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-DL- Shane-uk

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Everything posted by -DL- Shane-uk

  1. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo Map Editor

    looking for to them coming out so i can finish my clash map its almost there and plays really well
  2. i know sometimes you join a game and its 4 vs 5 and you try to change teams but it wont allow it due to someone sat in the lobby taking up that last place
  3. -DL- Shane-uk

    Xbox 360 controller problems

    maybe plug it into your Xbox 360 and play a game on there ? its more fun using the keyboard and mouse ..... try it you wont go back once your used to it
  4. -DL- Shane-uk

    Editor assets.

    i have managed to add the arma 3 assets you just have to rename the asset to its Arma 3 name
  5. -DL- Shane-uk

    Ranked community servers

    this is not the case, my clan play on the official servers every day without fail ..... we split up and go across both teams if numbers are low to stop players leaving the servers yes its a shame you cant have a clan xp server but such is life it doesnt meant clans cant play the game just meanst you have to play harder as you have no admin rights so in fact the game is more equal to all
  6. -DL- Shane-uk

    max lvl?

    it appears so as all the boosters havent gone past that rank yet
  7. -DL- Shane-uk

    Houdan Charlie

    On houdan you can fire from most spawns and kill at another but i think the easiest spawn kills are to and from charlie and hotel i try to stay off that map personally but some love it for the speed of the map spawn kills can be done on a few maps if you know when to shoot from .....
  8. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo editor tutorials ?

    hey guys are there any argo editor tutorials out there i have played around with arma 3 editor and made missions etc .... i only ask as i would like to build a clash mission but not sure how the clash mode works in the editor ...... is it like sector control on arma 3 ? any help would be great thanks
  9. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo editor tutorials ?

    i am slowly working out a little but not sure it its right yet so until i do know there no point in my saying what i am doing but Arma 3 editor is much the same but at least there you can jump on YT and find some good tutorials to work from
  10. -DL- Shane-uk

    Kicking lobby sitters

    thank you as always :)
  11. hello Dev Team please can you look at a way to auto kick players who just sit in the lobby of a server if i go afk or dont move (Camp a point) for 60 seconds i get kicked yet a player can sit in the lobby forever it seems until the players on the server vote kick them this can get somewhat annoying when its 5 vs 4 and you know your 5th player is sat in the lobby for the last 4 matches
  12. the supporters pack costs next to nothing .... if you want your character to do the extra movements just pay the money .... its not like paying the £40 or more you would for other games for a extra knife
  13. -DL- Shane-uk

    Update 0.77 not avaliable on steam

    so no reason for me not to kill you on the server tonight then mate :)
  14. -DL- Shane-uk

    More official servers needed?

    it makes sense to test a few servers and then debug them before loading back up all 90 ish servers just to have them all fail its just a waiting game once the debugging is complete they will put the servers back online @ITokyYourCookie has always listened to the community and added servers as we have needed them
  15. -DL- Shane-uk


    this guy was on the server the other day with me when something happened I recorded it on shadow play he was AFK for about 3 matches prior to this happening
  16. -DL- Shane-uk

    We need more official servers

    theres been a load more servers added today so there is now 51 servers across the EU and US
  17. as the title says .... the in game points how does it work are the points shared across the team for a capture or only the person(s) who are in the zone at the time of the capture get the points kills get points .... well i guess so as i dont get many captures air drops i only ask as i am looking to see whats the best way to get a good score in game do i go for captures only ? do i try and kill as many as i can instead ? what are each worth ?
  18. hello Dev team quick question about renting an Argo server from a GSP ... like below https://www.gtxgaming.co.uk/game-servers/arma3-project-argo-game-server-hosting.html will this link to the same hive as the Official servers so all the ranks and weapons will continue to be gained or will it be a standalone so it will be a waste of time as no players will keep their ranks or custom loadouts and any points wont be added to their account
  19. -DL- Shane-uk

    renting Argo servers from GSP ?

    not worth renting then
  20. -DL- Shane-uk

    Feedback Thread

    I personally haven't played Argo for any real length of time but i have enjoyed the challenge of killing the higher ranked players .... i think its always good to see you have killed players like Cobra85pt, bakemonoda71, ProTz, KronX, Yoshi_E and humbi plus a few others i know are good but not currently at the top of the leaders board None of the top players moan about being killed nor do they rub it in your face when they kill you, if anything playing against higher players makes you step up your game and learn to play better .... I use a Level 1 gun and still kill them so the guns and gear difference doesn't make that much difference @Locklear maybe someone at the dev team can make a quick video to explain to new players how the skill tree works and how to get the custom classes .....
  21. -DL- Shane-uk

    Points system ? how does it work ?

    thanks @Yoshi_E i need to get some point captures done i think
  22. -DL- Shane-uk

    Feedback Thread

    hey phash i think you were on with me and a few of the lads the other night hope you see you on again soon
  23. -DL- Shane-uk

    Feedback Thread

    i guess at this time they want to get the core game running right before adding extra bits like weather, but a night time mission maybe worth a try
  24. -DL- Shane-uk

    Feedback Thread

    this sounds a great idea snowcrash .... it may stop some of the long range shots
  25. -DL- Shane-uk

    Simple and Hardcore servers.

    i always find that there are only 2 hardcore servers that are normally full out of the 8 hardcore servers, yet myself and others are fighting over space to get into that 2 normal clash servers EU #03 US #03 it would be nice to at least have another normal non hardcore server