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About Gen. MERICA

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    Private First Class

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  1. Bruh, if your a bruh I would do things to you. #nohomo Real talk though do most guides tend to skip this? Even the atlas just straight up says "copy everything and hope it works lol". Or was I just retarded and read right over it? Thanks again
  2. I have been trying to get cfgClutter to appear with no avail, I have tried following the atlas guide and PMC's guide however I still don't quite understand what is needed, nor why what I have isn't working. First I would like to see if I understand what is supposed to happen before I post everything I have. CfgSurfaces apply CfgSurfaceCharacters when it finds a match with the designated layers in layers.cfg, then it references CfgClutter for what to spawn. Is this correct? Either way here is everything else Layers.cfg class Layers { class tut_grass_green { texture = ""; material = "BIO\BIO_IwoJima\data\tut_grass_green.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { tut_grass_green[] = {{ 230, 230, 120 }}; }; }; cfgClutter.hpp class Clutter { class BIO_IwoJima_GrassGreenGroup: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class BIO_IwoJima_GrassDryGroup: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDry_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.65; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class BIO_IwoJima_GrassDryMediumGroup: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDryMedium_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class BIO_IwoJima_WeedBrownTallGroup: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrWeedBrownTall_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class BIO_IwoJima_WeedGreenTall: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrWeedGreenTall.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.8; scaleMax = 1.2; }; class BIO_IwoJima_PlantMullein: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrPlantMullein.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.35; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.15; }; class BIO_IwoJima_ThistleYellowShrub: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThistleYellowShrub.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.2; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class BIO_IwoJima_ThistleThornGreen: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Green.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.3; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.3; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class BIO_IwoJima_ThistleThornGreenSmall: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Green.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.25; swLighting = "false"; scaleMin = 0.4; scaleMax = 0.7; }; }; cfgSurfaces.hpp class CfgSurfaces { class Default{}; class tut_grass_green_surface : Default { files = "tut_grass_green*"; rough = 0.09; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "BIO_IwoJima_green_grass_Character"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; lucidity = 1; grassCover = 0.1; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class BIO_IwoJima_green_grass_Character { probability[] = {0.021875,0.04375,0.134375,0.175,0.25,0.175,0.134375,0.04375,0.021875}; names[] = {"BIO_IwoJima_GrassGreenGroup","BIO_IwoJima_GrassDryGroup","BIO_IwoJima_GrassDryMediumGroup","BIO_IwoJima_WeedBrownTallGroup","BIO_IwoJima_WeedGreenTall", "BIO_IwoJima_PlantMullein","BIO_IwoJima_ThistleYellowShrub","BIO_IwoJima_ThistleThornGreen","BIO_IwoJima_ThistleThornGreenSmall"}; }; }; tut_grass_green.rvmat ambient[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; diffuse[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; forcedDiffuse[] = { 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1 }; specular[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; specularPower = 1; emmisive[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_grass_green_nopx.