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Everything posted by pSiKO

  1. Hi to add another asenal, you have to edit the file : "scripts\loadouts\*" to add a new layout for RHS, and customize unit equiipments. "core.liberation\scripts\shared\classnames.sqf" to add new units , vehicle (air/tank), building. maybe tweaking a bit R3F logistics to enable support for new items (like "core.liberation\R3F_LOG\addons_config\Liberation.sqf") "core.liberation\addons\LARs\liberationArsenal.sqf" to choose arsenal side (and blacklist) and take a look at "fn_createList.sqf" to build new arsenal list this code come from Larrow (https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/770615-larrow/) who can help you on this library (btw : many, many, thanks Mr Larrow, you teach me so many things !) Mission is now available on all A3 official Maps, I plan to port on some CUP Island (there is a beta on Takistan) I add "spawn beacon" items recently, the mission core code is updated frequently Thank a lots for your interest !
  2. You are very welcome ! As my avatar say: You're fu**ing damn right !! :) I'll try so many orders and code to stop them, I was a bit desperate ! I'll remove enableattack false . btw: Tanoa Beta is out :)
  3. some news, now I use this code before set captive and ,so far so good, it seems to work. I need to test in real game [group player] spawn { params ["_grp"]; waitUntil {sleep 0.5;leader player != player || !alive player}; if (!alive player) exitWith {}; _grp enableAttack false; { _x enableAttack false; unassignVehicle _x; [_x] orderGetIn false; } forEach units group player; };
  4. I'm fighting with it ! if creating a new group and joinSilent AI into this group, (befor setcaptive) should be enough to stop AI giving orders. then it's not working (AI still giving orders) note : _newGroup setLeader player; expect a "Team Member" object , I use selectLeader instead Tanoa is on the way ;) add: i use this code when the player is injured, but befor is captive or unconsious //Try to disable Order Attack/GetinVehicle systemchat format ["dbg: curgrp %1", group player]; _newGroup = createGroup [west, true]; { _team = assignedTeam _x; if (isNil "_team") then { _team = "MAIN"}; [_x] joinSilent _newGroup; systemchat format ["dbg: %1 %2 %3",name _x, _team, _newGroup]; _x assignTeam _team; } forEach units group player; sleep 0.5; _unit setCaptive true; then when player is revived [player] joinSilent _newGroup; _newGroup selectLeader player; player doFollow player;
  5. hi, the original AI revive come from this thread : I tweak it a lot to make it work with FAR Revive and liberation. (almost total recode, I make an addon folder structure with scripts and make it client only) Thank a lot Leopard20, for your input, that sounds logic :) today, I'll try to code into Liberation, I keep you in touch again, thanks to all of you
  6. good idea Mr Haz! I'll try to change the rank of all other units bellow the player. commandStop is the same as doStop but with radio ? anyway, I'll try to put the both (commandStop & doStop) in my loop I'll keep you informed thx :)
  7. salut mon ami :) I did it because otherwise the enemy still firing on the incapacitated player (or AI) "Is the rank higher than the normal AI units as well?" very good question, I'll try to check (with addrating ?)
  8. Hi, Thanks you for your interest ! My AI trouble is the following : when a player , that have AI units with him in a squad, is injured, I use setcaptive true to "lock" the player until is revived (or is dead) but when I'm doing so, the next IA bot (i don't really know how is it chosen) will take the leadership, and start to issue order to others IA squad like : "get in that vehicles", "regroup", etc.. that make the bot move all around, sometime very far away, and mount in vehicles instead of healing the player. to avoid this ,I spawn this lame code as soon as the player is incapacitated : in short that code wait until the player is the group leader, and should force other IA to not enter in vehicles (half work), and not give orders (don't work) MGI_bros is the list of you AI team mate (in file core.liberation/addons/FAR_revive/FAR_revive_funcs.sqf) //Try to disable Order Attack/Getin [] spawn { waitUntil {sleep 0.5;leader player != player || !alive player}; if (!alive player) exitWith {}; enableRadio false; enableSentences false; while {leader player != player} do { _ldr = leader player; _ldr enableAttack false; [_ldr] orderGetIn false; group _ldr enableAttack false; { unassignVehicle _x } forEach MGI_bros; sleep 1; }; enableRadio true; enableSentences true; }; that end by dialogue like : 4 " 2 get in that vehicles" 2 "No can do" 4 " 2 get in that vehicles" 2 "No can do" .... :( HazJ, point me to the enableRadio & enableRadio false to stop the message, but that just hide the real behaviour. my question is : How to prevent AI squad leader to issue order to the rest of the squad, when the player is captive & unconscious ??? Thanks a lot in advance :)
  9. Hi, I have fixed the two errors you sendme, I have fixed the key_save_name to avoid confilit I'have added an option menu to disable the admin cheat menu Can you retry please with your rocket powered PC !! cu :)
  10. Th issue was due to save_game name conflict I change the save_key to avoid this
  11. very interesting , I'll purge my player.vars and my cache and test again Thank you very much
  12. Yes it's limited (and visible) only to admin I'll add on option to disable it I'm not able to reproduce your issue, still investigating :)
  13. Okayyyy :) first error message was related to <build_first_fob> parameter (i should remove it) and it must be set to off I use this parms to run test client " -hugePages -showScriptErrors -skipintro -noBenchmark -noPause -nosplash -world=empty for SP , do this way : put the pbo in "SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions" then in game Arma Menu -> Multiplayer -> Host Server -> Select Island and Mission
  14. It should not !! Please if you run a server take note to the param file : https://github.com/tbox1911/Liberation-RX/blob/master/mission_param.cfg also note that in SP you have to start a local multiplayer session
  15. you have two options in the parameters file Difficulty = 1.25; // Difficulty - [default 1] - values = [0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,2,4,10] Aggressivity = 2; // CSAT aggression - [default 1] - values = [0.25,0.5,1,2,4]
  16. Believe it or not , when I put only you mission.sqm into my pbo (all the rest is untouched) That works !! (I can find a reason !) of course, in term of gameplay the mission is broken, but the logic work again, if you have a clue about that I miss something in the editor, but what ??? Ok, I found it ! I move the "bluefor lhd" marker closer to Chimera base and it works !
  17. pSiKO

