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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @Grumpy Old Man here I go with my suggestion. In your demo can you set up a simple task assigned to destroy the artillery battery units and a break in the battery firing for resupplying the units with more ammo like every 15 minutes or so. What a cool mission objective that mission designers can design defenses around the artillery battery. I can see a mission we're special forces need to sneak into a mountain range and destroy the artillery battery. Cheers Avibird ?
  2. avibird 1

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    The good news after all the Arma3 updates the script still works. The bad new there was a proximately 2 minute delay before units will initiate any waypoints within the UPMONS zones. This is not a mission killer but air units and armor could be somewhat problematic in a initiation delay for some Mission designs. There are a few error messages I'm receiving perhaps that is the culprit. It's probably over my head but I am going to give it a shot ?
  3. avibird 1

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    @jandrews Yes I know I use a bunch of different ones as well. Here are my top ten not in any Particular order they are all good for different things and mission designs. 1.UPMONS by Monsada 2. Urban Patrol Script by Kronzky 3. Ultra Simple Patrol Script by JW Custom 4. Jebus by DreadPirate 5. AI spawn script 6.Enemy Occupation System by BangaBob 7. Dynamic-AI-Creator [DAC] I Don't think this works anymore 8. SLP_spawn created by Nomad 9. mauk_spawn by Murklor (editor spawn by trigger waypoints) very similar to JEBUS by very simple 10.Mission Template Stand Alone GAIA - Make missions FAST by using MCC GAIA engine By spirit6 What do you use ? The issue is I don't want to have to editor over a dozen missions that have UPMONS in it. IT still works but over 2 minutes until the groups gets its first waypoints then all good.
  4. avibird 1

