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Everything posted by rafy77

  1. rafy77

    SOG AI

    You're right, and it's logic But from a "user" point of view, it's quicker and easier to load your Vietnam modset without caring about that. Sometimes i boot the game just to fly, sometimes to play scenarios with AI, sometimes just to make big battles in Editor/Zeus. Anyway hope it will be fixed and i helped you !
  2. rafy77

    SOG AI

    Hey, it wasn't a scenario, just wanted to shoot things in the editor, i didn't have any friendly AI. I don't know what is and where to find .rpt but i just spawned one BLU and two REDFOR, and either i would get incapacitated and the bug came at the end of the timer, or if i was instant dead, immediately. Also tried a dogfight, and happened immediately when i got shot by a missile.
  3. rafy77

    SOG AI

    Hey there, got a strange bug, every time i die, i can't do anything, not even access the menu to quit the game and have to alt F4, here is a screenshot of the error seems to be respawn related :
  4. rafy77

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Battle of Sangin [Insurgency]

    There is clearly a problem with Project OPFOR, i have the same error, with T55, T34 and Landrover, all others things are working. And also the same problem he have with the scenario "Inshallah" and "Prophet" Looks like Project OPFOR is broken or something, and all scenario that use this mod too.
  5. rafy77

    Project OPFOR

    USAF, AFRF and GREF loaded in my game i'm going to download all the last RHS mod (0.4.2) to see if it will fix my game. Except if you confirm me that RHS only added the T55 in the 0.4.2, and it's because i don't have the very last one. Sorry for my English
  6. rafy77

    Project OPFOR

    Hi Wich mod must be loaded in the game in order to use the T34, the T55 and the Landrover in Project OPFOR ? Each time i spawn them, or a scenario use these vehicles, it crash my game back to desktop, but all other vehicles work (Landrover with machinegun work too, i don't know why) thanks