    [Release] Liberation RX

    marker misplacement
  18. Go to : Liberation RX for all details !
  19. @targetdummy: The file you need to backup is called xxxx.vars.Arma3Profile, where xxx stand for the profile name. Can be located in : Windows dedicate server : D:\A3_Server\A3Master\Users\pSiKO\pSiKO.vars.Arma3Profile Linux Dedicated (default profile) : /home/A3serv/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/Player/Player.vars.Arma3Profile Hope it help
  20. that's what I thought, but as I was stuck .... my debug was wrong kill_manager is well called, but somehow the civilan is tagged as bluefor ?? precision : it's not only the civilian, opfor is also taged as blufor ?! it's strange, I don't modify this part of code and I have no issue on Altis anyway, thanks for the help ;) at top of kill_manger, I put diag_log format ["DBG: Killed : %1 %2 - Killer : %3 %4", _unit, side _unit, _killer, side _killer]; The I've got : // soldiers DBG: Killed : O Alpha 2-1:4 CIV - Killer : B Alpha 4-3:1 (pSiKO) WEST DBG: Killed : O Alpha 2-1:6 CIV - Killer : B Alpha 4-3:1 (pSiKO) WEST // pickup DBG: Killed : 113a96040# 620490: offroad_01_hmg_f.p3d CIV - Killer : B Alpha 4-3:1 (pSiKO) WEST // civil DBG: Killed : O Alpha 2-2:1 CIV - Killer : B Alpha 4-3:1 (pSiKO) WEST
  21. Hi, thanks a lot for the reply :) (i'm a bit alone !) I see your change (in github) concerning the ACE module, but I don't use ACE in my version. did you do something specific when you port the mission to another island ? I've put some hint/systemchat in the kill_manager but it's seems not be fired. (I dont know why ) I'll try this evening with your malden mission.sqm, to check if problem still here
  22. Hi, the save game are located here (linux) ./.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/Player/Player.vars.Arma3Profile just copy this file somewhere to have a 'backup' of your progression Btw, I also work on my own, on the Liberation mission with another vision (https://github.com/tbox1911/Ultimate-Liberation) And I have a strange behaviour, when I try to port the mission on Malden Island. The script scripts/shared/kill_manager.sqf seem to not be executed, by example when I kill a civilian (penalty msg not fired) (no error in rpt) it's exactly the same code I use for the Altis island and it's work fine,. I suspect something I miss with the eden editor. Is some one can help me with this issue ?