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About Wallace1

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  1. 13th Air Assault Company D Brief Description A small unit that focuses on realism experience with the use of air assault tactics and air assess to accomplish our mission. A little About Us 13th Air Assault Company D has a primary campaign set in 1985 with a Cold War going hot in Germany we fight as United States forces trying to hold back the tide of communism. We also will take short breaks from the main campaign to partake in small campaigns that help keep it fresh. We have a discord and we use TFAR run through TeamSpeak. If your interested in joining just click the discord link. Discord Mods Lists: Cold War Gone Hot Vietnam World War 2
  2. Squad name: Avant-Garde Battalion Timezone/location : Eastern Standard Time (North America) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): CO-OP Contact email: avantgardebattalion@gmail.com Website address: https://units.arma3.com/unit/avantgardebattalion Short description: We do operations that range from World War 2 to Modern Day. Language: English
  3. 18th Infantry Regiment WWII-Present day! About us: The Avant Garde Battalion is a semi-realistic unit hosting both one off events and campaigns on a host of different time periods, nations, and unit types. We prioritize the second world war but are also open pretty much any 20th-21st century conflict. Not only do we offer a diverse range of experiences and settings, but we also offer you to become part of a greater gaming community with opportunities for promotion and comradery. How to contact us: Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/18IFREG Steam Contact: https://steamcommunity.com/id/18thWallace Rules: No explicit racial slurs. No trolling. No disrespect towards rankers or officers. No soundboards or voice changers during events. Requirements: Must be able to speak English. Schedule: Wednesday and Saturdays at 8:00pm EST. Pictures of Camp Toccoa