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Posts posted by EricR

  1. 2 hours ago, Tactical_Lunatic said:

    can we not join friends via steam yet? this could make teamwork possible. Yeah you can join a friend via Steam.
    I mostly just play Argo, so the Steam's notifications are pretty annoying IMO.


    also do you know when it will be made possible to stream via twitch? I'm not sure what you really mean, cause it is already possible, since the beginning.


  2. 9 hours ago, Tactical_Lunatic said:

    i prefer playing combat patrol for the same reason tbh, but i do find the ai in it to be really frustrating at times (my other thread)
    Argo wanted to be hardcore at first, and there is no difficulty level,
    so for people with more milsim experience I think this is not the same frustration we got from the AIs.


    how often are the updates? and is the a thread/news feed that we can find progress info?
    On the forums you can follow the updates from there : https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/forum/212-argo-news/

    You could also join the Official Discord.


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  3. 9 hours ago, Tactical_Lunatic said:

    i realise it can be hard for getting missions done, but if you can get a decent team together who play as a team (instead of running off trying to play like cod or battlefield) then i find it much better and more likely to complete a mission with zero casualties. This could perhaps be aided by a prefered/avoided player option.
    Unless they make a system like you said or a simple in-game friends system,
    this isn't something that I believe would work (teamwork) and there is not enough people playing it.


    thanks for the info on driving licence though i didnt know about it, what else does the supporter pack come with? :)
    From the Steam website :

    Supporter's Pack includes:

    • Set of 13 exclusive animations for the MVP screen.
    • Bundle of 23 unique apparel items, including facewear and headwear, and backpacks (these items are purely cosmetic and do not offer any gameplay benefits).
    • Highlighted name in the leaderboards.
    • Access to premium servers that will be exclusively available for Argo Supporters.
    • Controllable vehicles in Argo's Scenario Editor.


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  4. That's mainly the reasons why I stopped playing other modes than CP. I'm not remembering having experienced this in CP neither.
    Only TKs. And anyway, if some players are cheating... at least it is not against me.
    I've noticed sometimes that friends (IRL) or clans members that play on different teams to share intel in-game to favor their "friends".

    I hope you got a lot of patience, because the Argo's team is small and therefore really slow. Adding to this intentional delayed bans and what not.

    • Like 1

  5. In Combat Patrol, this is already hard to get the mission done and get to exfil. Bigger combat zone (AO) with vehicles in addition would results in endless missions...
    You need the driver's license (Supporter's pack) to drive vehicles (available in Editor) too.

  6. If it was really the results of hacks, just be informed that hackers can teleport other players and much more, even control their character.
    I personally already experienced that. I've been teleported in the air (~ 30m) and then my weapon fired at the other team players that was left.
    So it is really hard to know who's really hacking. Usually when hacks happen, just read and listen to the chat, sometimes they can't shut up ;)

    • Like 1

  7. What don't you (not only you) understand ? This kind of questions / requests have already been made.
    Argo won't compete against Arma, so forget about larger scale Argo, this is Arma's territory.


    On 29/08/2017 at 5:49 PM, Lt.Master said:

    Someone else had the idea to give some concepts for new gamemodes. A dev confirmed some things about the near futur of Argo in this post one month ago.

    No new gamemodes are planned to be worked on in the futur for now. They are actually working on the "Witch Hunt" game mode.


    If they should add a new gamemode. I don't think this would be a good idea... Why ? Because it's almost the same thing. We have bomb plant ( raid ), King of the Hill ( link ) and Conquest ( clash ). If a new gamemode should be added.... This one should be new. Not a remake or something like that. Hostage recue, Escort the V.I.P. ? Something like that. Not a bigger version of a old gamemode. "Link" isn't like KotH IMO. "Witch Hunt" will be more like a kill the infiltrator.


    If you play clash you can be take down by a sniper from 2 km. And it's a personnal choice. But I love the concept of 5vs5 like csgo/rb6 did. So the 16vs16... Meh... And remember Argo is a small community so.... Yeah Argo community is small and that's kind of a problem for new game modes.

