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2Lt. M. Singer

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About 2Lt. M. Singer

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  • Interests
    Traveling The World, Meeting Interesting People, and Killing Them!!!

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  1. 2Lt. M. Singer

    Mikeros Tools Makepbo Error

    Thanks that sorted it out 🙂
  2. 2Lt. M. Singer

    Mikeros Tools Makepbo Error

    Did what you said, and still same issue 😞
  3. 2Lt. M. Singer

    Mikeros Tools Makepbo Error

    Just tried that and still the same 😞
  4. 2Lt. M. Singer

    Mikeros Tools Makepbo Error

    Yes I did a clean uninstall then re-installed
  5. Hi, Need some help please. Everything was great, then I updated yesterday to Version of PBO Project, now when I try and PBO anything I get the following message: <scanning files to pack> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ </endscan> 'MakePbo.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. makepbo failed I have tried to re-install everything but still the same message comes up. I have the paid version of the Tools. ANy help would be great. Thank you in advance
  6. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    Nope I have my own connection and no parents or boss to stop me haha Well its deffo nothing at my end, but it seems to of sorted itself, and ive changed nothing
  7. Thats a good idea, but its not what is happening when this happens to me, as i dont TK often, dunno about the other guys
  8. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    Any update on this as by the looks of it, we all having the same issue, and its nothing to do with our firewalls, or being banned, as we can all sometimes get back in the game as normal and play, then it does its mad thing and then we cant connect again.
  9. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    Got this message after playing a few matches, when i tried to log back in.... same one I have been getting for 2 days, done all the following: 1. Checked Anti Virus 2. Checked Firewall 3. Verified files via steam 4. Re-installed the game 5. Checked im not banned - no emails, and have done nothing to get banned!! so ive checked my end, and found nothing.
  10. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    Well it cant be a Ban, as I can join for a while play a few games, then I get only default weapons, or go to level -1, then when i log out and try and get back in I get the message, thats not a firewall or ban issue.
  11. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    No notice of being banned, and don't team kill, or grief !! sometimes say thanks for the TK when I get TK'd, and they dont say sorry..... Ive changed no settings on my side, ive checked my firewall, and anti virus, no issues with the game on its access to the internet Message is Unable to connect to Bohemia server
  12. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    ANY update on fixing this issue? Ive had no issues before yesterday, now this, so something must of been updated, or is corrupt!!
  13. 2Lt. M. Singer

    How are people level 20+ already?

    im level 21 and over 200 hours
  14. 2Lt. M. Singer

    server problem

    Hi i'm having the same problem, in game name: Martysas-EG- :-)
  15. 2Lt. M. Singer

    Walls destruction

    Ok my bad :-) I dont mind the current Engine, just as long as it gets new filters and an oil change every 10000 miles ;-)