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K. Schippers

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Everything posted by K. Schippers

  1. Comrade, If you are looking for a Russian-style unit in ARMA3, look no further! 28MRB is a realism/milsim unit that is focusing on PVP with other ARMA3 units This unit is run as a milsim unit but is very open to everyone for every type of player. We try to run this unit very realistically, but not like the real military. We are always open for recruiting. We value our Rank system, but there is no dividing between different ranks. We value every rank/soldier. Requirements: 16+ Proficient in English Be Social And most of all, Have Fun! WANTED: BMP-2 / BTR-60: Driver BMP-2 / BTR-60: Gunner / Commander Platoon Medic Machine Gunner RPG Gunner Grenadier Rifleman More... How do you become a member of 28MRB? It's easy! Fill in this Application-Form Just go to our website: http://www.28mrb.boards.net Or join us on Teamspeak: (Admins online 18:00-24:00 GMT+0) Further Server details will be given to you as soon as the recruitment process has started. We are an European Based Unit but everybody is welcome to join, as long as you speak English. We hope to see you soon!
  2. K. Schippers

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Men! I love that stuff, it looks so real. And pretty interesting in a artistic way!
  3. Squad name:28th Motor Rifle Brigade Timezone/location : GMT+0 Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Contact email: nivekrezjiek@yahoo.com Website address: 28mrb.boards.net Short description: A (Russian style) unit, Milsim/Realistic, Friendly, European Based. Language: English