    On 01/09/2017 at 1:56 PM, Magar said:

    I aware that they wont do much about ARGO cuz its only a way to advertise ARMA
    BUT! It could be fun to make bigger map and ofc more cities in clash... cuz right now its not so much of a tactical team based game
    Cuz u get 5 randoms map is small action is fast (2 min round sometimes more)so its hard do say its tactical now....

    I am fanboy of EVO in arma arma 2 and arma 3 patrol ops and Invade Annex (ofc PR MOD <3)
    And its amazing how u need to prepare and think how to approach enemy base or area and i dont see this in ARGO
    Its like COD in Arma I agree, Argo isn't tactical at all when compared to games like Arma and Project Reality (FREE Squad's father).
    Unless you got a lot of friends to play with and against, there is almost no chance that you find milsim players.
    And because there is no ranking system, this is hard to find people that play tactical.


    56 minutes ago, Tactical_Lunatic said:

    Would be better if combat patrol had a freeroam option were players could go where ever they want on the map, instead of being more or less confined to one small area at a time. There is no zone restriction in Combat Patrol, you can leave the combat area if you want to, but what would be the point of it ?
    You want no objectives and just AI to kill all over Malden ?


    • Thanks 1

  8. Hi @Blade_Six_One,
    As any security softwares, BE can't detect all new threats on the fly, it still needs updates.

    As I was told, by an Argo team member lately, and that I can notice since few weeks, is that there is not as much hackers as there was before,
    personally I didn't met one (obvious) since some time now.
    I would guess that some of them have probably been manually banned, wave banned (BE) or have simply left the game by themselves.

  9. 2 hours ago, AV8R_Six said:

    1) Of course I have respawned back at Base in lieu of 1B or 1A... I'm relieved to hear it.
    there's really not an issue most of the time, the capability to make areas off limits like in the other two Game Modes is there, and I'm just suggesting it.
    I know, I already tried the module myself in the editor (scripting) ;)
    The fact that they didn't already implemented it, means for me that they want it like that, and it is kind of part of the strategies to disturb the enemies IMO. 

    Wait a minute...your one of those "it will never work!" type of guys aren't you.  Eric, is your glass half full or half empty most of the time? Just EMPTY :)


    2) Awesome, new game modes coming, can you confirm this? Nothing from BI can be confirmed unless it is released,
    but you can filter by game modes and "Witch Hunt" is there.
    And way more other places too ;)


    4) VR4...Is that brand new or what DayZ converted to last year?  <--- New Discussion Altogether!
    VR4 is older than the one they implemented on DayZ (Enfusion), but I'm not into it and just read such about it... I could be wrong.


    5) Feedback Tracker - I tried to get that to work, I'm logged in, and will try again.  The website is in English with a few mis-translations on it.  And I'm not picking apart little things like Color vs Colour...the My Statistic button could be renamed "MY STATS" or My Statistics as there are more than 1, Plural.  I had a lot of corrections work I did for ArmA 3 Jets DLC as we had many DEVs on the team with English as a secondary language.
    Other than the feedback tracker, you can always try to ask the devs on the Discord.


    EricR, where you from? East Canada


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  10. 29 minutes ago, AV8R_Six said:

    - There is nothing to keep people from Spawn Killing say on LINK at 1A or 1B Nodes but generally, we as a group agree that Node 2 is the closest we should go toward the enemy spawn when engaging them.  This is a Gentleman's Agreement rule that is accepted by most but not all of the players.  You politely ask someone to stop spawn camping and they usually respond with an exploitative and their true "Troll" nature is revealed.  But, just as in RAID and CLASH where you have area restrictions on where people can exit or intrude, LINK can have the same areas that retard the ability for enemy players to invade the spawn zone.  Can you look at this as a possibility and test it out with a future release?
    This is something really annoying I agree, but have you tried respawning at your base instead of 1A or 1B ?

    - Several people I play ARGO with, are asking about a "Battle Royale" style of game play.  Are we going to see one of those introduced in the future?
    "Witch Hunt" is probably the next game mode that will be released next... If I'm right, it will be kind of "Find the infiltrator".


