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  1. All vehicles with posibility to be turned out on combined with looking on a darter/Tayran drone creates a bug. Every time you look on the drone the player in the vehicle will be automatically be turned out. Exposes to threat of being sniped/ambushed. For exemple if you have a UAV Drone and use an artillery combination. Every time you look on it your player will be turned out.
  2. Ive been trying to trigger the ERA armor (reactive armor) in the front of the rhino UP by shooting heat rockets, but for some reason it just wont go off. ERA works on the angara, the t100 and on the slammers. But atleased i havnt been able to trigger it on the rhino UP. Tested With HE and Heat with no luck. Seems to be a bug/not implemented yet? Best regards
  3. (Bug Report) Ive found a bug, If you go with a Rhino ups and you also are connected to a darter, every time you enter darter and zoom in the player inside the tank will autimatically turn out. Happends every time and ive even tried to remap the keys but it still turns out. Please fix this since its crucial if you wanna shoot Missiles from rhino and while your on darter your player is turned out on the tank. Edit: Happends as soon as you press left shift the player auto turns out. Easy way to test/reproduce it is, Place yourself in Rhino, Put a darter in editor and look on rhino on ground and zoom in on the darter. The player will turn out of the rhino every time. This puts the tank crew at double risk being shot/sniped while being on uav computer. Please fix Not sure im posting this on the correct Place, if not please someone post it so devs sees it. Best regards
  4. (Bug Report) Ive found a bug, If you go with a Rhino ups and you also are connected to a darter, every time you enter darter and zoom in the player inside the tank will autimatically turn out. Happends every time and ive even tried to remapp keys but it still turns out. Please fix this since its crucial if you wanna shoot Missiles from rhino and while your on darter your player is turned out on the tank. Edit: Happends as soon as you press left shift the player auto turns out. Easy way to test it is, Place yourself in Rhino, Put a darter in editor and look on rhino on ground and zoom in on the darter. The player will turn out of the rhino. Not sure im posting this on the correct Place, if not please someone post it so devs sees it. Best regards
  5. (Reposted Question so it doesnt get missed out) Ive been trying to trigger the ERA armor (reactive armor) in the front of the rhino UP by shooting heat rocketson them but for some reason it just wont go off. It works on the angara, the t100 and on the slammers. But atleased i havnt been able to trigger it on the rhino UP. Tested With HE and Heat with no luck. Please tell me if its a bug or im doing something wrong. Would really appreciate an answer Best regards
  6. Ive been trying to trigger the ERA armor (reactive armor) in the front of the rhino UP by shooting heat rocketson them but for some reason it just wont go off. It works on the angara, the t100 and on the slammers. But atleased i havnt been able to trigger it on the rhino UP. Tested With HE and Heat with no luck. Please tell me if its a bug or im doing something wrong. Best regards
  7. Really hope developers have seen this bug and deals with it. Really annoying bug!
  8. Alacazain

    Tank DLC, Speculation.

    Im actually hoping that AAF gets a self propelled artillery system like the Swedish Archer (since they lack of artillery). Csat seems to get T14 Blufor: Hope they get a stealthy blackfoot lookalike tank. I love the new feutures with being able to fire Titan AT as a javelin, although i hope they make it harder to fire and lock it so it wont get too OP as it is now. Really hope they work some extra on the smoke countermessures aswell on the ground vehicles. So far i really like what ive seen about the slat armors (cage) and the reactive armors. Going to be interesting to see how Heat will work and the whole new damage system.
  9. Hi Not sure if im posting this on the right place. The countermessures on tanks (smoke) tend to only work for the first person entering the apc/tank. So for exemple if the first person who enters the tank goes as driver its only him that can switch to commander seat and smoke. Second player in (gunner) wont be able to do it (there isnt a smoke option for him if he was to switch to commander). If the first person (driver jumps out) and back in the tank, then its only the gunner that can smoke (use counter messures in commandseat). Really annoying bug that has been there for ages. Wouldnt it be easier if smoke always worked for whoever is in commander seat? Only way to zero this, is if everyone leaves the tank and let the person whos gonna be controlling both seats commander/gunner jump in first. Really hoping for a fix for this before tank dlc is released! It creates too much fiddeling back and fourth ingame and creates too much confusion. Please look into this and solve it. Best regards
  10. Alacazain

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Hi there. I would like to make a suggestion (havnt been following the thread but i was directed to post this suggestion here). The new huds are really nice but my only problem with them is that you cant change the colors of it. For people who are colorblind the hud display is way to Bright when following enemy planes in air (hud vs sky). Its like the ccip gets ivisible. So my suggestion is either make it customizable to change colors or put in some more green tone so it gets clearer to see in dog fights. I Think its a pretty important feature coming from a pro pilot :). Keep up the good work