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About Grenadier-Ghost

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. time has passed but ace3 continues to block the EntityKilled command. when they think of solving these problems?
  2. Grenadier-Ghost

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    Is it possible to use the train at the AI? Thanks
  3. Grenadier-Ghost

    Advanced Rappelling

  4. Grenadier-Ghost

    MrSanchez' Headlamps

    Hello and great job! Could you tell how to turn the flashlight on AI? Only with the module, or even with a small script in the init unit? thank you
  5. Grenadier-Ghost

    Bugs in editing 64bit

    The trigger included was recent, not put in a previous version. At the beginning of the mission creation everything was running smoothly afterwards, with the passage of time, changes to mission changes strangely did not work. I repeat that I had not made any changes to that trigger, and I did not include strange scripts, but only a trivial line of code. I have the feeling that the more you become bigger and elaborate the more mission you have these unstable behaviors. Now that I think about it during editing I got some crask, caused by not what, so I restarted the game. Can I imagine that it was due to possible cracks during editing and that they damaged part of the missions.sqm file?
  6. Good morning. Since I was upgrading to 64bit, I noticed that some times you are bugging trigger, drive. The same problem has been found by a friend of mine who as I edited missions. You are required to delete the item that creates the problem, save and re-insert the item with the code you used before. With that I just want to make a note so that you can check my words. It's really frustrating to create a mission and then get crazy to look for the problem that first worked and after it no longer works. Thank you for your attention and excuse my English
  7. Grenadier-Ghost

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hello, I have a question to ask. I am creating an area for cqb training. How do I repopulate the area after the first session? Thanks
  8. Grenadier-Ghost

    Urban Patrol Script

    hello and thank you for the wonderful script. I have a question. How do I randomize the units in the buildings? Thank you
  9. Grenadier-Ghost

    Arma3sync repo setup

    I join this discussion. I have the same problem
  10. Grenadier-Ghost

    Force Vehicle lights on?

    I have devised a simple way to Have a beautiful lighthouse on the helicopter. No script and work in SP and MP. This system can be used for any Vehicle! I made a simple demo for download. Tell me what you think! link demo
  11. Hi, where I put the ogv video files that I create? which path should I put in the "open terminal.sqf? thanks
  12. Grenadier-Ghost

    Drag Dead Body Script

    hello, it happens sometimes that does not work in mp! :mellow:
  13. Grenadier-Ghost

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    hi, You can also drag the dead enemies? thanks