill outlanders to get my reward. If I have a loot challenge, I'm going to loot and stay out of the way of other outlanders. If I want to build improvements, depending on the map I land on I'm either going to loot or let other outlanders loot and try and take them out at an exit. All totally legit and honourable tactics. . Tactics I've used. Always leave yourself a full sprint bar for when you get close to the exit. It's much harder to shoot a sprinting target that bobs and weaves. If you choose the ladder at Grontheim, take a look around before you get the top of the second ladder. Don't necessarily run to the closest exit. Use the signal locator prior to taking the crate to highlight any likely campers. Hopefully, we can have less complaining and more adapting.
  5. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    Hi Azzkicker, Just thinking about your 700% boost encounter. There would be too much loot in that encounter for everyone to carry. Can't think why someone would kill you. For a weapon they would probably deconstruct, and a few bullets!
  6. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    I agree, but If 155 crowns had only cost $1.99 (as opposed to $4.99), would you have felt better about it? My point being:- 1. Spending $4.99 gives you 5 boosts (plus 5 crowns), that's basically $1.00 per loot boost per encounter. if you average encounter lasts 10 minutes, you're potentially spending @$6.00 per hour of game play. Not exorbitant you may think, but after a 4 hour session, say 5 days of the week and adding a loot boost to every other encounter, you could be @$60 out of pocket! 2. If the cost of 155 crowns was $1.99 you would be parting with $2.40 per hour of game play. that's basically $0.40 per loot boost per encounter! In comparison to the above that's a total of $24 . Forgetting about total spend for a minute, I know which equation would make me not even think about adding a loot boost .. . . Not going to mention boosting crates, as for 50% more cost, and the uncertainty of actually getting the crate, it's not for me! . If 3 times more outlanders agreed with the above and purchased cheaper crowns, Vigor generates more funding overall!!
  7. Oldninja

    Very Bugs on game

    Hi lblackou7i, Agree with most of the points you raise. I never use a weapon on auto because of the recoil. Ambivalent about squads as I play solo. Mentioned consumable deconstruction bug in another thread. Not a biggy for me, but would make deconstruction easier and less time consuming. I'm not experiencing the server issues others are, maybe it's a regional thing, but appears on here a lot, so needs attention. Fall damage is annoying and very inconsistent. I'm sure the Devs have all the above on their to do list.
  8. Oldninja

    Anti-biotics bug

    Another bug with all consumables. You can only deconstruct one at a time, no matter how many you try to deconstruct.
  9. Oldninja


    Hi Neyr, I'm thinking the Devs will start awarding crates/crowns when you reach certain donation milestones at some point in the future. Can't think what else it could be for.
  10. I will start removing the looting challenges rather than completing them. That might shake the RNG up a bit?
  11. 5 days running I've had looting challenges. Not very random unless I'm stuck in one place.
  12. Oldninja

    Suggestions about bugs and other...

    Same here bobby. First job once the encounter starts is change to single. Even fully prone, automatic firing is all over the place.
  13. Oldninja

    Additional Crown Gain Methods

    Hi Azzkicker, I agree with your comments. But I don't think the Devs will give too many crowns away. It would be great if they would either lower the cost of boosts, or provide more ways of gaining crowns. I understand that they want outlanders to spend on crowns as it gives the income to continue development, but there is a point where things become counter intuitive. For example, clash of clans (not even similar you may say), but they have modified their business model and my grand kids love it as they can buy things cheap. But believe me, it's an illusion. As my credit card spend will attest. They are spending smaller amounts more regularly. Which adds up to more spend overall! The point is this, it has refreshed their interest in a game that was gradually finding its way to the bottom of the list of games to play. Now they look forward to each monthly reset on the challenges. Unfortunately, it has not weaned them off Fortnite, and V bucks aren't getting any cheaper!!
  14. Oldninja

    I am liking this game a lot...