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = { 10, 0, 0 }; up[] = { 0, 10, 0 }; dir[] = { 0, 0, 10 }; pos[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; }; }; class Stage2 { texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa"; uvSource = "tex"; class uvTransform { aside[] = { 10, 0, 0 }; up[] = { 0, 10, 0 }; dir[] = { 0, 0, 10 }; pos[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; }; }; Lastly the config.cpp class CfgPatches { class BIO_IwoJima { units[] = { "IwoJima" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Map_Stratis" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class BIO_IwoJima{}; }; class CfgWorlds { //Start DefaultLighting class DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.085,0.068,0.034}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.7}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.01}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.75,0.4}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.5,0.2}; starEmissivity = 0.3; nightAngle = 5; sunSunset = 20; endSunset = 10; }; //End DefaultLighting //Start DefaultWorld class DefaultWorld { worldId = 0; plateFormat = "$$$ ## - ##"; plateLetters = "ABCDEFHIKLMOPRSTVXYZ"; centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,0}; latitude = -40; longitude = 15; cutscenes[] = {""}; landGrid = 50; startTime = "16:45"; startDate = "17/11/2006"; startWeather = 0.12; startFog = 0; startFogBase = 0; forecastFogBase = 0; startFogDecay = 0.005; forecastFogDecay = 0.005; fogBeta0Min = 0.0001; fogBeta0Max = 0.02; hazeBaseHeight = 0; hazeBaseBeta0 = 0; hazeDensityDecay = 0.005; startWind = 0.1; startWindDir = 0; startWaves = 0.1; startRain = 0; startLightnings = 0; startGusts = 0; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastFog = 0; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastRain = 0; forecastLightnings = 0; forecastGusts = 0; forecastWindDir = 0; timeOfChanges = 1800; rainForced = 0; lightningsForced = 0; wavesForced = 0; windForced = 0; humidityUpCoef = 0.1; humidityDownCoef = 0.05; skyTexture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; skyTextureR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; seaTexture = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"; midDetailTexture = "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt)"; outsideMaterial = ""; outsideHeight = -199; minHeight = -10; shoreTop = 0; peakWaveTop = -1; peakWaveBottom = -5; clouds[] = {"core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d"}; noDetailDist = 150; fullDetailDist = 200; soundMapSizeCoef = 1; satelliteNormalBlendStart = 180; satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 200; satelliteNormalOnDetail = 1; terrainBlendMaxDarkenCoef = 0; terrainBlendMaxBrightenCoef = 1; interpolateClutterColoring = 0; clutterColoringFarCoef = 5; clutterColoringFarStart = "15.0f"; clutterColoringFarSpeed = "1.0f"; clutterRoadwayCheckRadiusCoef = "0.0f"; hazeDistCoef = -1; hazeFogCoef = -1; aroundSunCoefMultiplier = 1; aroundSunCoefExponent = 4; horizonParallaxCoef = 0.045; horizonFogColorationStart = 0.8; skyFogColorationStart = 0.7; skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 1; horizonSunColorationScale = 10; horizonSunColorationIntensity = 1; mapDrawingBrightnessModifier = "1.0f"; seaBedUnderwaterDepth = "-1.0f"; clutterGrid = 2; clutterDist = 50; clutterRadius = 1; skyObject = "core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d"; starsObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; pointObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; horizontObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; haloObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; sunObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; rainbowObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; moonObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; waterTexture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; causticsEnabled = 1; causticsTextureNumRows = 4; causticsTextureCount = 32; causticsTextureArea = 4; causticsTextureAreaDeep = 150; causticsTextureChangeInterval = 0.09; causticsDistanceLimit = 