    - SERVER ADMINISTRATION:  Now I'm not referring to the mission development and maintenance, I'm talking about general babysitting.  Yes, it's unfortunate, but we do have babies in the server.  Is there a plan to select ARGO community members or Supporters with integrity and reputation to be Server Admins to counter the Trolling, Racism, Hackers, and Dirty Diapers?
    That's a good idea (I've already made a suggestion in that way), but for now you can only use the "Report Player" option.


    - Is ARGO on a different game-engine than ArmA 3?
    ARGO should be on the same Engine as Arma 3, which is "Real Virtuality 4" if I'm right.


    - Were is the forum to suggest spelling corrections on your Statistic (Statistics) page?
    I guess that the feedback tracker website would be useful.


  11. 3 hours ago, Blade_Six_One said:

    note: the level issues I am talking about is allowing any players, regardless of their level, play against each others. To make it fair and enjoyable, players should only be able to join servers where you compete against other players near your LVL. For example if I am LVL 10, I should be able to only join server with LVL 8 to LVL 12 players. Now if you are telling me killing a LVL 25 gives you more points than a LVL 5, that is a different story ;)
    The level doesn't matter that much... At least for the CP mode. There is and will be still bad 25 level players too.
    The game is mostly only about strategies and team work.
    If you try to play it more as intended by the engine IMO (MilSim), then anyone can beat the AIs (sure it will remains harder sometimes),
    even when starting the mission with a Potector 9mm (iron sight).


  12. 21 hours ago, Damag3d_ said:

    It would be good to change the level of the IA'S or AI in combat patrol because the bots when you are level 1 and you have bad weapons, they kill you 1 shot almost any distance, in my case I am level 6 and I have Level 2 weapons of tree , but I need four shots to kill an AI and they incapacitate me with 1 shot.
    I use the SPAR-17 7.62 mm, when I got my loadout , and I need also 3-4 bullets to kill an AI and even 2 bullets in the head sometimes ;)
    You can still be successful with a bad weapon, just make you way safer cover (crawl if you need to) and get a better weapon from a dead AI when you get the chance.  

    To what I'm going, is to adjust the level of the bots according to your levels. For example, Level 1 to 10 bots of bad level, after having level 10 that increases the amount of difficulty of the bots or AI, to help the new players who do not understand the basics of the game,
    This is for sure not doable and is not the best idea, I personally want to play CP mode with people that understand a minimum of the game.
    Low skilled players (not low level), should play Link until they at least master the mechanic of the game first.

    n my case when started did not know distinguish between ally and an enemy I had Several days to differentiate them,
    Really ? There is only 2 factions, for now.

    in that case new players shoot everyone because they do not know which is allied, due to lack of training. :)
    Sure a good training tutorial would help. But even now, when I'm not sure about a target... I just don't shoot until I know it is an enemy. Nothing too difficult to do there.



    2 hours ago, ITokyYourCookie said:

    We are currently looking into the presets of AI, and we want to tweak it a bit, to maintain the challenging nature of the scenario, but to remove the strong frustration and feelings of unfairness.
    I thought that people would try to play better against the AI, instead of complaining of the difficulty / skills of them.
    BTW. When the respawn issues (mainly Loadouts), will be fixed... I'm sure it is gonna be a different story too.
    And maybe change some default loadouts, like the Protector 9mm, it so useless in CP cause it is meant for really close combat.

    ARGO is rated at least 16+ and I feel like there is too much underage sometimes... they can't even understand simple rules.
    It is like cards game... sometimes it is 13+, not because of the blood ;)

  13. On 26/09/2017 at 5:23 PM, DrKiss said:

    4) AI "unfairness". This includes many things: 1.) AI seeing through vegetation. 2.) AI shooting through windows covered with shutters. 3.) Unrealistic aim with the grenade launcher. 

