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About PapaBear56

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    Private First Class

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    TDM,L'orgueil d'être des professionnels avec sur leur poitrine des bouts de rubans rongés par le soleil qui évoquent les paysages les plus fastueux de la terre.
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  1. F16 And A10 Warthog Mod: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, FIREWILL Aviation Pack (Complete) + Helis
  2. Assault of us troops Mod: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Whiplash Static Animations, Faces of war, IFA3 Higher Quality US Vehicles, IFA3_AIO_LITE, US General Equipment and Accessories (FOW/IFA3)
  3. Navy SEAL in Action Mod: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, TRYK Multiplay Uniform, Whiplash Static Animations, Ansel Driver Nvidia
  4. Airfields of the US Army in the Pacific Ocean theatre of World War II Mod: Rismarck's WW2 Pose Pack, Faces of war, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter
  5. In the early morning the German tanks attacked, followed by the infantry Mod: Rismarck's WW2 Pose Pack, ASCZ_Heads, Faces of war, IFA3_AIO_LITE, Iron Front 44 RealPanzer, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter
  6. Russian Forces Mods used: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Whiplash Static Animations, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, RHSAFRFDEV
  7. French Rafale from the AMF Mod 0.0.4 Mods: ArmaModFrance 0.0.4, POLPOX´s Artwork Supporter, LIVONIA Map
  8. Serie of screenshots with AMF mod 0.0.4 Mods: ArmaModFrance 0.0.4, Angola Maps v1.3, POLPOX´s Artwork Supporter, , ASCZ_Heads, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, Fire's Static Poses Pack, Rismarck's WW2 Pose Pack, Whiplash Static Animations, ZSL Static Poses [WW2]
  9. Nassau 1715 Mods: Nassau 1715, POLPOX´s Artwork Supporter, Caribbean Islands, ASCZ_Heads, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, Fire's Static Poses Pack, Rismarck's WW2 Pose Pack, Whiplash Static Animations, ZSL Static Poses [WW2]
  10. THE LAST COMBAT IN SAIGON Addon Used: The_Unsung_Vietnam_War_Mod, Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, nikoaton's Animations Pack, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, DIREONE's Combat poses pack,
  11. Morning at HILL 881 Addon Used: The_Unsung_Vietnam_War_Mod, Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, nikoaton's Animations Pack, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, DIREONE's Combat poses pack,
  12. Addon Used: The_Unsung_Vietnam_War_Mod, Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, nikoaton's Animations Pack, Huey Pack, DIREONE's Relax and no combat poses, DIREONE's Combat poses pack,
  13. Addon Used: POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, nikoaton's Animations Pack, DIREONE's Combat poses pack, TRYK's Multiplay-uniforme Pack, RKSL Studio: Puma HC1
  14. Overlord 6 June 1944 Addon Used: Face of War,Sab Secret Weapons, I44 Terrains, IFA3 Liberation, Splendide Smoke, Blastcore edited POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, nikoaton's Animations Pack, DIREONE's Combat poses pack,