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    @pokertour by the way thank you for the link a little late response from me lol. I am still having issues with the script it works but a very long delay before the units start with the waypoints within the UPmons zones via markers. It was never like this before. I don't know with all the updates if something needs to be correct it so the units will move at the start of the mission we are talking about a few minutes here before the groups get activated. Also In the demon you link above there is a additional folder/file called Filename: fn_fasttravel.sqf Author: Kellojo Description: Fast Travel main function - Part of the ETG script collection /* Filename: fn_fasttravel.sqf Author: Kellojo Description: Fast Travel main function - Part of the ETG script collection */ _mode = [_this, 0, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _dest = [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Modify these to change the price, travel time and the locations you can travel to _distPriceMult = 0.005; //(price = distance * _distPriceMult) _distTimeMultip = 5; //(time = distance * _distTimeMultip) //lb sel change if (_mode == 1) exitwith { _index = lbCurSel 147413; disableSerialization; _Parentdisplay_FastTravel = findDisplay 147410; _ctrl = _Parentdisplay_FastTravel displayCtrl 147415; //Refresh price and travel time // + 8 (cam intro/outro) { if ((lbData [147413, _index]) == _x) then { _posDest = getMarkerPos _x; _ctrl ctrlMapAnimAdd [1, 0.05, _posDest]; ctrlMapAnimCommit _ctrl; _distance = player distance2D _posDest; _Price = round (_distance * _distPriceMult); _Time = round ((round _distance / 1000) * _distTimeMultip) + 8; ctrlSetText [147417,format ["%1 tabs",_Price]]; ctrlSetText [147419,format ["%1s",_Time]]; }; } forEach Citys; }; //setup dialog if (_mode == 2) exitwith { { if ((position player distance2D getMarkerPos _x) > 20) then { _index = lbAdd [147413,markerText _x]; lbSetData [147413, _index, _x]; lbSetCurSel [147413, _index]; }; } forEach Citys; }; //Travel if (_mode == 3) exitwith { //Check for bad data / abuse of the script if !(vehicle player == player) exitWith { _txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>You can not travel while you are in a vehicle!"; hint _txt; }; /* if (side player == west || side player == east || side player == independent) exitWith { _txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Your side is not allowed to travel."; hint _txt; }; */ _destPos = getMarkerpos _dest; _damagePlayer = getDammage player; _posPlayer = position player; _distance = player distance2D _destPos; _waitTime = round ((round _distance / 1000) * _distTimeMultip) - 8; _Price = round (_distance * _distPriceMult); _txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Your journy is going to start in 10 seconds."; hint _txt; sleep 10; //Check for even more abuse... if !(_posPlayer isEqualTo (position player)) exitWith { _txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Do not move while traveling."; hint _txt; }; _curDamage = getDammage player; if !(_damagePlayer >= _curDamage) exitWith { _txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>You can not travel while being in a fire fight."; hint _txt; }; //Start travel //You can add additional code to remove money etc. here //_newPoptabs = ExileClientPlayerMoney - _price; //ENIGMA_UpdateStats = [player,_newPoptabs]; //publicVariableServer "ENIGMA_UpdateStats"; player allowDamage false; showCinemaBorder true; _camera = "camera" camCreate [position player select 0,position player select 1,3]; _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; _camera camSetFOV 0.700; _camera camCommit 0; //Countdown [_waitTime + 8] spawn { _countdowntime = _this select 0; _countdown = 0; 33 cutRsc ["FastTravelSystem_Dialog_Countdown","PLAIN"]; disableSerialization; _ctrl = (uiNamespace getVariable "FastTravelCountdownHUD") displayCtrl 147432; while {_countdowntime > _countdown} do { _countdown = _countdown + 1; _countdownTimer = _countdowntime - _countdown; _ctrl ctrlSetText (format ["%1s",_countdownTimer]); sleep 1; }; 33 cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; }; _camera camSetTarget player; _camera camSetRelPos [20,20,350]; _camera camCommit 4; sleep 4; _randomposition = [_destPos, 0, 5, 0, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; player setPos _randomposition; _camera camSetTarget player; _camera camSetRelPos [-15,-18,250]; _camera camCommit _waitTime; sleep _waitTime; _camera camSetTarget player; _camera camSetRelPos [6,6,3]; _camera camCommit 4; sleep 4; playMusic ""; _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; [] spawn { sleep 5; player allowDamage true; }; //finish _txt = parseText (format ["<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Welcome to %1 %2!<br/>The journey costed %3 pop tabs.",markerText _dest,name player,_Price]); hint _txt; }; Did you added this because I don't have this in my demo ? Has anyone have this issue with the waypoints in the upmons zones being very delayed following the start of the mission. I have a lot of old missions that use upmons that I am attempting to update but have this issue now. Avibird
  5. Still can't figure out what vehicle unload does. The wiki has nothing on it, no forum i've come across talks about it. Any ideas gentlemen.
  6. avibird 1

    Heli Transport script

    Hello gentlemen I never meant this to be rude insulting or to turn into something. Just an observation. We are all here for the love of the game and the enjoyment of scripting and help others. Good day gentleman Avibird.
  7. avibird 1

    Heli Transport script

    Yes please share it @thedubl ? One of my pet peeves is when somebody asks for help and gets it and never replies back or if someone has an issues and find some solution but never post it for everyone to see or somebody says they have something that'the main conversation of a thread and they don't share it lol good day gentleman this was not a criticism just an observation for enlightenment Avibird.
  8. Unload the drive stays in but the passengers within the group not the vehicle crew will get out. Transport unload the drive vehicle crew and the passengers with in his group stay in but a separate group disembark. Get out the the driver his crew and his group passengers will get will get out. Vehicle unload I have no clue what this does ?
  9. avibird 1