    1) & 2) - It already happened that I shoot someone through vegetation, door or window's shutter... we can still see between branches, leaves and wood planks ;)


    2 hours ago, ITokyYourCookie said:

    True, but the information flow should improve, as Argo will finally have a Community Manager, she is now in training :P

    Good to hear :)

    3) Do you have any video or repro steps or is it random?
    For me, it usually happens when a wounded player just died and he is waiting to respawn at the "Respawn" screen,
    his icon marker on the mini map can remains on the map (but not the unconscious marker, the normal), then disappear when he respawn.

    4) We are currently looking into tweaking AI presets to still be challenging but not frustrating.
    The only thing that is really bothering is when they see, move and shoot through walls.
    It can happen that they shoot before aiming too... most often while between 2 animations, like from the prone position to standing up.
    Also sometimes they shoot but their weapon is not even yet "ready"... aiming at something.


  14. What I personally think about it, is that the devs didn't react as they should have when the cheaters and hackers was at their zenith.
    They barely informed the community about what was done or who was banned, therefore the trust in the game went down for many players I guess.

    So every time someone dies, he calls into question the reason of his death.
    If the killer is a good player, then there is more chance that the dead think it was a cheater than a legit kill.

  15. There is some reactions sometimes, but not on every media though...

    So this is a discussion I had with an ARGO team member on the Discord about the last update (1.04) that was saying fixing the Respawn issues.
    Here is the answers I got.


    2017-09-21 - Rework of respawn system for PvP modes took a month of work for our scripter, and it had higher priority simply because we still are more PvP oriented.

    2017-09-26 Hey guys, just a heads-up, in the upcoming update even CP will use the new respawn system. Disclaimer to that, some issues can still persist, but it should definetely improve the experience.

    So I encourage you to join the Official Discord as well to be help you get all the available information.

  16. 8 hours ago, Tzup said:

    We have to make a petition to make them do it. Doesn't matter if its halloween or not. Diversity is the key. It's allready boring at 22+ lvl, the only satisfaction is coming up first or in the first 3 at the end of the game.
    A petition ? This is not democracy here ;)


    I hope Witch Hunt will be a greate mode!
    All game modes are great in a way or another... Finding the infiltrator will be great too probably ;)


    And mybe in the future something like King of the Hill or Battle Royal.
    I'm pretty sure that something like KotH or BR will be done by some people of the community. 


  17. Hi @tomciomalina,
    First, it will not be Halloween 2017... but 2035 ;)

    More seriously, if I remember correctly, they won't add night feature to the game.
    The in-game date is frozen to 2035-06-24 and there is only 3 time (that I know): 7:55 AM, 2:00 PM and 5:25 PM.
    No 2035-10-31 11:00PM that I could found :(

    But I would guess that they have already planned something for Halloween,
    maybe they will release the "Witch Hunt" game mode for it, who knows.

  18. @AV8R_Six Not the good forums section and it is kind of "topic spamming", with no offense ;)

    But yeah, they changed the "damage model", they wanted the arms, legs and body to get less damage. (If I remember correctly)
    As in the past, they could have changed other things for some reasons or by accident too.
    * I experienced some issues with headshots though.

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  19. Hi @AV8R_Six,
    I'm pretty sure it can gives advantages, because there is "lag switches" to cheat.

    I've also noticed when there is many laggy players (200+ ping) on a server,
    the server has tendency to lag for everyone and more bugs occurs usually.

    About restraining higher ping... I don't think they would do this in near futur,
    due to the small player base (again).
    Not enough players use the Browser Server tab to find a server... so they end up on an another continent.
    * My filter is set to 120 max ping and I usually play below 40 ;).

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  20. 3 hours ago, urfinjuce said:

    Already done. Find some money to purchase "Argo Supporter's Pack" and play on Premium servers.

    The problem with "guests" will disappear. But the problem with stupid noobs will not disappear. ;)
    That's a solution... But IMO that makes no sens, cause for me it is more of a problem than a disadvantage, if you know what I mean.


    Don't run under enemy fire, like a madman. It's better to quietly and systematically destroy the enemies, that you noticed. After that, calmly check the buildings. If the bot has shot you, then he is smarter, than you. ;)
    Sometimes, you just need to get to cover or escape real fast to still alive and analyze the situation. Even more when they launch grenades at you ;)


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