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Posts posted by Gill93

  1. 3 hours ago, haleks said:



    Usually it is some kind of mod conflict - even when said mods don't seem to be related in any way. If I remember right, JSRS (or is it another sound mod?) is causing that behaviour as well.


    @Donnie_Plays: Have you observed this on any other map? Does the issue persist if you disconnect & relog to the server?

    I had the same issue occur a few updates back on a tanoa mission not only were the zombies not detecting but the looting system would fail aswell the longer you played the worse it got I ended up scrapping the mission and started fresh haven't seen the problem since

  2. 22 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

    Something is still wrong with the zombies. Last night I tested a bare bones mission with just Ravage and CBA on the Taviana map. After I died and respawned the first time, zombies would not attack me.

    they seem to be working for me on Chernarus not sure but could it be the map

  3. 5 hours ago, tosbalok said:

    Where's the best place for a newbie to ask for general tips on surviving in Ravage? I'm just playing the included single-player mission (not sure what the difficulty settings are on that), but I'm having a lot of trouble with the zombies.


    Back on page 1 of this thread, haleks says:



    Can someone provide a more detailed procedure for that? Basically, my experience so far is that once a zombie is on my tail, I shoot him or I die. I haven't managed to shake one off yet.



    Probably not what your looking for but good Mod for evading them buggers is Enhanced Movement created by badbenson. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    Thank you very much !

    I was also about to do this. It's all about sharing!!


    1 hour ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    Thank you very much !

    I was also about to do this. It's all about sharing!!

    Awesome Great script btw (:

    • Thanks 1

  5. On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:25 PM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    If you are asking on where to add this code , place this in your init.sqf

    Hey i added that zombies loot script to the ravage wikia if that's cool with you I made sure to credit you aswell

    • Like 2
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  6. If you select Both types instead of just runners or walkers then set the bolter percentage to like 5% or more you will have mostly walkers with a decent amount of runners if its to many or to less just adjust the bolter percentage also make sure to adjust the overall amount of zeds to spawn unless the default 50 is ideal for what your doing

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Kaiwios said:

    Hey guys! I was hoping someone could give me some help. I have been playing ravage mod. Mostly Haleks altis mission. I have altered it to add some vehicles and stuff. Everything is working great.

    The problem is I made my own mission and now I'm having problems.

    I noticed when I was playing my mission I couldn't access my inventory while in a vehicle. I still could outside, but not inside. When I start a mission I can I'm not sure when I lose it.

    Then I came across a survivor and he shot me. Restarted and the same thing happened. When I test in editor I have no problems. But during testing I also noticed independent raiders won't shoot at me. Still seems like opfor will.

    So I took it down to basics. I put myself as a blufor survivor and a trigger for a bandit. I can walk or drive right to them and they won't shoot. no mods during this test.

    I have the ai module set to main:opfor  second:independent raiders friendly:blufor

    If your playing as blufor and want both opfor and independent to attack you will need to go into the attribute/General section of the editor and make sure independent hostility is turned on if you have not done so.

    • Like 3

  8. 1 hour ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    @GEORGE FLOROS GR Should put that script on the Wiki or it will get lost in the thread, same goes for all the codes and misc we post here.


    Ravage's hud is unobtrusive, im sure you go to your inventory to see what weapons and gear you have or when you pick up gear, then at the same time you can look at where your at.

    Imo unless you have the thirst and hunger in the module set to 10 then i can see having the need to have it on your invisible space helmet that gives all the status you need.


    @haleks An idea, i wonder if there is a way to determine if the player is wet, like when its raining or if they were in water of some sort, you could have it like you do for health, nutrition, and thirst.

    If its raining out, or if the player gets wet, after so many seconds the counter starts to slowly drop from 100 like the others, if it reaches 0 (zero) then their health becomes effected as if they are sick,

    so you could add a sick status there.

        Now heres the trick to this, you can prevent getting wet if you do 2 things, stand under some trees, under a shelter, or go inside, or start up a fire and stand/sit next to it and dry off it would

    accelerate that wetness number back to 100, regular under the shelter drying off would take longer tho.


    So if the counter goes down as in wetness, getting under some sort of shelter would make the "wetness" number go back up, so give or take 30-60seconds of being wet

    the counter goes down slowly, reaching zero it effects your health and you are sick, which then effects your health.


    i noticed this morning when i was playing and honestly thats the first time i seen this, thought it was so cool but you can stand under a tree while raining and not get wet,

    you can actually see the rain not coming through the tree, tho it depends on the tree of course.


    I got this idea from a Skyrim mod thats pretty popular seen here


    and this mod



    Another idea like in the 2nd link would effect the player if they were on a winter map were they could actually cold, and when to cold same as wetness

    the number would drop, only couple ways to fix this would be to wear certain types of clothes or gear, be in a shelter, and or best of them all start a fire,

    this would give you a real reason to start a fire, pitch a tent, and go inside.


    I have a copy of a Temperature Script that Cosmic and badbenson sent me it works but needs to be fixed as player cannot take damage unless temp is below the default level 37%c. if anyone is interested in checking it out and mabey fixing it if possible just let me know and i post a link to the files.

    • Like 2

  9. 1 hour ago, Kaiwios said:

    Hey guys! I was hoping someone could give me some help. I have been playing ravage mod. Mostly Haleks altis mission. I have altered it to add some vehicles and stuff. Everything is working great.