    Base Building

    I don't want to insult you but trying to ripe out code from a mod like Exile may be a little hard for somebody with no real scripting knowledge with that said. If you download MCC mod very easy to use with a ton of functions like an enhanced Zeus and more. MCC had its own base building and survival mode built in into the in-game editor. I will never play Arma without MCC. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338988835
  10. OK I have a another Syntax issue I have four groups of POW's of 4 units each. I have a radio trigger that can Recruit all my POW's into one large group and another to disband them into Individual units. There are only ten radio trigger in the game I don't want to waste them all on recruitment and disband. The issue is I don't want to have to disband all the groups at once just to get the group I need to be individual and I don't want to use up all my in game radio triggers for only this function. I was wondering if there is a way to setup my trigger so what ever group leader call for the disband it will only work for that his group. This is my current trigger setup. Trigger activation - Recruitment of POW groups Type - none Activation - Radio Alpha Repeatable Trigger expression Condition - (player == TC) On Activation - [TL1,P1,P2,P3,TL2,P4,P5,P6,TL3,P7,P8,P9,TL4,P10,P11] join TC Trigger activation - Disband groups Type - none Activation - Radio Bravo Repeatable Trigger expression Condition - player == TL1 || player == TL2 || player == TL3 || player == TL4 || player == TC; On Activation - [TL1] join grpNull; [P1] join grpNull; [P2] join grpNull; [P3] join grpNull; [TL2] join grpNull; [P4] join grpNull; [P5] join grpNull; [P6] join grpNull; [TL3] join grpNull; [P7] join grpNull; [P8] join grpNull; [P9] join grpNull; [TL4] join grpNull; [P10] join grpNull; [P11] join grpNull; I can make four other radio trigger to disband Individual groups but can I setup the if I use Radio trigger Bravo with lets say TLI then only P1 P2 and P3 will disband from their current group and so on with each (Team leader) TL2, TL3 and TL4 using if statement in the script code. I don't really know the Syntax but I have seen if used in scripts BEFORE ( if this then this ) On Activation - IF TL1 THEN [TL1] join grpNull; [P1] join grpNull; [P2] join grpNull; [P3] join grpNull; IF TL2 THEN [TL2] join grpNull; [P4] join grpNull; [P5] join grpNull; [P6] join grpNull; IF TL3 THEN [TL3] join grpNull; [P7] join grpNull; [P8] join grpNull; [P9] join grpNull; IF TL4 THEN [TL4] join grpNull; [P10] join grpNull; [P11] join grpNull; Any feedback or help would be great. Avibird
  11. @Grumpy Old Man @zonekiller @HazJ Gentleman thanks for all the feedback and information. I will definitely be fooling around with all your codes you guys posted above to see how it works and how to setup things up. With that said I'm still a little confused about a few things. The way I have it setup will it work in a host server multiplayer environment meaning Co-op player vs AI not multiplayer player versus player. The thing I am seeing is that there are many ways of organizing writing and calling Scripts for this game. Some more efficient and sexier than others but they all can work. For example in Eden editor you can setup a lot of the things that used to be done in a description.file within a mission folder. Now you can just use the Eden editor for them which is the better way? Is it just preference? Writing code in SQF's is it the same as putting codes in triggers game logics modules and object init's ? An analogy I will use is like painted a picture by numbers or painting a picture on an open canvas. You both have a picture at the end of the day but the opencanvas has more options and freedom to use whatever colors you want while painting by numbers you must use a set of colors that are predetermined in a set order. This is how I see using in game resources like triggers game Logics modules you still need to understand codes but you are Limited in a pre-set way of using them. Tell me if I am missing the bigger concept here or am I on the mark with my analogy. I know writing sqf's from scratch will allow me to have unlimited possibilities while using game resources will limit a scripter on what he can do with the codes. Avibird
  12. avibird 1