200; causticsDepthLimit = 50; causticsDepthFadeCoef = 1; causticsTextureDepthGranularity = 3; causticsBrightnessCoef = 4; dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.1; dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.001; envTexture = ""; satelliteMap = ""; layerMask = ""; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shoreFoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shoreWet"; terrainMaterial = "#terrain"; enableTracks = 1; enableFootsteps = 1; enableBloodSplashes = 1; underwaterOcclusionObject = "A3\data_f\horizont_sphere.p3d"; causticsTexture = "A3\data_f\caustics\caustic_anim_ca.paa"; causticsTextureMask = "A3\data_f\caustics\caustics_anim_%03d.paa"; gridNumbersOverLines = 1; //Start Lighting class Lighting: DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.085,0.068,0.034}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.7}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.01}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.75,0.4}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.5,0.2}; starEmissivity = 0.3; nightAngle = 5; sunSunset = 20; endSunset = 10; }; //End Lighting //Start Weather class Weather { rainEnabled = 1; temperatureDayMax[] = {10,12,15,20,25,35,35,35,25,20,10,10}; temperatureDayMin[] = {-10,-6,-5,-1,5,6,7,10,5,2,-5,-10}; temperatureNightMax[] = {5,6,8,10,13,18,26,25,15,13,8,4}; temperatureNightMin[] = {-10,-10,-10,-5,0,4,5,6,5,0,-5,-10}; overcastTemperatureFactor = 0.4; blackSurfaceTemperatureDelta = 5; whiteSurfaceTemperatureDelta = -2; //Start Overcast class Overcast { class Weather1 { overcast = 0; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0; bright = 0.5; speed = 0.2; size = 0.2; height = 1; through = 1; lightingOvercast = 0; diffuse = 1; cloudDiffuse = 1; waves = 0.15; }; class Weather2 { overcast = 0.1; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.3; size = 0.3; height = 0.9; bright = 0.5; speed = 0.25; through = 1; lightingOvercast = 0.1; diffuse = 1; cloudDiffuse = 0.9; waves = 0.22; }; class Weather3 { overcast = 0.4; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.51,0.57,0.79,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.51,0.57,0.79,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.98; size = 0.5; height = 0.8; bright = 0.45; speed = 0.4; through = 0.8; lightingOvercast = 0.6; diffuse = 0.7; cloudDiffuse = 0.4; waves = 0.5; }; class Weather4 { overcast = 0.7; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.56,0.6,0.76,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.56,0.6,0.76,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.97; size = 0.75; height = 0.75; bright = 0.45; speed = 0.7; through = 0.2; diffuse = 0.4; lightingOvercast = 0.9; cloudDiffuse = 0.75; waves = 0.6; }; class Weather5 { overcast = 1; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.39,0.39,0.4,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.39,0.39,0.4,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.98; size = 0.9; height = 0.7; bright = 0.45; speed = 1; through = 0; diffuse = 0.2; cloudDiffuse = 0.95; waves = 0.7; lightingOvercast = 1; }; }; //End Overcast }; //End Weather }; //End DefaultWorld //Start CAWorld class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { class Grid; }; //End CAWorld //Start IwoJima class BIO_IwoJima: CAWorld{ cutscenes[] = {}; description = "IwoJima"; worldName = "\BIO\BIO_IwoJima\BIO_IwoJima.wrp"; author = "bio138"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; newRoadsShape = ""; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = 0; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 5120; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030.0; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; class DefaultClutter{}; #include "cfgClutter.hpp" }; //End IwoJima }; #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" It compiles and launches with no errors. Just nothing appears in-game. My settings are standard, I see clutter on other maps perfectly fine. Also, should I be able to see clutter in terrain builder? Or does clutter only appear in game? Thanks in advance
  3. Gen. MERICA