    The problem is I made my own mission and now I'm having problems.

    I noticed when I was playing my mission I couldn't access my inventory while in a vehicle. I still could outside, but not inside. When I start a mission I can I'm not sure when I lose it.

    Then I came across a survivor and he shot me. Restarted and the same thing happened. When I test in editor I have no problems. But during testing I also noticed independent raiders won't shoot at me. Still seems like opfor will.

    So I took it down to basics. I put myself as a blufor survivor and a trigger for a bandit. I can walk or drive right to them and they won't shoot. no mods during this test.

    I have the ai module set to main:opfor  second:independent raiders friendly:blufor

    Did you make sure that hostility is turned on for Independent Faction in the attribute/General section of the editor

    • Like 1

  10. 37 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:



    This script , is for the enemies to drop ( or have in their uniforms ) items.

    //_________________________ Drop_Money + items _________________________
    addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
    	params ["_killed", "_killer"];	
    	if (_killed isKindOf "CAManBase"  
    	&& {(
    		(side group _killed) == east || 
    		(side group _killed) == independent || 
    		(side group _killed) == west)
    		}) then
    	//systemChat format ["+$ 1"];
    		["+$1","align = 'center' size = '1' font='PuristaBold'","#00FF00"]
    	]]spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
    			_unit = _this select 0;
    			_uniform	= uniformContainer _unit;
    			//_uniform addItemCargoGlobal		["herl_o_Money_100", 1];		
    			_wh = "groundWeaponHolder" createVehicle (getpos _unit);
    			_wh addItemCargoGlobal [
    			// Ravage_items
    			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom
    			,1];	//	ammount of items	

    Have Fun Guys!

    Awesome Man

    • Thanks 1

  11. 2 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

    You might be on to something here. Is there a way we can use a similar option to add random items on zombies, to give incentive to looting zombie bodies???

    I have been wondering that myself and I bet it can be done will have to experiment some more and talk to others on the thread if i find anything that works i will post it.

    • Like 2

  12. Hey guys if you have issues finding a proper amount of banknotes from looting you can Paste this simple code into the Killed Event Handler of the Ambient Zombie module (player addItemToUniform "rvg_money";) doing this will add one banknote to the player for each zombie that is killed unfortunately it adds a banknote no matter who kills the zombie mabey someone else could add to this to make it work just for the player.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  13. 12 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Hey guys a question,

    Working on a coop mission for my server for ravage, now what im trying to do is have it where 2 or more players spawn together

    at a random location when the mission starts.


    This is what i use for 1 player currently, i have the following code in the player's init box:

    this setpos (getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["m1","m2","m3","m4","m5", "m6", "m7", "m8", "m9","m10", "m11", "m12","m13","m14", "m15", "m16", "m17","m18","m19", "m20", "m21", "m22", "m23", "m24", "m25", "m26", "m27", "m28", "m29","m30","m31","m32","m33","m34","m35"]));

    Each m stands for marker, and the number is just the number of the marker, i have 35 of them.

    So i have 35 markers spaced, and spread out all over the map, and when the mission starts the player will spawn at any of the markers but just one marker,

    so again question is how do i do the same thing but for 2 or more players, spawning them together at the same marker?


    Lastly after both players have spawned i want all the markers in the code to be deleted as currently when i spawn and have a map i

    see all the markers on the map, can anyone clear this up for me on how to do these 2 things?

    You should be able to use the Empty Marker so they don't show on the map but player can still spawn at the locations. Also you probably already know this but by right clicking the marker you can choose random start position and sync it to whatever you want

    • Like 2

  14. 5 hours ago, damsous said:

    I got an other question about the horde spawner i would like to spawn Z only with a trigger and delete when trigger is desactivated (repeat) i can delete the Z but in not able to spawn them.

    i try to put this line on Act : 0 = ["horde1",["type_m", "Runners"],["fastNum_m", 10],["hordeSize_m", 20],["hordeRadius_m", 25],[],["hordeBehaviour_m", false],[]] spawn rvg_fnc_horde_spawn;


    The zombies spawn on my markers but ignore the trigger activation, so they spawn at mission start, and got error when i enter the trigger somebody know how to spawn the infected with a trigger ?


    I want to force the player to clear the area for acces a specific zone and delete the zombies if the player escape but respawn them, i can use the AI spawn script pack with caching system but i would like to make it without this script.



    5 hours ago, damsous said:

    I got an other question about the horde spawner i would like to spawn Z only with a trigger and delete when trigger is desactivated (repeat) i can delete the Z but in not able to spawn them.

    i try to put this line on Act : 0 = ["horde1",["type_m", "Runners"],["fastNum_m", 10],["hordeSize_m", 20],["hordeRadius_m", 25],[],["hordeBehaviour_m", false],[]] spawn rvg_fnc_horde_spawn;


    The zombies spawn on my markers but ignore the trigger activation, so they spawn at mission start, and got error when i enter the trigger somebody know how to spawn the infected with a trigger ?


    I want to force the player to clear the area for acces a specific zone and delete the zombies if the player escape but respawn them, i can use the AI spawn script pack with caching system but i would like to make it without this script.

    Have you tried experimenting with the !alive command in the condition and activation and or deactivation field