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    @KC Grimes If you are still having some issues with the AI healing squad leader you could look at BTC Quick Revive. The function works very well within the script. I use this with a few other modifications I made that the player unit will never die only stay unconscious. The AI will heal player when they are squad leader or player when they're not the squad leader the same. The radius can be adjusted anywhere from 50 to 200 m. I really want to try your script again when you are done making adjustments to see if I can use your script instead because BTC is not being updated anymore by the author. Avibird
  13. Hey thanks for the reply. I play most of my mission on a host server with myself controlling all the AI or with a few others 3-6 players. I am not into the whole large large clan play with Arma too much drama for me. The way I have it seems to work on a host server tell me if I'm wrong. I will definitely set up a mission using your code to see how it works and plays out one of the design of the mission each group leader may not have a line of sight of the other members in its group they may be in different prison cells. How would that work with the trigger setup I can switch in and out of group with visual contact. Avibird
  14. Holy shit it works I need to test more to make sure but I now can use a single radio trigger for multiple things using different units + one for me lol
  15. @Grumpy Old Man @HazJ would something like this work in Theory to allow for Radio Alpha to but used by three different units and get three different outcomes ? This is what I was taking about using the if and then statements. IDK if this would work or even the right syntax lol see I am trying. Grumpy have you used a program called typeSQF editor with Cpack console? Trigger activation - Recruitment of POW groups Type - none Activation - Radio Alpha Repeatable Trigger expression Condition - player == TL1 || player == TL2 || player == TL3 On Activation - if (player == TL1) then { [P1,P2,P3] join TL1}; if (player == TL2) then { [P4,P5,P6] join TL2}; if (player == TL3) then { [P7,P8,P9] join TL3};
  16. I am having some issues with a trigger for multiple units in the condition for the trigger Need some help with setting up an array of units. trigger activation Type - none Activation - none trigger expression condition (Help needed here) on activation - ["task6","succeeded"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; I can't get the condition to work with my playable units. I have attempted multiple times like this but not working. P1 || P2 || P3 || P4 in Bus1; P1 && P2 && P3 && P4 in Bus1; {_x in thisList} count [P1,P2,P3,P4] in Bus1; _group1 = [P1,P2,P3,P4] in Bus1 The trigger works with just P1 in BUS1; The mission has 13 playable units that need to get into the BUS1 for it to succeeded Thanks Avibird
  17. @zonekiller thanks for the reply and feedback but I get it to work with the help of @Hazj with this {side _x in [blufor] && _x in Bus1} count playableUnits >= 13 But I like to learn new ways because we all know in the ARMA world with scripting there are many ways to skin a cat some are easier and cleaner. I made a new post about how to setup multiple commands from one trigger here if you have any input on this great.
  18. avibird 1

    Taking Command

    Yes multiple script out there with demo mission just look on armaholic you will find or Google will bring up a few right off the bat Avibird ?
  19. @Grumpy Old Man Syntax my ass lol 20% of it may look familiar with a somewhat of a knowledge understanding of what I am looking at the rest is trial and error in the editor. I don't have syntax color notepads ect maybe that would help me understand a little more about syntax in the Bohemia world. Thanks for the input like usual. Avibird
  20. hey KC should you be working on that great revive script of yours Thanks for the reply but @HazJ help my ass again. {side _x in [blufor] && _x in BUS1} count playableUnits >= 13
  21. avibird 1

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    @Rockapes very issues fix. 1. Download a script cool automatic medic. The medic in your squad which is not playable will heel any wounded unit within a set distance from him. I usually keep two medics in my squad 1 playable one using the script. 2. If you playing with AI and mostly single player player just use team switch in your mission. When your unit is down just switch to a new member and if you are not the new team leader he will order the medics to heal the old you.?
  22. That would not work all the prison gates are locked and will only open for opfor units. The three make the switch once they're in the prison camp at the prisoner barracks. The switch is made by radio trigger only by the pow Commander or area trigger.
  23. I know a few people posted about this issue. When using the in-game module to set up a briefing while using modified units. I am currently using CUP units and maps I get double entries in the mission Mission briefings with two dates and time and text. Was this confirmed to be a bug or issues with using it with mods or is there a fix around this. Avibird
  24. Issue resolved. This is a coop mission but there are 3 playable units on OPFOR that will switch side to Blufor to help with the Prison Break. I had the diary module set to playable units that is why I was getting double entries. I need to use only side of synunits and place a second diary module for my three playable opfor units but when the units make the switch there is no diary record available for them. I think this is a bug or oversight on Bohemian with the modules. I still don't know what's the best way the old-fashioned way or using the modules. Does using the modules give better game performance I'm still a little confused with the whole there's multiple ways of doing things now either through the eating editor or SQF. files.
  25. Really you used cup units! The only mods I am running in this mission is Cup units weapons vehicles Cup Terrain maps CBA and MCC I tested it with vanilla units on vanilla maps and I don't get the double entries. that is weird that you did it with cup units and maps and you're not getting it?