    Can't keep AI in certain vehicles?

    I was afraid of that. Other posts that I had found with similar issues never seemed to narrow down the exact problem or solution. Any chance though you've managed to get setWaypointStatments working? I feel I could get a solid work around with that. I've been unable to pass variables through to it though. Such as, _waypoint1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "["+str(_test)+"] call fnc_example"]; I feel I could then separate the crew from the offloading group but I cant get it to pass reliably.
  4. Gen. MERICA

    Firing Range (hints)

    If I am reading this script correctly should just be an easy series of if statements? Right before the final two lines, something like this? if(_count <= 23) then { hint "You are a qualified marksman"; };
  5. Gen. MERICA

    Locked Door / Budge Animation

    From what I understand about the animate command is that most of the time it is a range from 0 to 1 (closed to open). Have you tried doing somewhere in between? Such as, _building animate ["Door_1_rot", 0.1]; I don't know exactly what door your attempting to open so this may or may work.
  6. I am having difficulty having certain AI stay in a vehicle. I have a truck that drives from point A to point B. After it drops off a squad it then drives elsewhere. However on spawning the the vehicle the squad attempts to get out at the nearest possible opportunity (if the vehicle slow down too much. The driver will keep on attempting to get the squad to the correct position, then wait (if there is anyone left) to get out of the vehicle. The only thing I REALLY don't understand is that this is happening to certain vehicles only? _crew = createGroup EAST; _unarmedTransport = [_spawnPoint, (_rad select 1), _className, _crew] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; (_unarmedTransport select 0) setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _squad = [_passengerCount, (getPos (_unarmedTransport select 0)), EAST] call bio_fnc_defaultRandomCreateInfantryGroup; //This is just another script used to finish off the squad creation, nothing more { _x assignAsCargo (_unarmedTransport select 0); _x moveInCargo (_unarmedTransport select 0); }forEach (units _squad); _wpt1 = _crew addWaypoint [(getPos Center), (Range * 0.4)]; _wpt1 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wpt1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wpt2 = _crew addWaypoint [(getPos Center), 0]; _wpt2 setWaypointType "GETOUT"; _wpt2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wpt3 = _crew addWaypoint [(getPos Center), 0]; _wpt3 setWaypointType "SAD"; _wpt3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 = _squad addWaypoint [(getPos Center), 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; So far it works no problem for the following, BLUFOR APC Marshall BLUFOR HEMT Covered IND Strider Doesn't work for BLUFOR Hunter OPFOR Ifrit I have tried the following Disabling the AI of said vehicles Disabling simulation of said vehicles Nothing happens Only correlation I have found is that if I replace myself with the driver the AI then stay in the vehicle. (Could the driver be telling them to do this?) I would just have the driver join the group but I need the driver to carry on his way and not fight with the others. I attempted to solve the driver joining group after waypoint completion using setWaypointStatements but I could never get it to call a script properly. Such as _wpt1 setWayPointStatements ["true", "[" + str(_squad) + "] call test_fnc_function"]; Anyone else have this crazy issue before?
  7. Gen. MERICA

    [Solved!]drawLine headache/issue

    Thank you both for the quick responses, GrumpyOldMan that is an interesting solution that I hadn't thought of. I didn't think of having the loop be inside the string to get it to work to avoid passing anything. Although I plan to have multiple borders so I would still have to pass through what location borders we are looking for (there would've been no way for you to know that, I should've had that in my post, my bad.). I definitely plan to save your example for creating compact and effective loops in the future. pierremgi I plan to use polygons but I wanted to get lines working first before I attempt a polygon lol, baby steps. But I did discover something that I never knew you could do with event handlers. _i = 0; { if(_i != ((count _borderLines) - 1)) then { (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw"," (_this select 0) drawLine [" + str((_borderLines select _i) select 2) + "," + str((_borderLines select (_i + 1)) select 2) + ", [1,1,1,1] ]; "]; }else{ (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw"," (_this select 0) drawLine [" + str((_borderLines select _i) select 2) + "," + str((_borderLines select (0)) select 2) + ", [1,1,1,1] ]; "]; }; _i = _i + 1; }forEach _borderLines; You CAN pass local variables to an event handler _var = "it" "You have to structure" + _var + "like so.";
  8. Hello everyone, I am trying to draw a border through a set of markers like so, https://imgur.com/a/MkLDa7R But due to the ctrlAddEventHandler I cant pass local variables to it, so I need to make them global somehow. I ended up using global place placeholders to pass it through the ctrlAddEventHandler and end up with this, https://imgur.com/a/sEfyE9I I believe its due to the way the loop ends up cycling through itself, and it seems to just move the corresponding line. Does anyone know of a clever work around to this? _marker = param[0]; _markerName = param[1]; _pos = param[2]; _markerText = param[3]; _borderLines = []; { _borderMarker = toArray _x; _borderMarkerName = toString _borderMarker; _borderPos = getMarkerPos _x; _borderMarkerText = markerText _x; if((_borderMarkerName find _markerText >= 0) && (_borderMarkerName find "Border" >= 0)) then { //DEBUG systemChat ((format["%1", _borderMarkerText]) + " recognized as border to " +(format["%1", _markerText])); //DEBUG _border = [_borderMarker, _borderMarkerName, _borderPos, _borderMarkerText]; _borderLines = _borderLines + [_border]; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; _i = 0; { if(_i != ((count _borderLines) - 1)) then { PlaceHolder1 = ((_borderLines select _i) select 2); PlaceHolder2 = ((_borderLines select (_i + 1)) select 2); (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw"," (_this select 0) drawLine [ PlaceHolder2, PlaceHolder3, [1,1,1,1] ]; "]; }else{ PlaceHolder3 = ((_borderLines select (0)) select 2); (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw"," (_this select 0) drawLine [ PlaceHolder1, PlaceHolder3, [1,1,1,1] ]; "]; }; _i = _i + 1; }forEach _borderLines; FYI the border markers share the same name and text in case this leads to something. I tried thinking of a solution where it looks for similar names and then links them but it ends up creating a spider web unfortunately. Thanks in advance
  9. Gen. MERICA

