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Jeremy James

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About Jeremy James

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi All, I'm wanting to create a crate by steam id only, therefore if a player with a steam id that is not on the list tries to open a crate/box then access id denied. Only players with a steam id in the list can enter. So a sqf reserved slot or whitelist sqf required with a code that would go into the init of the crate. Spitballing here. Any ideas? Cheers in advance
  2. I learnt how to do textures for all types of vechs but that was the body. I use setObjectTexture in the vechs init. Now I would like to move on to glass. All I really want to do is learn the procedure required to change the colour of the glass in vechs, ground and air. I've already gone down a few rabbit holes seeking a way of doing it and frankly I'm no further forward. Thank you in advance for this one as I don't think it's easy.
  3. Jeremy James

    Coloured tint for glass

    Thanks for helping, so I did this and I assume then that this is all that required, yet wondering how to direct this newly created file to the actual aircraft, the "this setObjectTextureGlobal" way doesn't as I stupidly tried it and if I replace the actual Glass_veh.rvmat file in data_f then I suppose it would then appear on all aircraft. I don't think I have my head around this quite yet. #define _ARMA_ class StageTI { texture = "a3\data_f\default_ti_ca.paa"; }; ambient[] = {102,178,255,1}; diffuse[] = {102,178,255,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0}; specular[] = {1,1,1,1}; specularPower = 800; PixelShaderID = "Super"; VertexShaderID = "Super"; renderFlags[] = {"NoZWrite"}; class Stage1
  4. Jeremy James

    Coloured tint for glass

    Hey all, I've been doing a lot of re texture different vechs road and air and now want to get on with some glass changes. I have found myself stumped slightly as to know where to start. Can anyone point me in the direction of how to be about to change the tint of vech glass. Much respect in advance.
  5. Jeremy James

    Respawn AI with same name

    Hi, yeah, can't say I've used those things before and wouldn't know how or where to put them.
  6. Hi All, I've created a mission where a player flies in AI in Heli. It's done by triggering a task. The task and everything that goes with it is all repeatable but the only thing I cannot for the life of me get right is the respawning of the AI with the name intact. Therefore it goes off as for example "AIOne", then when it's killed and respawns I require it to remain as "AIOne". The type, loadouts etc do not matter, just the name so that the task when triggered again with have "AIOne" go off to get into heli as it did before. It's the only thing in my mission that I couldn't do before publishing it but want to do another update on it soon. Any ideas?? Thanks for your time and grey matter in advance.
  7. I've just 3 minutes ago sorted it out, thank you anyways cheers
  8. I have to exact same problem however this does not work for me, maybe out of date which is a shame
  9. Hey All, I'm trying to create a task mid game so that for instance players in charge of resupply get tasked to take supplies to a certain point, when they do the task is complete. So player activates task, simple trigger, to get an object, say, ammo box named box1 to x position (another trigger). when box1 is in x position the task is complete. The bit I don't know is the code for an objects position within the trigger init for the trigger to recognise the object has arrived. Any ideas. Cheers and thanks in advance.
  10. Jeremy James

    Mods For Server Side Only

    Thank-you for taking the time to reply.
  11. Hi All, Don't know if I'm sounding thick but I'm trying to get my head around the server side only part of mission making. I want to add different weapons and vehicles/aircraft to a mission as I get a little fed up with vanilla, however I do not want it that players on the mission have to download a load of mods in order to play it. Probably asking a lot but what is the exact procedure to take a weapons mod for example and get it to work on a server run by Tadst and that the players do not need to download the mod to play. To me it sounds like I'm asking a lot so many many thanks in advance if someone could reply in a simplified way.
  12. Jeremy James

    Helicopter To Wait For All Players

    Yep I see how that works and Ive tried in and works fine, I actually watched pierremgi video on the same subject and all good. However, I would like it to count the players on the server. E.G. There are 4 Blufor players, individual players and not linked to a group that need to get the heli before it takes off. So the code would match the amount of Blufor players on the server to the amount in the heli and when the numbers match it takes off.
  13. Jeremy James

    Helicopter To Wait For All Players

    Ohhh, thank-you, will give that a go right away,,,,thanks
  14. Hi All, My scenario is that when players enter a trigger a helicopter is called and lands to pick up players and then flies off the end trigger, job done, tea and medals. The landing right now is set to a timer but I want to be able to have the helicopter wait for all players on the server to board. I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to coding but I figured that it must have something to do with the cargo of the helicopter connected to the amount of people of the mission but how to put that together in a code is beyond me. Any pointers would be happily received. Also if this is far to easy for you I apologize in advance. Regards GemStar
  15. Jeremy James


    Thank-you for your reply .kju Being that I have never used cmd I had hesitance to use it in this case, so I put C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin into system - advanced system settings - environment variables - path -------------that seemed to clear the latest error I was having,,,moving on to the next lol. Thanks again.