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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Download the new plugin for TS
  2. Devastator_cm

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    what? I am in stable version so relax. they will not bring 64bit with next release but they were working with other improvements which might, by luck, fixes the 3fps
  3. Devastator_cm

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    I wonder when it will be released as stable version
  4. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    I would like to say "Are you serious with what you write" but I see this comment and yes you are serious as you really didn't get what I wrote. So you come with a reply which is accusing me that I expect no bugs although I wrote totaly opposite of that! Just to write once more what I wrote above point by point to make it more understandable as it looks like not everybody got what I wrote. 1- Everbody is aware that people who publishes things are not paid and using their private times. They might come from work and after dinner spend some hours to do something instead or relaxing, playing, having time with family. 2- Everybody is aware that teams have limited resources ( I mean developers) 3- Everybody is aware that there will be bugs. Nobody expects bug free release. With limited resources you cannot test everything. That is obvious! Also you cannot do a complete regression testing for a mod like this one. It is simply not doable due to tons of dependend mods, scripts, missions. So what did I say? All above points are obvious by this community (I hope they are!). There is still a possible thing to improve and I commented based on that. Better organized release where you define the key people and decide the date based on them. You also define for example 2 days after release where the key people should be also available. Reason behind is simple, due to points 2 and 3 above when you go live something will most likely to be found as not working as hundreds of people will start using the new stuff so they will do the most of the testing. If there is a critical issue it will be found 99% just in 1-2 days and for that one you will most likely need a hot fix. For other issues you can do later on during stabilization phase. Nobody made any critic here related to bug, they just complaint as it is unfortunate to wait 1 week for a hot fix. What I wrote is not just for CBA thing it is just a general thing which I wanted to share. I am fully aware of what the guys behind CBA mod is delivering. If you dont, just check all other mods which you are using and see what they are dependent of to understand the importance of this mod.
  5. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    I think issue here is different. Actually not here but in general in "Arma Community". I see that mod makers or scripters are tend to come to a point to say "we are doing this for free so respect us" which is totally understandable. But an important point is missed, a modder/scripter also need to respect the people who uses his/her mod right? Situation is following, you create a mod or script and release it. From that point on you need to think about the people who uses it. You should not just say "I do it for free so take it or leave it". People who respected your work and used it are depending on you from the point of your first release. By a change, an impact like we have now can destroy the works of other modders, mission builders or scripters. They are also doing their job for free and just for community right? They just relied on your nice mod and your invaluable effort and include it in their work. At the moment as I see ALIVE is broken and scripts which use patrol logic from CBA is also broken. I was lucky that my mission was not finished one so I can simply stop and wait but imagine that it was a released mission and people were playing it. So respect should be mutual here. Everybody aware that modders/scripters/mission builders are doing it for free but when you release something you should also respect the people who uses it because you might break their works as well. I also believe that most of the people doing such works are from IT community and have planning experience. When you plan a release, you need to be sure that key personals are reachable on release date with some buffer. It is obvious that a mod release will have unseen bugs (there isn't big testers around or?) so most likely after release in first 1-2 days you will see the critical impacts (because tons of people will start using it) and need to be ready to provide a hot fix. All other issues which comes after such time period are mostly not critical and can wait some days or even weeks and handled in stabilization phase after release.. That is my humble opinion so do not get upset. I respect all modders/scripters and mission makers and expect the same from them. I hope it is taken as a constructive criticism to increase the release qualities.
  6. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    And how to downgrade if you are using Steam? :) Maybe postponing the release due to absence of a key person could save everybody from such issues
  7. I bet you didn't run all dependent mods in server side. Check if they are all included and up to date. If that is not the issue, then you can check the RPT to see the error messages
  8. Devastator_cm

    Mission Presentation

    only solution is asking to RHS Team how they managed to set the picture or de-pbo it and look how they did :)
  9. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Is it possible to increase the aim when a unit uses rocket launchers? They have limited ammo and the rate of miss is very high by insurgents. It is ok if they use automatic rifles but by RPG they are becoming really no threat at all
  10. by me f-16c loader module is not setting the weapons anymore...
  11. Devastator_cm

    Mission Presentation

    nope. I gave up :) Somehow RHS guys managed to do it as their missions have pictures
  12. maybe because it is a game and not real life? Would you like to do 30 minutes CPR to revive someone at Arma?
  13. ASR AI 3 removes the NV googles if it is not dark that is its feature
  14. Hi All, I just wondered and wanted to ask if there is any agreed scaling system between mod makers for air warfare? As we all know the maps of Arma 3 are huge compared to other games but if you consider operations which involves aircrafts then some things get still messy. 1- Speed 2- Acceleration/Deceleration 3- Range are the points which I beleive should not be based on real world values for modders but adjusted to some value which makes sense and I beleive this is what the modders are doing already otherwise we would be able to hit an enemy aircraft which is at one side of the map with AIM-120 from another side in some seconds. My question is, without having an agreed scaling system how the modders can guarantee their mods are playable together with other mods? Example, Mod with SAM is scaled down in order not to make whole Altis no-fly zone (i.e. SA-2) by developers own feeling. Now if I put a F-16 into my mission where another developer made some scaling down by his/her own feeling as well, then the realism factor can fade away easily if one of the vehicle is nerfed too much. It might end up with SA-2 (assuming active radar all the time) can shot down F-16 easily even though F-16 is loaded with AGM-88 if scaling is not done based on agreed coefficients. So why not modders and also BI not agree on a scaling system for air warfare to make them all work together in a meaningfull manner? For example, real world accelerations need to be multiplied by X, max speed should be multiplied with Y and Range should be with Z based on average map sizes for all aircrafts (fixed, rotary) and AA units (missiles, vehicles, manpads)? just an idea.. don't laugh :)
  15. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    is it not also possible just to get the fixed pbo somehow, so we can overwrite the broken one? I assume only cba_common.pbo is fixed..
  16. Devastator_cm

    Community AirWarfare Scaling System

    Unfortunately this post didn't get enough attention from mod makers... Would be nice if they could really think about such scaling system so different mods based on real life could work with each other smoothly in Arma maps
  17. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    Thanks for fast fix. Will there be an official release today?
  18. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    hmm looks like Alive has the same problem like me. Waypoint.sqf is not working anymore I think
  19. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    I am having problem with CBA patrol as can be seen in picture http://i63.tinypic.com/30uutzt.jpg [a, a, 150, 7, "MOVE", "SAFE", "YELLOW", "LIMITED", "LINE", "a call CBA_fnc_searchNearby", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; "a" is the group in this code. What am I doing wrong?
  20. damn *blushes* Lesson 1- do not open too much tabs
  21. Devastator_cm

    Ultra Simple Patrol Script

    please show how your trigger was setuped including the call
  22. Devastator_cm

    Ultra Simple Patrol Script

    did you try putting the script call into the trigger?