    Limit weapons in arsenal

    Thanks for the pointers but sadly I couldn't find any combo that would limit the amounts. I swear I remember you could do this in zeus but testing with a friend showed it wasn't possible.
  10. I apologize if this counts as a double or re-post. The previous attempt to answering this question fell on deaf ears most likely to me trying to write it out at 3am. Figure I will give it one more try. I am trying to limit what weapons and ammo are in the arsenal. More specifically how many of each weapon and ammo, similar to how you can in zues Anyone know a way to replicate this behavior via script? Thanks in advance
  11. Is there any way to limit the amount of items in the arsenal? Not what items, but how many. Similar to how in zues you can set it so there are 3 Katibas for example in the arsenal. I could just add it the cargo of a box but I was wondering if there was anyway to do it similar to zues as the interface would be much friendlier. Thanks in advance
  12. Gen. MERICA

    Odd Layers.cfg behavior

    Resolved issue by uninstalling EVERYTHING related to arma 3 tools and tried again. Working fine now
  13. Having an odd issue with terrain builder when attempting to rebuild terrain, In my layers.cfg I have the following lines class Layers { class Tropical_Sand { texture = ""; material = "DIL\IwoDurp\Data\Tropical_Sand.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "maplegend.png"; class Colors { Tropical_Sand[] = {{ 230, 230, 120 }}; }; }; This does not work and I get the following error bool ClayerRvmatCFG::Open(const char* filename = "\DIL\IwoDurp\Data\Tropical_Sand.rvmat") cannot be opened... However the below lines work just fine class Layers { class Tropical_Sand { texture = ""; material = "P:\DIL\IwoDurp\Data\Tropical_Sand.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture = "P:\maplegend.png"; class Colors { Tropical_Sand[] = {{ 230, 230, 120 }}; }; }; The only thing I do differently is specify the P: drive. Bulldozer and terrain builder stop throwing errors but I cant pack this as it has the drive letter in it. This error began to occur after the power tripped to my computer. Anyone have any ideas?
  14. I gave up and just made one from scratch Here is it in case anyone else gets stuck with these errors class CfgPatches { class IwoDurp { units[] = { "IwoDurp" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Map_Stratis" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class IwoDurp{}; }; class CfgWorlds { //Start DefaultLighting class DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.085,0.068,0.034}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.7}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.01}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.75,0.4}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.5,0.2}; starEmissivity = 0.3; nightAngle = 5; sunSunset = 20; endSunset = 10; }; //End DefaultLighting //Start DefaultWorld class DefaultWorld { worldId = 0; plateFormat = "$$$ ## - ##"; plateLetters = "ABCDEFHIKLMOPRSTVXYZ"; centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,0}; latitude = -40; longitude = 15; cutscenes[] = {""}; landGrid = 50; startTime = "16:45"; startDate = "17/11/2006"; startWeather = 0.12; startFog = 0; startFogBase = 0; forecastFogBase = 0; startFogDecay = 0.005; forecastFogDecay = 0.005; fogBeta0Min = 0.0001; fogBeta0Max = 0.02; hazeBaseHeight = 0; hazeBaseBeta0 = 0; hazeDensityDecay = 0.005; startWind = 0.1; startWindDir = 0; startWaves = 0.1; startRain = 0; startLightnings = 0; startGusts = 0; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastFog = 0; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastRain = 0; forecastLightnings = 0; forecastGusts = 0; forecastWindDir = 0; timeOfChanges = 1800; rainForced = 0; lightningsForced = 0; wavesForced = 0; windForced = 0; humidityUpCoef = 0.1; humidityDownCoef = 0.05; skyTexture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; skyTextureR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; seaTexture = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"; midDetailTexture = "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt)"; outsideMaterial = ""; outsideHeight = -199; minHeight = -10; shoreTop = 0; peakWaveTop = -1; peakWaveBottom = -5; clouds[] = {"core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d","core\default\default.p3d"}; noDetailDist = 150; fullDetailDist = 200; soundMapSizeCoef = 1; satelliteNormalBlendStart = 180; satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 200; satelliteNormalOnDetail = 1; terrainBlendMaxDarkenCoef = 0; terrainBlendMaxBrightenCoef = 1; interpolateClutterColoring = 0; clutterColoringFarCoef = 5; clutterColoringFarStart = "15.0f"; clutterColoringFarSpeed = "1.0f"; clutterRoadwayCheckRadiusCoef = "0.0f"; hazeDistCoef = -1; hazeFogCoef = -1; aroundSunCoefMultiplier = 1; aroundSunCoefExponent = 4; horizonParallaxCoef = 0.045; horizonFogColorationStart = 0.8; skyFogColorationStart = 0.7; skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 1; horizonSunColorationScale = 10; horizonSunColorationIntensity = 1; mapDrawingBrightnessModifier = "1.0f"; seaBedUnderwaterDepth = "-1.0f"; clutterGrid = 2; clutterDist = 50; clutterRadius = 1; skyObject = "core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d"; starsObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; pointObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; horizontObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; haloObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; sunObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; rainbowObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; moonObject = "core\default\default.p3d"; waterTexture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)"; causticsEnabled = 1; causticsTextureNumRows = 4; causticsTextureCount = 32; causticsTextureArea = 4; causticsTextureAreaDeep = 150; causticsTextureChangeInterval = 0.09; causticsDistanceLimit = 200; causticsDepthLimit = 50; causticsDepthFadeCoef = 1; causticsTextureDepthGranularity = 3; causticsBrightnessCoef = 4; dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.1; dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.001; envTexture = ""; satelliteMap = ""; layerMask = ""; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shoreFoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shoreWet"; terrainMaterial = "#terrain"; enableTracks = 1; enableFootsteps = 1; enableBloodSplashes = 1; underwaterOcclusionObject = "A3\data_f\horizont_sphere.p3d"; causticsTexture = "A3\data_f\caustics\caustic_anim_ca.paa"; causticsTextureMask = "A3\data_f\caustics\caustics_anim_%03d.paa"; gridNumbersOverLines = 1; //Start Lighting class Lighting: DefaultLighting { groundReflection[] = {0.085,0.068,0.034}; moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.7}; moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.9,0.9,1,0.01}; moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.75,0.4}; moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.9,0.5,0.2}; starEmissivity = 0.3; nightAngle = 5; sunSunset = 20; endSunset = 10; }; //End Lighting //Start Weather class Weather { rainEnabled = 1; temperatureDayMax[] = {10,12,15,20,25,35,35,35,25,20,10,10}; temperatureDayMin[] = {-10,-6,-5,-1,5,6,7,10,5,2,-5,-10}; temperatureNightMax[] = {5,6,8,10,13,18,26,25,15,13,8,4}; temperatureNightMin[] = {-10,-10,-10,-5,0,4,5,6,5,0,-5,-10}; overcastTemperatureFactor = 0.4; blackSurfaceTemperatureDelta = 5; whiteSurfaceTemperatureDelta = -2; //Start Overcast class Overcast { class Weather1 { overcast = 0; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0; bright = 0.5; speed = 0.2; size = 0.2; height = 1; through = 1; lightingOvercast = 0; diffuse = 1; cloudDiffuse = 1; waves = 0.15; }; class Weather2 { overcast = 0.1; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.3; size = 0.3; height = 0.9; bright = 0.5; speed = 0.25; through = 1; lightingOvercast = 0.1; diffuse = 1; cloudDiffuse = 0.9; waves = 0.22; }; class Weather3 { overcast = 