    Hi Mark, Entertaining stuff. I have no problem with you posting vids, and the quality is really good. Glad you're enjoying the game.
  15. Hi Gargan' Shame you didn't video that. I would love to see some coaching vids on how to get those challenges completed. Finding them very tricky and frustrating.
  16. Hi Evil, Just in a single player encounter at Viktorsen. The game crashed @3 minutes in. Back to the lost connection with Xbox screen. Pressed A and when I got back to my shelter still had my weapon, a bayonet, in my inventory. Hadn't looted anything as I was making my way to the signal detector, so couldn't comment on how it would have handled loot.
  17. Hi Vbcxc, Thanks for the explanation. As I said I'll monitor my challenges and report back.
  18. Interesting comment Vbcxc, Are you suggesting that the 2 removable challenges are generated randomly? (As I'm unsure what RNG means) I'm actually stuck on the non removable one at the moment and must spend some time achieving it, but as 2jays reports, I also have not had any crates for the removable challenges for a while now. Will update the thread if things change.
  19. Hi oYS, You make some valid points, and I think you and your community have pretty much hit the nail on the head with the exception of the exit suggestion. For me the whole idea of the game is to progress through tactics, and the ability to leave when you feel you have enough loot for any particular encounter is paramount. If you try to force outlanders into a last man standing scenario the game will lose a lot of its appeal, and I may as well go and play Fortnite with my grand kids. Also I am personally ambivalent about a team/clan club house and weapon wear. One other suggestion re sights. When in a snow environment I find I have to resort to 1st person aiming, as I can't see the sights in 3rd person. Maybe if the 3rd person sight could automatically change colour to contrast to the background colour.
  20. Oldninja


    Sounds suspicious. I mentioned in a much earlier post about the possibility of the Devs putting the occasional 'super outlander' into encounters, to test future enhancements. That was based on my experience of emptying a full clip into a target, only for the target outlander' to aim and take me out with one round. Maybe a possible explanation? Not necessarily ethical to run tests in the live environment, but maybe the only way to properly test some of the things their considering.
  21. Oldninja


    I'm guessing he's found a pretty good sniping place with good views over a wide area. Adding to that if he's completely prone there is very little sight movement when aiming. I wouldn't even know how you could integrate an aim bot into the game. But not saying it can't be done.
  22. Oldninja

    Server optimization

    Just read this thread, which is in the wrong section, so will not achieve the level of exposure that it probably should. It doesn't require a high IQ to realise that Vigor Victor is pretty annoyed by some of the more nuisance bugs that we have all experienced. That said, there are other ways to take advantage of the freedoms, including freedom of speech, so hard won by our amazing military veteran's, than by using inappropriate language. I'm retired now, so I suppose I'm a little more relaxed about things, however when I did work for a living I tended to respond to encouragement more than I did to criticism. Yes there are bugs that seem to have been around for quite a while, but there have also been improvements that have made the overall experience better. I am confident that the Devs have a roadmap which contains all the annoying bugs you mention and given time and our support, they will be resolved. Hopefully you won't call me too many names if you decide to reply, as this reply is not meant to chastise, but to advise.
  23. Oldninja


    I've experienced this message at the top left of my screen. It has only happened on 2 maps so far Viktorsen and Gronthein. Not experienced it on others (yet). It has not yet led to a crash, and the encounters played out as normal.
  24. Oldninja

    Record Stats

    Had a quick think about the stats I would like to see tabulated:- Number of Encounters played. Number of safe exits. Number of kills. Number of crates. Total distance covered. Number of Challenges completed . If anyone wants to add more, feel free. Again Devs, I would award free crates/crowns for milestone achievements.
  25. Oldninja

    Do something about teamkilling

    Hi Remy, Many thanks for taking the time to explain. It certainly appears to be a trust issue. I assume the less honourable outlanders soon become notorious and are avoided. Makes me feel solo play is still for me until a fix is found.