0.4; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.51,0.57,0.79,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.51,0.57,0.79,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.98; size = 0.5; height = 0.8; bright = 0.45; speed = 0.4; through = 0.8; lightingOvercast = 0.6; diffuse = 0.7; cloudDiffuse = 0.4; waves = 0.5; }; class Weather4 { overcast = 0.7; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.56,0.6,0.76,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.56,0.6,0.76,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.97; size = 0.75; height = 0.75; bright = 0.45; speed = 0.7; through = 0.2; diffuse = 0.4; lightingOvercast = 0.9; cloudDiffuse = 0.75; waves = 0.6; }; class Weather5 { overcast = 1; sky = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.39,0.39,0.4,1)"; skyR = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.39,0.39,0.4,1)"; horizon = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.46,0.51,0.67,1)"; alpha = 0.98; size = 0.9; height = 0.7; bright = 0.45; speed = 1; through = 0; diffuse = 0.2; cloudDiffuse = 0.95; waves = 0.7; lightingOvercast = 1; }; }; //End Overcast }; //End Weather }; //End DefaultWorld //Start CAWorld class CAWorld: DefaultWorld{}; //End CAWorld //Start IwoDurp class IwoDurp: CAWorld{ cutscenes[] = {}; description = "IwoDurp"; worldName = "\DIL\IwoDurp\IwoDurp.wrp"; author = "test"; icon = ""; previewVideo = ""; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; newRoadsShape = ""; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = 0; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; }; //End IwoDurp };
  15. I've been trying to get a map working recently and I am now getting errors when trying to pack it. Here is the bin.log stripping "P:\temp\IwoDurp.bin.log" This build is licensed to 'Bohemia Interactive a.s.' for use within the scope of the following projects/products: 'All'. 16:44:17: No speaker configuration found. 16:44:17: PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 16:44:17: PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 16:44:17: <world = "DIL\IwoDurp\IwoDurp.wrp"> 16:44:17: No weather defined in .Overcast 16:44:17: No lighting defined in .Lighting 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: No weather defined in .Overcast 16:44:17: No lighting defined in .Lighting 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: No weather defined in .Overcast 16:44:17: No lighting defined in .Lighting 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Material #water not found in CfgMaterials 16:44:17: Material #shore not found in CfgMaterials 16:44:17: Material #shorefoam not found in CfgMaterials 16:44:17: Material #shorewet not found in CfgMaterials 16:44:17: No weather defined in .Overcast 16:44:17: No lighting defined in .Lighting 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:17: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 16:44:18: [InitSoundMap] begin 16:44:18: [InitSoundMap] end 16:44:24: [InitSoundMap] begin 16:44:24: [InitSoundMap] end 16:44:28: </world> 16:44:28: Extensions: And here is the config.cpp itself class CfgPatches { class IwoDurp { units[] = { "IwoDurp" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Map_Stratis" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class IwoDurp{}; }; class CfgWorlds { class Stratis; class IwoDurp: Stratis { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "IwoDurp"; worldName = "\DIL\IwoDurp\IwoDurp.wrp"; author = "test"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; newRoadsShape = ""; centerPosition[] = { 2560, 2560 }; ilsDirection[] = { 0, 0.08, 1 }; ilsPosition[] = { 0, 0 }; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = false; class SecondaryAirports{}; class ReplaceObjects{}; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; class Subdivision{}; class Names{}; }; }; I assumed that this config would import the weather from stratis but I am still getting errors. Anyone know/think they can help find the most likely blatant error? Thanks in advance